W“? I0-WATlelX)Cl|.)N1Cl£'w-dnudly. we to an: _ . l , Whom I!" of the bylaw said it w an attempt a r fairly lar families and seniors would be dependent on (he i; to keep students out of particular We w my m a who are “saying how the bylaw is results. but Hall previously told l place of origin â€" all of which are neighbourhoods. especially stu- bunch offatr large Mum rental boom" she the Chronicle individuals would _ protected under the Ontario dent-strong Northdale. â€I and m said. “We’ve also heard from a be able to ï¬le human rights com< ‘ Human Rights (lode. Landlords decried the bylaw. farm 133 . 33" "5 bunch orstngre. working people.“ plaints to the tribunal. while the 1 Young people, Hall said, could calling it a cash grab. while city who are say": how Over the course of the next few OHRC would also likely do the alsobe'rmpacted. councilsaiditwasaboutsafety. the law‘ ï¬n mmoumwmbeumn- nmeifthebylawwuï¬mndtobe Similar bylaws elsewhere and Bennett said along with tenants by , IS a . â€8 ing the feedback received and mandatory. . the one in Waterloo. had been crit- and landlords. there were some their rental housulg," would likely have a report pre- ‘We at the question end then ‘ 1 icized as people-zoning. surprises in the respondents. _ pend e-lyarmmer. Burnett said. so where mmbrmetion takes In Waterloos case. opponents We we heard from a bunch of mm'mwm ’ m The exact outcome and timing is. Bennett l 48th Amos Camden Federation at University Women mum-9.5mm ‘ , l i USED BOOK SALE , .49% i Also: Music 3. Movies BAY LEY 3, E - s YearTer-m ‘ FIRST UNITED CHURCH M â€an,“ , Cadeingdthlm.Wmorloo ' _ NOW ACCEPTING NE“ PATlENTS ‘ ff 1 > , e 1 ‘ FRIDAY, APRIL 20 . , t 1 c a SATURDAY, APRIL 21, i , « _ a; , 3) â€4PM . " eeï¬ ~ i - 1 Drop art books. sheet music. CDs. DVDs. . \\ A a , 1 ; 1 audio cassettes and Video games at ‘ ‘. {w A†/»',g n 1 21; First United Church Milne-1m D _ ii in; f p offâ€; ' â€Menu!“ 18 mum April 19 team) $21 1.1 7-1 “ ;â€"1 : ' ' 519088408594 , 1 Fin J ., jvjni A'JHD L__ ‘ ‘ M“F"t For donation information, call: “' m, ‘ 519-740-5249 ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 5 i“ t t _,_,,, ,, ,. c ,, , , _. ,,,,__,_4___._.____*______.___._._â€"_____â€".fâ€"â€"‘â€"â€"1 I E I ’ “some PADS ‘ i ‘ ‘ Q % 09504055 THE ' t 1 I urn-m ' A ‘ l 1 Y U R RI DE RENEWAL FOR YOUR BRAKES. I R K in NEVER BUY ANOTHER SET OF 3 ’ 3 â€f“ “M“ "em moronanr-‘r' BRAKE PADS on I a ‘ e < ‘ SHOES WITH OUR LIFETIME ' ‘ 1†my FOl'd to Fordâ€"trained WARRANTYI‘ ! __________.__._.___.__ . _ ‘ a ~~f»-A.»becauset know --â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" .' . 1 we; . ’ , "EV ._ ,‘ W$ 99" THERE 5 MORE TO IT THAN OIL AND A FILTER. 4 ml «if? ; iâ€, s 5, I j. _â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"_â€"_ 1 a}; s A a; ' . -Ford-Tralned Techniciansuslns wrenmmmwianv ‘ g f 1 V' 1 ’ W“ m Fad-MM“ mm ‘ i i , , » > the Works we save you up to a _ t i z ‘ ". r " ' ' -mnotatton . â€mhwflvfl" ; r r I 5d†7 A ‘F'H‘lL. . ‘ y'ï¬â€˜i":‘>§. ' I ‘ ; I l 1 yd?“ 14. > . E“ , cmmdwiermup-to-aa-m l~ 7 b '; of “Hz. * 4 ;"‘ W' . f i -' re; 5! t b '. “A; -»~;‘» . K A ‘ ‘ i l a ' * «g: , ~ - 4,“ ~ â€"â€"'â€"â€"â€"‘â€" a J t f}, â€at ,‘ ’k g .' Q l “at The Refresh Your Ride event “Dims April 301 2°12 " I I j 3: Q“ -' ~ 1 ' L was ,_ ï¬e, ' ® 1 ‘ 1 Trust the experts who know your Ford beet: Ford-Trained new 3 ‘ Formre detausandoftemseeyouServiceAdvisoror visit fordca Service 1 ‘ ema.Wane-nâ€"uwm-num-n-mh-ue-“ï¬n-â€ammnwan-m-ummww 1 ‘ mmwm-nâ€"m-m-nmnmmeu-emmnmm-uemuâ€"a-m- ‘ Q â€mmâ€"mmwmwm‘muummmwwmfl ‘ ‘ actnan-mâ€"nwmwmmmmmfl‘wwmuâ€"“ï¬mumï¬dw ‘ ‘ no... nâ€"“mâ€"aâ€"an-fleummmw f WMW‘rIuWUfl-mmrr-w-hrmmm mmm~mmmmnm-mmamm“mwï¬ â€˜ rename-m .._ ..._-_..._m.........__....-.vï¬ gewwï¬ ;