- mm-mmmnn-a [thinner-tour: Mlamwmmanmum- Wmu-ï¬uuw-m mammalian-award W318†ornmendationafmmthecltizena‘ budget mull-malady“ ltwaenipcbedtomde‘ltthroudlancther. ~ task force on an elllclency culture at city The dry recently ratiï¬ed an “emetic “Them pln; to be a Medium at hilethctï¬tyoiW-teriooloutsthe hall. widldtycanadhnllnkmolhlhlkflmplw- lorriepoint. Mannu'bu for succeaaofmostaflemciencypro- MlkeMaaeeharLchairolthetaakhrce eeaworketagranttncacombloedIZpay thebeatbutyouhavetoplanlortheworat.’ grams, the chair of the now- pmmiaed by Mayor tenth Halloran during increase through 2013. Taxea thia year defunct citizena‘ budget task force said it's her moat recent election campaign. raid the increased 2.2 per cent lrlclualve of a 1.07 Whom new aavecuh: miningthemark. dty'aeï¬or‘udon‘levmhltthetiponhelce- maul-eta the. , 11m Anderson, chief administrative ofï¬- head the dungeatleededatdtyhall. "It'a comm-t what we were - Biackllerrflr net! that need them oer. aald the city's staff optimization pro~ "may thunk] have dready hem doing a flying." Munch-n said. ‘People are Iivir‘ rathu'thanlob mmbundhetweensaooxxnandmzooo lotofthatetuï¬tobehoneat.’ Magreehan paydlequetorydleque. -lletterenviruurcmandmle \ insulting; to be redirected to new stallhirea and. “A: a tank lorce. our experiema b that “If aomet in; happens to the city'a Omnecardaayatemhaldlalc ‘ “The top priority positions (we need) the“ closest to the organization can not largest employer. heaven forbid. there’e 0 Capitd project: would be better coor- weteunfunded.’Andersonsaid."Wewant~ lindaiglmcantcoataaving mmbeabtothrulemplngupon dlnated _ ‘ edtoworkwithinoureristingresomcea ‘Thereneelttobeaaerlouslookatudng MMnenlOyeanlamtobealot ~Utillzetcdrnologhetter "Viletlmughlthalstali‘reallyneededtobe anoutside.independent.non-blaaeddllrd~ dillererndranthelaatlflyeau' thateanemployeetewarduyltemtor part of the solution." party. The goal is to ï¬nd meaningful and Waterloo largely escaped the record audience ï¬le project sought suggestions from stall true cost savings. with the benefit being unemployment rates teen in other cities OHire ln-houee lepl team ‘ on how to be more efï¬cient. many were paeaedorlto taxpayera' expectedtobeimplementcdwithinthenext llalloramwhotoldthefltronldethetaï¬ â€™ l8 months Others were referred back to the force would not be an ongoing advisory continuallmprvvemempmm committeeolcoundLaaidthetwoeï¬den- - The project went hand-in-hand with the cy programs reflected the CB‘I'F': neon:- city'a continual improvement process, "herniation; Miderltllledflszzwinsavingpthroush ‘lr’hverynewaaarytomethatwearenk- Whommfll‘henmnepwould insurerecorrlrnendationafrornthedtiaene’ - , aeeanintranetreportingaervicccreatedat btldgettaaktometolteam'llallomnadd. _ the city. allowing staff to continue to offer But Maueehan said the city completely - Wheat-Wm missed the task force's point and can not ' ~ Reports to council on both processes continue to raise urea. whk not provtdhg L t F E A 5 Waterloo CBC launch delayed m, WWW“, , A CBCMHddaydwhundlgtnaWrflb maï¬myvenanmiewolhow a" \ ,.' maimerloomtillate orearlyml3 Wan-melee] atllSmI- . ~ _ in the wake of federal funding cuts lion shortfall and additional ï¬nancial plu- DES|GN YOUR OWN SOFA Wirilastweek'sbudget. arreadratwilltaketlutnumbertommfl- ' The’lbronto Star reported the CBC will cut lion over the next threeyenra LOVESEAT on SECTIDNAL 650jobsovertlrenextthrecyearsinduding lnordertodealwiththcaedlallenpsCBC ' 475mmclllyearjnresponsetolastweck's willbeforcedtodelaythelaundloï¬ournew ’ J“. ‘ federalbudget.whichreducedfundingtothc localradiostatiomamlouncedpreviouelyae Va: ‘ publicbroadcasterbySllSml'llion. apartol‘itslncelServicektunioniniflative. " jail r ' , g """'1 wmunts _- é ' ' _ an» - novjr‘w' L var in; gt 7 / , ~ the followmg have won tlckets to ' t ' 4. l ' ‘ I f ‘ ' Harvey ‘ q Werner Dybowski ‘ ’ . - WM Brenda Bender ““ Heather Angst , a ‘ _ ~ mum ‘ I tram" '» 4‘s, , toe-vacan- I. were. nee-a 933“; ï¬ . Lumenâ€""but-“- l _l ~{F€a . . . I: . u}? s a?“ fix" ï¬zz; ; W Conestoga Mall, Waterloo “ (519) m - “Mm