WWOMMIL'WH ' 0 BOTOX 0 WEIGHT LOSS ' LASER HAIR REMOVAL ' LASER TATTOO REMOVAL Q i. A I“ - ‘ ( , . 5 TRIED EVERYTHING FOR . it ‘ M ; 5 EXCESSIVE SWEATING? a . ‘ ' a: E c Excessive is knownas ltatfects "lately as ‘ 74 ’ at W our use body _ : andsufferershavemnt to'justllvewitg‘lrfninnomorel ; . Wmm°i"“""""‘"m'°‘d'°"“" W DrTakha fDerr' CosmeticCIi' i Cambridgghassomewordsof -i i .7 , Umbrella Cockatoo available f“ m“ i" 2 advice for"th sufafehnsg from this czkidlgion. Wynn-tel; there are new 5 a , ., Q . _ the x-w Humane Society. lneed a special home 4 options available for treatment.“ says Dr. Takhar. who lee no one should 0 ‘ v, , {T x, / that is well-suited to meet my special needs. I - have to suffer the embarrassing social, emotional and physical effects of this . ' Q l . . _ really likel to says? mqme, and enjloy fl disorder. 5 _‘ T “a 5'"9'"9 ‘ “B W' m "U†l W "99 0 There are several w to treat hyperhydrosls. Traditional doctors have used ‘ . cagedutwillgowithrnewhenigetadopted. : topical newnentsmi-perspirmtslwhkhworktoanlibdermdmln r; Comevisltmeatzso Riverbend Dr.. in Kitchen- I “(mm havelremoveddiesweatglandsorthenerves rig § : - er. of call 5194455515 0 to the 91 Luckily there is a less invasive available. Therapeut > t y s 7 mm†1 note: injections. ' l " " 3 Dr.1'takharhasmb'e‘eirtidirtydt'isitecectttniquefo‘rnseveralyemnom‘andhashs'd 2 y 0 easuccen' .' ewn ‘onscan a 's' 'states. ' ° . w “khan ‘Many people do not realize how debl'llritatirigwtziolzicondltion can be 2 } 1 up ma 8 an tr 8 â€â€" for some. They have to be conscious of their sweating when makinghdecisions if; 2 about daily activities. clothes to wear...sweatir_ig hands can give t e wrong 0 BYPAIGE Dim!) with the city, said the city's New sidewalks the city Q ‘Wï¬mm both personal “MM“ situations. ; (fhmmrle Staff transportation and trails planned to constmct includ- 3 Dr. Takhar uses a simple tedinique which takes minutes to perform and the . advisory committee was pri- ed Devin Avenue South from " effects last for over a yealr. Because the injections are done with a very ï¬ne 2 he City of Waterloo oritizing its trail projects Allen Street to Erb Street ; neede. itisvirtualypain e“ I will spend nearly $20 with sections of the Trans (west side) in 2012. Randall 2 Sideeï¬ectsareextremely rare and temporary. This treatment issafe, approved “2 million through 2014 Canada Trail taking up the Drive from Weber Street to m by Health C73“ and ‘5 covered by most Willie plans. 00 “it cost can be â€"4 to build and improve side top three spots of seven. Conrad Place (north side) in 5 "W m‘"""‘" 6 walks, trails and roads in the “Staff is shifting their 2013 and Frobisher Drive “4 "Patients cannot believe how such a simpl'e‘gocedure can relive such {long- in city. thinking towards a facility- from McMurray Road to § itanmflghpzw'ep; 53K: °'~ 2:31!- in? {hmï¬mmt’eflvgfaf’mm “1†Monday, council based implementation phi- Bridge Street (north side) in L; frhgr’rlimmerseyotawearinzvsev'veaterlsstorehaimeirupro’gla. 5° emse ,.. approved the funding for losophy â€"- treating the TC!" 2014. 