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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 11 Jul 2012, p. 7

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WmDOQImCIE'WBdlMIyJHIyILNIZ'7 ‘, »; QQBKMqu 455 KING STREET NORTH, WATERLoo - 51 9-884-51 1 o ‘ . (7154 WWW.PARKWAYFORDL|NCOLN.COM _/ ,V,_________“ ' . “3. . ‘ 555553953031 £53554???“ ,/‘â€"â€"-\ : " a g s \ . . C r rrrn/ l Eggsfiggsiiggii « ""s i 33 3! g I v ,. ‘ S ' llllifigiflg e “ g E F L I g‘sgéfhishf z ’ a 5, , . , riflfggsiiziii 1 .\ supp”, is ‘let'jttji‘l’ '. WP, 2?ng ”a fig; ', ~ I ; ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ lygrggggggg \ l 1, | ,. w r. , . w “Wit, PLUS iséggsiihii“ j t ‘ t as mfifi ‘1 ~a , “fir x “a. , , aggt gsgggeg 5 '\~- " ‘ ‘ " V‘ fi'lflnri 5 gift: «£5 1 t . 7 k ' E Q 21-5 “3 r §§§§g§Eg§§gie3 > 5, 2; , I“; .) égjglfiigfiifv Todd Joyee puts some rivets in place ' > , "”“ 3&5 g f §8§§§§E§§ during ongomg (onstruction at the Fug? yifil & Campus Coon strip mall last Thurs» 3 P a héf‘k‘g a"! da. 5 5533 £55? v SHARE OUR PRIDE enters a; g; gig I SHARE OUR PRICE ii“ - 93333 " ? '-" settlement “a l iiitf’gggiiiigig - A~ , a. are caused delay â€"~ -\\ r i â€" â€"»- a , gifisiiijsiégé - 5 ~- flvfi,‘.:..,.w.m, A \ -’?1\.."'P‘". W “” 1 “Qty.“ ‘géflisgsgglzaigk (ondnuedfmmpagel « \ ' ' M A ~ - Q - ggggifllt “in“ With the threat of litigation ,< /| i f l n _ w w I ggz‘;§’§}5;§§§ I timing, th- pre, id int aid the . K" â€"~ 7 ‘ ‘3 ‘ ' a ~ ' "*“â€"-» "Iii I . E ' ‘ its” ”5 iiisurzinu- l'l):ll[)illl; uppedbits offer i \£\ __ _\/3d _ , g â€" _’ ~'.{' A l 5353? gsgéglgi to about $2.8 million. meaning his v - b E“ §§5E§5.§§3‘§§ company must pay the $200,000 ! WWW" ' ' . ggiihsi‘gfiglggg d”:":"'|“‘;"gli‘l’jz’t‘lwk‘au m nt i WELL-EQUlPPED 2012 “USESEDAN WELL-EQUlPPED 2012 HSTASEHATCHBACK l iglgggigggggfié l('U(C (‘5 e C 5 “hâ€" â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"._ ' TH“, 5500000 to cover the first year of NO MONEY DOWN' W No MONEY DOWN w ‘ £35133 gzifigéfigié lost rent hut nothing for the past H “- mm t m 23:62? 3555225? a . avsnabzrggzs amm- £593@4.9929 new... iéitéigizfééigi t L istoinpany s Indlltldv wamlvmum {aura-“0mm mmymum Gunman-em S," a a“??? losses, Seko said the real tragedy ol __,-,, 4 “WWW a ”fish v . “A-,,,~_,_i man-mama! égigflgé; Rig! the fire was the lost business and WWW jg d MWEI WW‘:$ dung-mam, a“ 55“ Mia employment opportunities for the MG mm Q‘fim imp..." £53331» 5; shops destroyed in the blaze At the Mumps“ 6mm ' Stimulus-mm ' “Mk" gigggigflsggiq’ tim ' of the fir *. th “r - were , ix t m» ‘ i ‘ “mu : " , ' in"; and one Jeremie; in the hialll. $17,848 5 $2... 514878 i tun-Veran- gEgSEgglggggg 53 "I think everyone lost signilir mm“ “WWW “my. isdy-mb Eligiggg a! l§§ randy." Sela) said. “lhe tenants had ‘ £5~11~Lfr at} dwr-n- if? i ' ihfil'w- is}? is SE)! two-rind it hallyeiirs wiped out l“ Amt-MW if; 03 ~ " M 2“ iii 5p; gig from their business lite." '" i “r f -' ' “ immun- f M - dun-ammun- ggiiggi E5213 12 With ft ‘ti 1 i l-r» - ' , a. way, Selto‘it‘htirp‘py (It): sa;):\':rl_\]l‘t:tit' mmmu-uu-(n mm. Symon, An u. can mam. Stow-«1M Only-o shy-um. r.. ' fig, gigfiggzggg of the “realities has been filled at M" “w" “mm“ "“”'°"""‘°"""‘*“°'° "99 W'"‘°“"°'°’"°‘° "’°""°°"“°"""‘-""" “MW" is‘gE'jxgg {if}; the popular Im‘ation, with just one Egzflfiiésgggsgx business left to sign a formal rental . , {£13543 [rig . -n -ment ' s- ' i it. stun also said the return of two ‘u v f , t " ' ' . 225; Ski 3&5; popular businesses destroyed in "8 ¢ 1. ft. * f . ‘g Sggaii “ft the fire. Mel's Diner and Mr. Sushi. ‘ (5 t ’ t j\' ' ." ngggggjgiggg shoul I help juvennt rthe area and . x " s." ., if ‘ A u- "' ,. , , l : improve hufiness at‘other estab- 1 ‘ v ‘f ' ”W‘- t SO FAR OVER lgghiifigia‘ in; lishments not destroyedinthe fire. ‘ é ' h f” b it; “gt-1451? , ~lhe plaza seemed to he in a ‘ ' 6 GA : 3 2 4 o I if“ Jigs? é doldrums and was a big expanse of 3 ’ i ‘H’ v‘ I i“ ife“. gnjséf‘ wasteland," said Seko ofthe empty "‘ .- .’ ' Sgig i “3 lot. “lt'saveryhigh-demnnd area i 5‘ N " “ CANADIANS HAVE SHARED "E lug £4535 with the student population and j ’ OUR pp”); AND cup PRICE !!§l=5!!. “gig l'mgladwecangetthisupandmnA ; i 5m“ N 5 ghinlgfigi i; fling," _ ‘ ‘ a .' J , Other new husrnesses will i {flinuilgflig include an Italian sandwich shop l ‘ T ,/ and a Bank of Nova Scotia kiosk. ‘ «(M)» a M5605“ mwmwm'm wvouusupwnz PRlCE ANDCHANC! 70 was com momma... businesses one" m "m for the fa" 1 AT roam on You: ammo mo more room. l man I Mme-m, we when students return to class. i ‘ 7 A, VfimA‘W ‘ __ ____ “WMâ€"“W . , ,

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