“lawman-macaw 26,20I2- ls Pet pro j ect O O O O O 0 BeechmountAmmal Hospltal offering alternative medicine treatments Bv Boame is: f 5; , ' ‘ , ti it for their pets†W __ chronicleSiafl a“ . f _ . - M; . ,. is, . Anderson said the pets respond well to gig “i; 5,21“ i ' fl ~ . " the treatment and don't flinch with the use ocal pet owners have started to ask f ,. . " of needles to get circulation working again, I why their animals can't have the same 3ng M7. “ . ' or adjustments that help with backs, legs access to alternative medicine like A?» ‘ ’ L . it; if“ and hips. acupuncture. Chinese herbal remedies and Q ' ‘ 4}; 155 "it really helps the agility dogs and dog the more widespread chiropractor services ‘ .. ’ at that are involved in sports.’ said Anderson, they themselves enjoy. ; about the adjustments she offers. “Some If it works for them on some level. surely ~ if pets with arthritis. it helps maintain their the beneï¬ts could also be shared with family mobility and keeps them comfortable pets suffering with symptoms of arthritis or . é; “With acupuncture. you can use it to other debilitating disorders? t? _ i treat certain illnesses and improve the quali- The staff at Beechmount Animal Hospi- , l" ty of life. And with that goes traditional Chi- ral. offering traditional veterinary services if , “ new medicine, which tries to get the body to ‘ since 1981. started wondering the same “f ' . heal itself, whereas with regular medicine thing. “‘ ‘"‘ we’re treating the symptom†‘We have an opportunity here to provide *’ ’ v That doesn’t mean she doesn't practice a more complete service to our clients.“ said sh“ it“ traditional techniques. She said it takes a Dr. Grant Boa. senior veterinarian at Beech- ‘ "5 combination of both to get the right out- mount located at 355 Fri) St. w.. that started comes and each animal responds to treat- providing those services last week. “People merit in different ways. are interested in alternative forms of thera- “You need to integrate all of it.“ said py. We hear that vimially every day.“ Anderson. â€You don't do one exclusively or Boa. who took over the clinic in 1984, ’ the other." was panicularly intrigued when he met a Anderson said her inspiration to get colleague named Dr. Kirsten Anderson. who involved with alternative treatments for pets was providing animal certiï¬ed alternative » began with her own dog about 20 years ago. therapies to some of the horses Boa keeps There were few answers to what ailed her on his farm. The horses weren't responding . from the traditional sources, so she looked to some of the traditional medical :. fl. , intoaltemative treatments. approaches he was using, but thrived under " r .' "They were able to give her some decent Anderson‘s altemativecare quality of life for a few more years,†said “it was amazing.†said Boa. "I can't rm, in Anderson. “i decided to go back to school explain it. but the work she was doing really ~’ M“ and back to vet school with the intention of made a diderenoe." g }: w to . doing alternative therapies.’ The clincher for him was when a neigh- Ii ' Anderson said she's seen the same out- bour brought over his Doberman. who was r, » , comes irl dogs, cats and horses she's treated. suffering from inflamed lymph nodes and i . She's also added cold-laser treatment if a pet struggling with the late stages of cancer. The , ; fl ,, doesn't respond to traditional acupuncture. dog's owner only wanted the best quality of fl ‘-. "i recently treated a dog for seizures and life for his dog and traditional chemotherapy mi _ 3 the seizures have stopped,’ said Anderson. was sapping his pet of its pemonality. ° " ~ ‘ “it‘s helped with urinary issues, some canâ€" A regiment of herbal medicine reduced wand neurological problems the swelling and returned the much‘loved ‘ "it‘s really been a range ofthinga.’ family friend to a state itwas beforethe ill- mommammmmmmunwoamwm Dr. Anderson isthe only certiï¬ed indi- ness cine and chiropractic services for pets in distress at Waterloo“: leochmount Animal Hospital. vidual available in the area for such treat It prompted Boa to invite Anderson. who â€mm l'rierlta graduatedfromtheOntarioVeterinaryCol- "We‘reveryfortunatetohaveanindivid- lastweekandlsonsitethreedaysaweek. 'Weoflertndltionalmadicinaandthis lege at the University oqueiph in 2007. ualwhoisagraduateofvetennarymedicine Shehasalreadyaeenasteadystreamofpets ‘dtoicetogtvepeopleamorecompletemlge toioinBeechmountasanassociate.Sheis whohasbeeninpnctioeforabtmtflveyears dutcouldbenefltï¬omhetspedalintion. fofopflun'uldlioa'lt‘smeanttobecom- certiï¬ed by the College of Animal Chiroprac- now. but her passion is alternative medi- “A lot of the clients interested ln the aerv- plementary. and we get better results by tors and recently completed 220 hours of cine." said Boa. "I think she has enough we ices have had the treatments themselves. doingthetwotopther.’ training in veterinary acupuncture through dentials and letters behind her name that whether it's acupuncture or chiropractic.’ For more information visit the International Veterinary Acupuncture she can be the complete package.†said Anderson. “1! them had good wetness mbeechnunmtarlhospca orcall 519-888- Society. Andersonbeganherpnctlceattheclinic Mulitdiemselvegdienthey’reintetestadln 65m. . rt“ , DR. TIM SEllllER - DR. DOUG JONES ' _ / tothTo-a . <» DENTISTR y Id d '| \ /~/ Olll' WOI' nee 3 your 5m! e. f . . . ' ' Ii - ' - 3 s M ' t E w I r H t 0 N r | D E N (E a} mvrsollgn' Call'for. your free inwsa -gn consultation the mvnsrbla way to straighten your teeth. Complete Dental Care ACCEPHNG NEW PATH-Nils