2 _ . _ , . ' 5 20112013 and 2014. as a single facility rather Conn. Melissa Durrell ; gore <ompgienwvslon£ahat~03 anghmre information on Hypethd'osis call m Coun. Diane Fri-entail than many trail segments.†said public engagement 4 19'653'“ “cm" ‘ y at no â€09m" corn f said the trail work « most of he said. ‘The advantage of would be important. g g which will focus on the this philosophy aligns more “Not everyone wants .,~ : J'- \ a", ' Trans Canada Trail in 2012 with how users experience a sidewalks." Dtmell said. u DR T AK H AR' 5 ~~ z â€" would helpWatcrloo keep route." » Phil Hewitson. director of § ( : ( : - 2 up its cyclist-friendly repti- Coun. Diane Freeman transportation services. said as OSMETIC LlN'C O tation. said a change in thinking aflected residents would be 5 < ~ "To maintain our bicycle» towards supporting com- notiï¬ed of proposed side- X www.drtakhar.com 5196534490 2 friendly community status muter cyclists. accessibility walk work and neighbour f y I _ ; . we have to reapply." Free- of bike racks and accommnA hood meetings would be WAOWB†001A“ 835V} ' “MOW“ â€NH 839†° “01 LHDBM ' “MOS man said. “If we want to dating cyclists during con- held togetfeedback. “I“ have a go for gold. these are siruction would be impor- Roadwork scheduled for t , ETAâ€"7m _ . really important invcsi- tam. . 20 l2 included resurfacing TVA] ERL O C ONICLE n, alumys somethlngNew,’ ments" - As the city continues to on Meadowdale Road from Bike rack and pedestrian develop its trail network. Lexington Road to Running , » refuge island installations 1042 km of already estab~ Brook Place. Benjamin Road ' would also be part of the lished city roads would be from Westmount Road to projects. mamped through 2014 and Weber Street and Parkside _ . ' _ , .Q__ ,. John Griffin. t-nviron- 7.7 km of sidewalk would drive from Weber Street to v . i ' ‘ menial project manager either he built afï¬xed up. Nonhfield Drive. ~;\ _\ (f q‘ - ~-\,»-_ _,. Fa ‘. > a; 5 r.\... , ' Qt ‘ INDIAN RIVER DIRECT “a f - " “i , \‘ , “if y ‘ CITRUS TRUCKLOADSALE , y Q; t ' .. "mummlomun-lzmioon _ ‘ .' --_, St. Jacobs Antiques Market - . Q my?“ . ' . - saucer“ ~" e W“ ‘ .. Foulnatlngnewfactsawaltreadenofall Mmmmszoayearto », Q amfl'iiflushfl-VJ- 7“ ~., ., mfromsdtooldiudnnwtirorltingmen supportyourflonntownflewspeper.“ l .. .. . .. - er!" he it? andwornenendsenlorglnthepageso' mutatactsrighttoyoindoormry " mCommuriltyNowspaper Wednesday. 1 fl * a s t . . . 7 l m % m f, Contribute to the Waterloo Chromcle! 1 ' a I . I ‘ \ \ ‘ Q. g ll'dltetomiiliiitihtolllelllaeilooClmnlde! : = l OPleaselindadiequelornï¬.00endosedloralyeatoomibution. l N “ > . I'd like to pay hi 0 VISA 0 mama = l 4: | Card#:__________ Exp. Date:_________ z ' I . -g = Signature: _____________________________ = 3- I Name: ,_________________________ i , _ _,; ,.-_ . H i _ i lhecommumlyplayerscom _______ =Address. = iCity: _. _ . __ PostalCode:â€"â€" Phone#:.______l a---.._-...____--.--_----------.._-_â€"_____--a ""““" '~“‘" a“ ' ' pa Hulaâ€"â€" For mot ' formation : l ' a h? s 7524 7 7 m, mm“ 0mm,“ V\ A PERL )O CllRON [CLE 1 80° TC? unï¬t-n: Stem-mount “Sim 279 Weber St. N, Suite 20. Waterloo, ON N21 3m; . nix. f ï¬fg‘râ€"fï¬iffifl "f.“t-"i? «hf-r†« , 5.x,†, . _ 4, r t - .