mâ€" . . za-wtniurnutmum-mne-daywnl“.3011 . 7 :5: {1‘2- '1' 1r 3..) 3. } . , . SW. »’.»;' ' = 1‘ - ay re e 01‘ 0 V88 0 ' '33.; '2: * , ‘1'; New. {'71:}- ; w. 3 g†5, 3â€â€œ IE 1 . "‘3. iflz’hg id f‘e'.’ git; 0 kN’TI’. ‘ » 1 s ‘2 e'.â€..' E Wood, Lmdberg, Lorentz snapped up in OHL Priority Selection ’31.... 1.. 1.. » Brio-mum! 5.73" .33' 1 â€M“â€" ' 3‘ ’ . ‘ .‘ i ‘ â€J ..- 1..“ : 3 »" “ I. '&,â€"“¢‘~,v. 1‘ ‘ . .233". ; randon Lindbergcan breathe easy now. Ҡ' ‘ " W ' . . 3&1 , ' ‘35 . 5:73} . He's got a foot in the OHL door and his " g2;;;;;ï¬:~. »‘ '- I Adrillestendonisintact --. . ‘.j‘:'_’;}_"._=" 3 .â€" ' “ ; it wasn't long ago that the high-scoring - '3 .2 .. a»: . ~3 " ' 3. . - , WaterlooWolveafomard.waswonyingabout km a. 1 . f "f - - .. . . ‘ : hishrnrreinjuniorhodteyand wherehewouid . 93?? .33" ., ‘ ,1. : : . .3; ; getpiokedonSaturdlydurlngtheOHlb Prion. 3.22.: . . . " . . . £3. :» 3 3 ; tySelecuondnï¬. " -. 3.1.. ’m 33" 1 g r itwasallbecauseofafreakaccidentUnd- ._ "t ‘- f .1 .4" ’ bergmlferedinthesecondmund oftheMlnot vsmtégx (3.. ‘ ;._ ’2 f 4;; . HockeyAllianceofOntariominormidgetuipb " “"“' ' 1.3%.: . 1. 11' . “I tsplayomwhenashtesiicedlntohisknmlefl ’ .9 .12.; . . .3 .13.. .;,_‘ 1 a“ 3.... .- . . . >.-,->':». Undbergspentlodayslnthchospitalwlth * ‘ .5, .: .' an Mn and needed sksutcheato seal the . ‘3 .. .5... . ...._-..‘.3.-"'"‘" 1‘ 4533137 woundonoetheinfectionhaddearedup His ' .1315. 3. ._ -. . g. 1 seasonwasdonebutitoouldhavebeenmm I...†L. .3.» 1- . . Another two millimetres over and the skate .- . . . 1 3. . 3;; severalrnonthsofrehabilintion. â€w .‘Lw . ._ . .11.; 37.4.5ng ‘lwould have had to get so ryand the . . ‘13, .. _ .. -. ;. . . doaornuflitwascuudmprmblyl‘mtrto - 3:, .. .1 _,.‘:-‘11 six months of recovery.‘ said the St. David . .13: .. . . . .3 4. Catholic Secondary School student. ’Thecut ._ . . .. . . ;, happenedinlanuary.soit'agoodmut'l‘here’s _ .. .. 3 . ‘ .3 ' justascarthereandl'mfullyactiveagain. “an.“ e ». g ‘3'. . i... 3.: .. .. . ..... ‘ 'Bu‘i'h'dfl' - wwwmmmmmmtykmmmuawupmwtme we «.5 "-3. . .. Because now the ï¬ve-foot-ll. l70-pound Waterloo 55*- “ Waterloo taken weekend's Selection. .1. , “1;.-. “t; . [vm ‘ mnmmmtocmonunwmsmncsm . wasoneoflour ""5"" “In 0"“ °"" _._. . ... .... y April mini oampahertheteam selected him in sonAllseven Brampton blue-litmueellflrle doesn't happen?" said Lorentz. who also ; .-,, . L 3'. .1 .. '.., "3 meï¬fthmumofhstweekend'sOHLaaï¬. toretumnanseasomwthanremnMnddw amtSlAM'Btnl'rnteallymgitedrightmw. .3 . . 1...... 7 11,127.}; They told us to come with a positive atti- oniypotentialoveraw. lt'ssmrealJeambeiieveitlwaat-eaiynervom £3? .' . ,. . ,. .93- mdeanddutthere’sapossibleopporturflnyor lnordermstandedreWolvea'mp gammwdnï¬dayandudndoysgotdoserl .43... ,, ~33: , (me) mere.'saidl.indberg.theWolvea|eoding playoflworetzpianstoputlnuomeemawork keptmubtingmyaellaliniebitmore. .1 .1... - .» E -1. _,.