I . 777 77 W ' mm-Mmismz-u 1 o g poc et aces \ esplte what some cable Brentistheonlyrnernberolthe namestillgneeaatopâ€"nomh hock- channels might have you group who left education and is ey tournament each December. think. poker I; not . , more selfless than a Buddhist Each month. we play High Odo-p so acolumnaboutitm nionLllowhe'ssurvlvedMenlng andPoker-lnointrlbutetothese n‘t may it here. to all the teacher-related Mousse never-to-be-forgotten pals. an I'm more W than the without complaint is beyond me. lohn and Tom will join Bill in off-set driver in my who; go let‘s Then spin. that'awhat mm retirement this month. with the 93%“. JohILBiflandBrianhaveplayed reatofussoontofollmAseduca‘ Don’t get me wrong. I love dealer's-choice with us for three tors. both have knocked it out of » pong, Love. love. an it. decades and still aren't sure of the the ballpark. to borrow a sports \ ! In “a, l belong rules. One night. phrase. Each has made huge con- to two groups. one with ntle-mahers of tributions locally while being rec- ls Sir lohn A. Mu:- ‘ the group absent. ognbed nationally. .‘ domqjmdwhk ()l’\!||l‘l "WWW lnlife.weallsearchforasafe 1 (heading from my ~ ‘ ‘ blind mice and a place to belong. This is a good 1 , ï¬rst school. Grand . guest had to surren- thing because Tom, an expert on ‘ ~. ,~. River Collegiate , g . der and settle for a trauma and threat assessment. will , "if Institute My moth- ‘ garneofno-limltGo tell you that not doing so is a ‘ ' er and her new hero. -. Phil. potentially dangerous thing. ‘ 0:.me » Howisthatlm lntltatregard.for30yearsnow, . if they ever saw sible when all I've been holding pocket was what we ingest are 8 quick study on I Moe-mm .. mam-mm ,.-----------.. 1 Both groups are ness to barbe- comPrised of so- BRIAN W I ‘ I I called cheap teach- mm That's easy. I I m .0 you mm be Because all three I Space at I-Iand‘I surprisedtoï¬ndoutthatmhavea arethereforthecamaraderiemot I; I $251lniiLYoumaybeshockedthat 019001“: IQ I ltwumorethan sio. (gals. a uranium at: big I Self-Storageâ€"Indoorwmdoor I (Apologiesto mypokerpalson 0 egroup. VS . 's Q mum the last Joke. but ifldldn't say it “W’WMWHWII I WWSISIORQE I Sewn I10 tirenDamawell-krmnï¬nandal you'ruboomerlikcme-Cnlslnd I‘BilsllleSSSpKEeIlldliSil‘U I g “P S P guru/friend, would have. He's were never at GRCI at the same I g I ReneeTrernblsyworksthebagdwinganopenhouseatVanderpool madeafortunetrashingouredu- time.butheooachesmysonsohe I (NEW-Prim“ I Fitness and Boxing my. The gym. headed by Waterloo Region cational frugality but I digress . . .) alone sets the brand-name | (0-09 Desks l Sports Hall of Famer Fitzroy "the Whlp' Vanderpool. held its wand Our Renegade will, will soon peanutswhen l'm hosting I § , ' opening earlier this month at its new location on Weber Street North celebmte30years ml“- Mike is the most well-read of | M W I inWaterloo.Formoreinformation,calltlngyvnat519â€"S77~7910. Mgamofmm-Mglmof theyoupandtherelbrethlnkshe‘s ï¬mmm_$hm passed 8“ A lot of interne banter the most Intelligent as well. He I a. . I Mthwtalotofï¬ltersAndalotof WW'RWMWWIO I W I B b k ° ’ 1 Thursday night laughter followed dispel this “Wm-WEI“ "0‘- I 656 Colby Din, I raves ac m W111 CO umn by some dubious lesson plans on MY- OUIBIOIIPIO‘IIWOSPWI'I I W WW I 5mm friends along the way. Ivan once I W | The KitchenerWaterioo Braves Recreation Complex. when they it's also been one of the crown PIIM on CID-flit national hock- | 5193â€â€ I got back into the win column on host the St. CatharinaAthletles at jewels In my treasure chest of eyteam HIS Wâ€! DIM still makes ' mmmmm ' Sunday during Ontario Lacrosse 8 pm. memories. “3 'the-best-damn-chlli-in-the- I Muhammadâ€. | , Association junior single-A league In Major Series Lacrosse. the (11] pause while the guys read- WOI’Id' annually to honour our ' I actioninBarrle. KWKodiakshostedthePeterbor‘ matey-haw) groupandherlatehusband. Clipadfor Kyle Jackson and Dhane Smith ough [alters on Tuesday night at Speakingof'l'V doctors, l'm sure III)! W" I football-coachin' I FREE Mala Specials I scored four goals each as the the Waterloo Memorial Recreation Dr. Phllwouldhaveafleld dayana- clgar-smokin’ man's man. Hi8 I W I Bram (Wilma frombehindin Complex. The result of the game lyringthisgroup. L_â€"â€"____-___.l the third period to secure a â€~10 came after the Chronicle’s dead- First. there‘slbm. our alpha dog victory over the host Barrie line and unofï¬cial leader. Not became 90%“ lakeahores The Kodlaks' next homegame is he really is but allowing him to o ‘ The Braves' next home game is against the Six Nations Chiefs on thinksokeepshimout of therapy. saltâ€"wh- ‘ Thursday at the Waterloo Memorial lune 19 at 8 pm. Tom is a counsellor. “*"M 1 Until July Slst £9 G “R Share Tuesday. June new at 4:3) p.m. Recycle can Fmport Site. 3570 King sum East . LearnabomGRH'saooompliahmentshtheputyearJndï¬ndOtnmomhom Church BLillder . . “I, GRH'sreglondrendprogmn.Spadtwithlocalexpertsonklmeyheonhw ' l tour Freeport's satellite dialysis facilty. ".m'flrfl FormmnationabommameetingortoRSVRpleasecontact fl Mennonite Savings v mmuswua-mutmaW N MGM“ Um tmmmm .. «nu . . l. ...: M H W Wm“ wumwmm mlan‘6Jm mdflmm ww,‘ ;_ ‘7 . , ,A