, . ta-wareamom- . . razor: l r t. n We w " ' Red Condos takin3 City to OMB li‘i'tichiOL) ON N'ZJ 3H8 , g 0 kl d d I. ï¬on f KW Foot 519-884-4200 a ' Q?†numb-mu "A payment in the beenpaidaspartofabuild- k f ' > ‘ Gimmfl amount of $147,679.89 was ing permit for a previous W 00 -com 1 - , ' it? ‘ made under protest on Dec. development plan at 188 1 _ g 7 , . v ,_ ‘ .~ omentum Devel- 24, 2011.‘ Maxwell said in a KlngStS. -' l l.†ï¬rm ,'. L '. ' r" ‘ opmenta. known letter. The developer paid ~ , for its Red Condo Momentum said three $5,270.44 as part of the third . project. will face off with the credits were not applied credit. l ‘» Are you “Nd or heel pain? City of Waterloo at the when the city calculated the The City of Waterloo Heel pm is one of the meet common reasons for . vim to our can“; It ï¬st-43mm in both Ontario Municipal Board parkland fees due. The cred- authorized its city solicitor adults and kids and it can be present on the bottom ofthe heel on the back or on the side. over fees its induded' Monday to oppose the me, , pen-0d of inactivity mph. an. use, m get cum and “an doing a h. more physical In documents provided 0 credit for an existing Momentum. appeal and . mimics which can result in injuries and in discomfort to the city and the OMB. rental unit that was demol- present the City’s case at the 6 ‘ There could be a lot of reasons for heel pain but the most common causes are related to m will; agent for the ished edi f 500 that? Migwnnothfci , faulty fool biomechanlcs( ie.flal and high arched feet). irritation/inflammation ofthe heel mm Emma emf: 3 ‘ac"; thicqug‘s‘ said it Nun's 8:2 motto? i tissue. sprains. strains or as a result of tarsal tunnel syndrome. irritation of the plantar . . King ' " p p . . ‘ f . , . . the city did not properly demolished Momentum's appeal ls frrvo~ . ascra. caicaneal stress fracture and calcaneai apophysrtis (mostly kids). Therefore. a proper lY credits to the d . I' t for B residential Ions and tious. assessment is necessary to diagnose the problem and establish a treatment plan. We should app . p all:lan . . . . " Brut . k . . . , dedication fees paid by the units for which cashttn-lieu Ahearingla scheduled for eep in trund that symptoms are resolved much quicker if the treatment is offered as early . t . developer. of parkland had already AprilZO. as possible. preventing further damage to the tissue. . We offer a unique treatment protocol for heel pain which is exclusive to 1 al 11 po i M... W. t a...“ mum r... m... Water 00 R on P0 cc re rt , tailored according to the patient and it is speciï¬cally designed to d 0 d ï¬ 0 f cure and prevent the retum of the problem. We have incorporated 1110 est operatlllg e Clt or 20 l 1 as?! IaseLtzchnu‘ 81 in our treatment plans in order to “New 87mm The main factor con- an environment dictated by 1 If For; m 3 ti ho Ml . h f Fortthhmnlde tributing to the net over emergent demand for serv- youn "cons ." on“ m ,pa'"°â€"y°' °' 0°! expenditurewasovertimeat ioescontinuedtobeachal- l 00mm!†You a“ “1h" call or email “3 _ Te‘Waterlm Regional $1,426,192. lensing goal for staff and a ‘ Z. ant-f no "ï¬nal tank!“ , Police Service reported “There are natural onsets matter generating continual ’ A ' Zr as ‘Q t. F. . L’ ‘ what was described as that are managed to (each discussion. i arfelu/et/ï¬eaM/ï¬hlu v y ' "0 » a “very modest" operating year). but what was higher The surplus in revenue : Z x i , . ~ ‘ deï¬cit ofSllZ.950for2011. than normal in 2011 was the for 2011 was attributed to i ; ,'r .. , “ t ' “1. f - lnhis report to the police overtime component,“ the sale of police services, 1 ~- “ " . - ’ , ‘ . services board-director of Steiner said. police records and checks i if)? . i f S . . ) administration and ï¬nance Overtime costs exceeded and one-time recovery of f “it; , - A A , 4 so. I Joseph Steiner said the over the budget in response to 020 and Ontario Provincial ~“""f‘?’f . 5°,†W .. ""' i , E allamountwas made up ofa demands for service Police operational expenses. ‘ ' 860.001.me ' . i ' $2,368.46 operating deï¬cit thro out the year. The overall deï¬cit represents ‘ s “at" i " ' and a 2,255,496 surplus in Steiner said managing 0.1 per cent of the overall , . ~ I revenue. overtime and court time in budgeted levy. I h 3 time for The Ralnwaier Harvest. Keatsway honoured with environmental award A perennial garden and ondary schools were the lie school in Waterloo and ' reflection nook. A shaded recipients of the 5500 Tim William G. Davis public sat" y, M" 28, 2 012 play area. A community veg- Walker Memorial Award for school. - ch _ etable garden. A courtyard Environmental Stewardship Secondary school win- 5 ea 7'30 a m to 3 m garden. for 2011/12. ners were Eastwood Colle- ' \ ' . ' ' . _ ' ' These four projects from The elementary school gi‘ate. Institute and Elmira 1 cash 0“ Y (wh'Ie quant'tles a“) two elementary and two sec- winners were Keatsway pubâ€" District Secondary School. ~ 3-†-"‘ ' Chatelaine A ‘ . .|.' r ' ' fl. . .>~ to! we,†Fma| Chance EVER Lighting's ; “1&8“, ~ (.hdtt.dmt lighting a ...'.~’ , . ' -‘ l t ‘5\ hi"! at, , M... ,- to get a ram barrel! 43m, c'esï¬gce “WW“- ' up“ 1 . 4 "c ». Anniverso _ . _ ‘ . Z I ’f'_‘A.~7 The Region ofW/arerloo it ‘ » 1. 411 W; l ‘i W] ‘ 5 5 a l ' dim-routing Rain Ban-elf at a _ 1 ft, , . i f rubudrzed cost of $40 (cash only). 50 1075 00"; r f f -" Purchase your Rain Barrel at _ I . . {i oncofthreclocations: 1D (i/)()({ /()()(//ll/", l ( 1()l)(/( (7/1512, ,. ~ ' j; t t t ‘ " -;§â€â€˜L‘ . ~ ::": Z Farrow Park Mall, Krtdnner . Q . w 7 . .~_ Comb-alga Centre Mall t. _ .â€" ,.. M my ‘ ‘ L; ,. , n .., . . ,. m (M r it . Qt -. . . . _ ‘ t: Conestoga Mall, ‘Vaterloo “if ' ~ , , . . ‘ Newllalle ._ Aw . 'l imih ,i'i -.., ..'.." . w... w my] RAIN BARREL Rum-2s . Z, 0 One per household maximum. 4 7 , j ' Waterloo Regen residents only L. I (proofofreasdency required). _‘ T w 0 First come, First served! ., 3-5 f“ , ‘ ‘ . Questions: 519-575-4021 1'le 519-575-4608 f. ’ f f. it‘lliiilllil‘. llii'i liril ml ‘.'.l.illfi Lt, - fl - N. Kimffl‘w'“ l t.. - “' can“ “hooi-oia-v-n ""‘.. ‘ __-â€"â€"__._______;.__.__ A, H 7, if“,