i } a-warenwouramatza-wnanau-y. mum: mm". It recommendationa to try and forqdktslliyearaolageorolder Wmmmmnqg partiallaraapembtnthiaonewaa “ prevent future cycliat deaths. inOntario lane: an part dthe vary compreheruive and we were It was little consolation for lnduding the adoption of a “corn- Caron was “quite impressed“ of uh Street a one example. as really encouraged by this." said Caron who is looking for better plete streeta' approach to city with moat of the recommenda- well as the afloat dorm to pave Peter Walhe a member of the safeguards for local cyclists. planning. the development of a horn spelled out in the report. rural road Mulder; Waterloo CyZï¬lng Club's board of ï¬re coroner's report. released provincial cycling plan. the estab- 'I thought It war very thor- 'lt'a deï¬nitely a move in the directors. notingthat everyonehaa lune is. examined the deatha of liahment of a one-meter parsing onyx." the said. Mn to build a more balanced a role in sharing the roads. not just 129 cyclists between January 2006 rule {or vehicles pauing cyclists After reviewing the recomrnen- transportation ayatem than we’ve cycihta anddriver: andDecernherZOiOandconciud- andachangeinthehighwaytnmc dadormtheileglonolWater-looia new in the paat.’ she noted. WhileCaronlepleaaedwlththe ed every one of those deatha was act mandating helmet: for all conï¬dent it in taking the mammary though she did acknowledge it will attention the report has received, .â€" preventable cydhta. atrideatomitigatecydingdeatha beanongoingatruggletocreate aheiaalaowaryoithepoaalbility in reaponae. the coroner leaned Currently. hdmeta are optional in the area. more apace for cyclists and can the recommendationa could get 'We have talked about a lot of alike on the already crowded lost in the shuffle in the coming . their finding: in (the report) mm months .9096 already.'eaidPaulaSawicki.aproj- Theregionheaahoutlmkiio- 'Theyneedtotakeitfurther. ectmanagerforWaterloo'aActive metreaotbikelaneaandahoutns “tenemhtnremmendaflona. ' :3: ‘nanaportadonMuterPlan.Mtlch mdwmmm andthey‘vehadrecommenthtlona aeekatomakeiteaaiertonotoniy haboaimingtotriplethenumber inthepastthattheywepingto .‘ UntilJuly3lst cydahutuaeotherfonnaoi’active oftripamadebyblcycleaoverthe apendalotmorernoneyoninfra- ‘ transportation to get around the nenZOyean. mandtbenltcomeadown ‘ radon Othercyclbtahavepraiaedthe tothebudptandthlnoptloat.’ SamantheCityoiWater- workofthetegloninttrikingabal- Thefuilreportiaavailableon loo haa already adopted a com- ance betweencydiata and can. the coroner's website, plete streets approach to design. 'A lot of reports focus solely on www.mjtnpttonca. 0 Region picks Bombardler for LRT trains : 31mm favour of adding their voice to mium we might pay for a small ' â€wallow ongoing negotiations between order.‘ said Thoma Schmidt. the ‘t Metrolinx. a provincial Crmm oor- region's transportation commis- egional ofï¬cials say they pontion that co-ordinates transit donor. ‘ Rhavenoiasuesg'lvingBom- eyuentsmOntarioandBom- PruvincialhtndingfortheLR'l‘ia , : bardiera special negotiating bardler. contingent on the trains being - Ch U i C h B U l I d 9’ windtuiorthe procurement of 14 By working with Metrolinx, Canadian-made to a certain 1 Mnnuamittralns. whichislookingtopurchasemore extentcomtcillorsspokeininvour I In fact. they say Bombardier is than 200 LRT vehiclea for Toronto's of the procurement approach. 1 , _ v theoniycmnpanyabletomeetthe systmtheregionexpectstogeta ‘I think this is a very wise ‘ Mennonite Savmgs region's speciï¬cations better price than if they were to move.†said Coon. Sean Strickland. m Credit Union ’ Councillors voted last week to order the 14 vehicles on their own. who said he liked its ability to meet ' Amwmm forgo a request for a proposal- ‘If we went out ourselves. it’s the Canadian content requirement WWW" I 519-7“-‘77° Wdhflimm based procurement process in hard to predict what type ofa pre- and cmtejobs in Ontario. 1 i i i Zellers pharmacies are closing, so stay in control of your prescription and choose Rexall. j l ) V V , RC Kc)†, $2.00 off your Ontario Drug Benefit Co-Pay ‘ i y l V: ‘ 1 y it 1 4'5 g a . 1 a)"; ' when you spend 325' or more on almost anything instore. . m...“ â€:Z'W'"_ "mam 585Webar swarm ' "mmzmmm-mr-‘m‘ WW qt ‘ ‘nï¬m_* hue-r- C-m-r‘nl-e-0a 519-746-7620 G ~._-.:"m-M:.:::‘_.'*~'.....~...‘ *2: mm. new to“ anmamâ€"__=a::.-_ “bum-W- “do“ ’ autumnâ€"non STORE COUPON IIIJAI-C'I MA Â¥_..~, , A ~~ * #7 I