#7 h l 1 WWOMMII.Nl2-Sl I ‘ l \ t r . Mun/HA i asters a OVB- ate 311‘ v w "' ' " - : ‘ l nyone who reads this death- was going to be when he won his 1 less drivel on a regular basis . ‘ . . . ‘ fifth Masters sports coat. (You WEI†mm: 1 knows I've had a so" of ‘ think I'll hear about calling the Aug. -~r, 14 j love-hate relationship with the I“ H l Sitcom-sportsman) â€"â€"â€"â€" . masters for more than five a. wAléhough l admfpoga fan of FngaBoékfllom ‘3 99 1 mm ‘ Q{ 00 s' on- an o -t eâ€"course all) . . h ‘ What's not to love about the E h! g annealminedhlmintheolddlys S ll â€"____L__ a famed and spectacular Augusta s ’5‘ i when he didn‘t PM“ wasn‘t Phi" CWO Slot! M PROM . ‘ National Golf Club in Georgia? 5 A "18%". at!!!†he WNW 1 Especially when we're here in the 5‘ NOW. because there are so many ï¬lth 4 01. an we: 32 69 ‘ frozen north and it signaled what . 5 talented young guys coming along POM m “’3 "'â€" - “v ; could he the start of our playing and 800d 850113 from some ofthe m m 'â€"â€"hâ€"â€"SI~D“ season. which of course. varies “ woofer? . I couldn't care less if ‘1 m â€2m coounwn ensue“ .' fromyear to year. a n W a p ays or wins again. if he 1 And while hate may be a little BILL SKIP does. ï¬ne. llhedoan't, ï¬ne. ' â€"'â€"â€"-.â€"â€"‘=- DINNER Itâ€! 3519 9.49 lb. ‘ JOHNS Ala-r hoe-d Man to . strong. there was plenty not to like And one last thing â€"'loved it “so Gt it I M M . about how the tournament com- :hen Michelson showed up seven “to.†-' Will! I special meal? 1 mittee â€" run for decades by a ours before his tee-time on """u lumen]! malethat hm! j your) we used to refer to as WASPs Putt for the victory Thursday to be there for the cere- h M""‘“"’ ' up â€I . in the old days â€" conducted the Add a little more love for Watts monial opening shots by golf leg- ‘ ‘ » ‘ ‘ 1 ' . . i“ . , ‘t , M W â€an 4*.» m 1 event. considered one ofgotf‘s [our son. who married Toronto girl ends Arnold Palmer. lack Nicklaus H . . . ‘ - v WWW Slinlimltjulltftlh {3.1 1 major tourney: each year. Angie Ball. a former Canadian andGary Player. , And if you don't know what women's basketball team member. Mlckelson doesn't need to suck ‘ WASP stands for, email me. Hate to keep whining about up to anyone. but to me it showed a.†3 I6 I‘ I . . I ‘ Years ago before the lords of this. but it continues to be a Sign of respect for three of the Ian F of U I s h 1 Augusta lengthened and tough- pompous when TV's talking heads game's greats. Will somebody let USED BOOK SALE . ened up the old Bobby Jones lay- refer to Masters' fans and specta- me know if they ever heard of I out. I ï¬rst tabbed it the Mickey tors in attendance» patrons Woods doing that at Augusta? “so; Music & Movies j Mouse of the Majors, based on my How about this comment when Waterloo Ienlotleague ; belief it was mostly a putting cont 3 ball went near some seated peo‘ lust a quick plug for the Water. FIRST UNITED CHURCH . test on stupidly fast greens and had pie. 'That ball was close to the loo 55-Plus weekly league i play in Corner 0' King 5 William, Waterloo I the smallest. weakest ï¬eld in any patrons observation platform.†each summer. _ . 1 tournament of note. Don't we just call that the green- They have their registration for ,7 . Despite the fact I am The Dean side seats or spectators' stands? the 2012 season on April 18 at Wing FRIDAY, APRIL 20 ‘ I oftlntario (lolfWriters, I'm certain More rules from Augusta's inner 404 on Dutton Drive in Waterloo M j the big shots at Augusta would circle and it'sjust stupid. _ between ll am. and 1 pm 1 nuptapproxo pmss credentials or ed lm'zlhc ï¬nal day ï¬nishinclud- . It s 525 tol porn and play at four SATURDAY, APRIL 21 , , 1 ‘ even a gate pass to mt: based on ‘ a WI evanety of names in addi- different Go Morth courses in the â€1m _ . ‘ my comments about what 1 non toWatson and ()osthuizen. area â€" Dundee. Foxwood. Brook- 1 thought were \hurtt‘t)mlngs over Based on the fact i have always ï¬eld and Conestoga â€" and it‘s just boil 5,. E at “us-3 j . the years. ind mult- no mistake, liked his on- and off-theecourse been a great four years that l've minus: casszltes and . I 'CDS' 02:35’ . t Augusta runs â€sown than: demeanor. l was kind of rooting for been part of the l40-player-plus games So for the wt up on the 2012 Phil Mickelson along with the group. Nobody checks your age M I'm that flour) 1 event. he“. t some low and hate young Irishman. Rory Mcllroy, who and you don't have to live in Water- Hm I†c at . thoughts about what happened had his problems last year. it didn't loo. so if you're interested check W- M 18 Ml) “mm: M19 W) last week in the sunny snulh. happen but both. even Mickelson. out the league website at I if you don’t lm t- a playoff still have good playing days ahead www.waterlooseniorsgolf.com or between two popular young pros. ()ltht'm. contact George at 519-884-4564. For donation information, all: then you don't low competitive I hate the seesaw media circus Correction » 519440 5249 . i golf and the finale between Floriâ€" that continues to Skip's last column on March 28 I . da-born Bubba Watson and South follow/haunt/harass/ï¬ll-ineyour~ featuredan editing error. intercept mm.“ 1 African Innis ()Osthuizen culmi- own-word the adventures of Highlands should have been t nating an outstanding four days of Eldnck (Tiger) Woods Irma-kip Highlands. ' J see-saw golf, After winning the Arnold â€"â€" ‘ 1 ’ It was a spt-unt‘ulat ï¬nal day. Palmer Invitational two weeks ear- Bill (Skim/ohm retired N | including Watson's amazing shot lier. many 0' the experts were PIE fromï¬lllfl'mespomwn'n'ng : out of the trees on the second play» dieting Tiger was back and it was in 2002 butmn be reached ' j ‘ off hole that allowed him to two- just a matter ofhow big the margin atskipacht'psOgoldeILnet. @ 0 Plummet Dental Clearing ; ' . 0 Sensitive Teeth Treatment 1 . . l - Wilma Fabrication 1 m t . ZOOM and Tray Whitening 3 1 . up own ,,,, , %<9 * DENTAL HYGIENE fit?" 9â€" 1 . CO†for Vendors “Imam â€your! i i [3* - ‘ "use Y“ MEW‘l’IamotW Datum i i R I Save up to 25% a" 9 . â€(m3 ovat- Ontario Dentists Foo Gilda L i t ll t -v t l . “is ' Saturday and Evening Appomtments Mon. to Thurs. 8 - 8pm 0 Fri. 8-5pm 0 Sat. 10-3pm “0'3â€," , Accept credit cards / interact I insurance plans mm“) 5| 9-954-9092 * ,_ M, 7 , , , , A ,