‘..1.._..1..r '_, ‘ scorerwith3Sgoaistnsogamas‘Hopefuliyl averdnesmnnterwithhhmformerNI-ner 'ltï¬nallyhappenedandl'm giadit’s over a...†. 1. . ‘91 can get some points, get some ice time (in the Darcy'nrcker. and David Edward: ofWater- witlu‘mhappylgotpicbd.’ 736-1. ‘ ..;......1. J... .2 3 mncoupleofseasons)andhelplheteamout loo-basedDEP'i‘i-i'lhiningtolnaeaehkloot Andincuelntentzneedsinspiration.he .. . 575:... - inanywaypossible' speedandiatenlagility. just needs to drop by The And to visit his M: .. 3 1.3. .. , . . . . ‘ _ Two of Lindberg‘s teammates were also But the Sirlohn A. Maedonald Secondary mm . 7. 1. . . J. V. _ " ‘ dialled. includingdefenceman KyleWood.who School student will also accentuate his mmmmï¬nmasamespotin ._ I. . . waspictedinthedtirdmundbythenmnpton mmâ€"mwmtytopllyaphydedpme mâ€"Mbmuboyawetethethlrdmll £2; _. aâ€... Tr... Battaliomandforwud Steve Intentz.‘ l2th- and inoiï¬ensivelytoo. pitilndrethhroundâ€"Zadrlomtzmcked in... 1. ' l roundsdectionbythePeterboroughPetes 'l'mpingtou'ytomkemeueamnenm the Ranger lineup in 20m and this season . .,3 .3 .. ‘1 Kitchenerir.flangersgoalieltyanHer-gott.a sonandworkhardovertheaumnutodolt.‘ madepalaandaddedNusistaoantdm- . 3 '1 _.» ‘ Watuioo native, wasalso picked in the seventh Woods said. 'That'salvraya been one “my MW“. .. .. ‘ . ., .1 V» 1.: roundbytheSamiaSting. â€(mphyatmeOHLmanditwoddbe 'lhwwhathe'sbeenduoughandlhope ;_ 1 __ 1*» Wood maybethe most OHL~ready ofthe anhonourtoplay" tobllowinhialootxtepa'SteveLoremzsaidof a.» . _ ,.,, .._-1 1 .. W,“ three Wolves. The six-foot-four. ISO-pound Meanwhile. Lorentz had plenty of nerves mmmomdnn. aslongasyouean I... . . ,.. ff. ,_V '1’. 1 _ defencenunhasabigframcanquanerbadta aheadofSaturtlay’sdraflJnrentzwaaoneof wabotinthedoonyoucanahowyourselfofl' 1 ,,. 1.,“ .5 . .333. mphyandsuitedupï¬xsevengameswtm thcmoatskilledandhard-workingpiayerson atearnpandgetanequaldtancejtmlikemrv- 3,. .. 3...... 1;: -3 ‘ the junior-B Waterloo shuns. including five the-“hives. butatï¬vefoot-lOand MSpounda. oneehedoea ‘3. . 1- ' .4... . .. ,. 1-... ‘3 playofloontesta isn'taaphysicallylntimithtlngasvbodorum- 'buVeamwmakethemoatolflleopportu- m. . . “my. 3 â€mm, he may have to forcehhway into berg. my andworkhard knowingthat someone is .1... ...,.. .3... My“ :3 ‘ the Battalions young defensiveoorps next sea- “A: I got closer to the day. it was 'What [Ht mummapot' §";;3ej.é§,gifg;gï¬ 1 .11. . ,.," 1 s. ' ' £4?†7. . EntafouchmoatoW-nmxuo’w Tommi-Roufacabookpoooat ,' - wamF-WMJ‘M WWWWMWW I nd , , I . _ 3 . 3 -.. r a .ca : Nata 3}? mum-anon“. . + .Jm‘m Somehow-tom .' f7, I. .Iu-I‘Jw 35-.:.;...... â€ï¬‚ . _ - new ,’_ l 251' '- - ' ___-....._._ V m... _ - unv can moan-manna- 3...... 0.33.7333...“Mumuï¬ragï¬'m'étnï¬dmxmm -M ---_"' _ rib-I‘- “I‘uwhuwam wmmnavloumbmmumw-mfl mbmhw . in "will muruv‘mpa \