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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 3 Oct 2012, p. 5

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WWW. ., ~ Oath-3.30120. No need forwaterexpert says city ~, [mu an: I "insults!!! ‘ minimums undergroundtunneling. limit the impact on the tax ’ ”TE! “Y. i m A. m ‘ 3m " ’ , â€"â€"â€"SL“LC’"°""“ “W" “W" W" 5"“ ””- "’-‘P“““°" . union sou mm a m In review of projects and makâ€" of effort is something we ’ _ ,. _ , ‘ espite a recent ing sure we catch those kinds strive to avoid at all costs.” “a“flIIWIWmflflw $l.5-million cost over- of things earlier in the like Hewitson, Freeman 't J :dhthbwflH-fib- .. ~ run with a major pmcecssotheydon’t become doesn't believe more staff at ~ “5 h b.“ . ‘ in uptown sewer project. the a surprise near the end.” said the city would have prevent- ' ‘ ' city‘s director of capital proi- llewitson. ed the cost ovemm. m m k m h the M nth -â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" eds and services contends the The city has already paid “You really don't know " “ i “‘0 PM“ Hidden I" "‘0 Mill 045 _____.____ city does not need its own about $27,500 in consulting what you're going tlo membrane... in tit-Wig ad: hydnwiogiarl expert. fees to complete geotechni- encounter until you actual y s , (“I hidd‘ln talcum: . “For the number of pro} cal studies of the area. get down there and do the at _ -‘- In“: B in“. ad. W . . ects that we need expertise including soil and ground- work.” she said. “There are - 1;.» , *- ‘ y W , on. it's more efficient to hirea water testing and associated inputs into the subsurface 3 V;1-.’:.;__’_,,.._ Mt â€"â€"~â€"\â€"‘â€"-â€"-â€" “i â€"â€" consultant." said Phil llewit< lab work. llewitson said by water system that are some- ‘,1.:3’:’:“:1‘“’T . , WV. _. _‘ 5'»: I. ‘ _ . _ . 4 >9. . . 5': we: wnlastweekinanintewiew. the end of the project the times hard to predict and ' "‘“'_.._.- I" luludropyourbelotb: .. hie (Iity of Waterloo has total could rise to $57,000. having a hydrogeologist on ‘ ~ - no dedicated hydrogeologi~ A proposed block plan stafiwould not have changed " d ~ _ to d » a combination of regional the lirbsville south area of Coun. Karen Scian, Winnervnlba " ' ' ' ' ' "dam '9 ”on ”'5‘“ :3: '- expertise and private con- the city was also deferred in finance committee chair. sultants instead. August amid concerns that agreed with Hewitson and The region is responsible the environmental study Freeman, but said the city for the management of the staflrelied on wasoutdated. must continue to keepaneye _ .. t .9, water supply in Waterloo. Hewitson said having a forward to anticipate new g}? fig?” liewitson added. while the hydrogeologist on staff likely trends and challenges when f’ . - city is in chargeof delivery. would not have sped up that it comes to water, ‘particu- ‘ I On Sept. 17. llewitson process either, and the report larly as we deal with lntensi- 3’3 appeared before council to was brouyit back to council fication and the realities of . . “a ' m request an additional $1.5 on Mondayevening. ‘ peeling away the layers ofa L | F E .0"? A “a? 5 million to complete the Lau- Coun. Diane Freeman, Iargelyindustxialhistory' . J” , “ a; “j,” rel uptown sanitary sewer, who studied civil engineer. Freeman, though. has “Lama“... . ' "“w'" The SS-million project ran ing at the University of faidiinstaiftoevaluatewhen you] ,po‘a ryuur way into unexpected problems Waterloo and raised con- the hydrogeology services when the amount of con- cents about the terms ofref- offered by the region and taminated groundwater and erence for the Erbsville study. outside consultants are no ‘ soilexceededexpectations said thecityandregion strive longer cost-effective. ‘l'm DESIGN YOUR OWN SOFA! That discovery forced to avoid duplication confident that staff would workers to switch from ”That happens to be one trigger the question of LOVESEAT on SECTIONAL open-trench digging to a ofthewaystheCityofWater- whetherwe should have in- more expensive form of loo works with the Region to hmseexpufise'sliesaid. .‘ ‘ 1‘ , , .2. “ i9: ~ . > ‘ a i * g J, 3 4 ~ ". b. i . .t K s , L x , . Amy; m7 1 ' y .7/,.. »///,/,,/H C M) . H . r ‘ "‘9' «g f"??- :3. - ’ ‘ ‘ rm ‘, g 1%» . | H E E E5 I VALU E F0 R , . mew ‘ YOUR HEAL! Hl ’- ’3 .‘ W .5 . . s g ' _ . 3‘ .I ‘ » ‘ N c‘ concave-am ' = 1 ‘2 ~ 5 ‘ l..- .- ‘ . , an . » . , ; ’ ' ’ Vi ’ .W'y’ ..,._,-‘ _ ,_,. _, L‘ . a.» y ,, ' 1&2." a» Q ' ~ tot-any...“ lone-omen. Innocent-hear ‘v :"3 :9 Wk . ~ " , AmmmhMth-v KettleBell Training Yoga 8: Prlates & A A A OVER 200 CLASSES WEEKLY. ”3% war-5;. Bringnnthis couponfora... " it} a; “my-5 'â€" ' Expires g , . ‘ . . 9 I t, \‘11'ilf‘l7‘ .1 ”iv/x . cf. 3 i 20 12 . ' [-121

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