1 . - moon-natu- . nan-a . O Budgetwrllbrmggrowth,saysBraid HEALTH WELLNESS BY BOIVIMNM‘ region is looked at as being ï¬ve per cent olthe total gov- . 3 ChmnitieStaj] tin-hiueprintforthaitypeof emmtworkforoe.†Gnn‘l’hnu-‘HLHV VVU'IV‘I‘UI) ‘ "W success (:mada-wide. Aa for the change- to Old 1 ast week's federal “We have an innovation Age Security that have been â€'3 0!. m m. 0.8. budget didn't haw the gap In the country and we signaled for months. Braid , , . ,. 4 draconian spending want to close that gap,†said said the government has to , . . y t cuts some expected with Braid. d I do something as workforce ' Finance Minister lim Fla- The bu get inc uded numbers decline and life ' . ‘ herty proiecting the country more support for the expectancyinaeaaee. You Will Loam How†a“ 8' m m. â€can" Pom†F0" i will be back in the black by National Research Council's People will be living - Neck Pain - mili- - FWM ‘ 20l5. industrial Research Asaia- lo and will probably be ' W ' â€00‘1 Ohm ' â€A Sill ‘ It painted apicture of tanceProgmmandwillbok mwmmmm ° WM?“ - W ' Wlm . where the Conservatives at helping small and medl- as OAS eligibility moves . M‘w want to take the country um size companies grow. from age 65 to 67 over the mmmrpmummmowwm with its ï¬rst majority gov- “We want to help them nendecade. When: â€Hum: mmmunm ernment since was. with launch their technologies "This is about making The: coo-mount WI‘MDWIMMMDN changes to Old Age Security and commercialize their some modest modiï¬cations We: smote. Millikan!“ _ . l qualiï¬cations, major cuts to technologies.‘ said Braid. to OAS to preserve these “new W400!“ 3 3 the public service and In terms of streamlining beneï¬ts for seniors so that .4 {4,1 ~_i . ~ M ~ , 4 it - 4 3 streamlining of the federal the environmental process. they are there when they CALL “M . ' it) AU" ‘ 5‘ â€C E '8 U ‘ (“TED ‘ environmental approval Braid said improving that need them. and our most i prom process would help lob cre- vulnerable seniors are pro- , Even the lowly penny ation and economic growth. tectod.‘ said Braid. didn‘t escape the move to 'We want to make sure The federal budget drew ‘ bring Canada's budget back that businesses are facilitat- 'a muted reaction from most . into balance. The currency ed by government reviews groups will be phased out and lead and regulations. and that we The Greater Kitchener - to Si I million in savings. aren't creating obstacles." he Waterloo Chamber of Oom~ Waterloo MP Peter said it said. meme applauded the exten- was a budget focused on Streamlining the public sionofthe hiringcredlt. lim- long-term growth. service and eliminating iting employment insurance L ' F E A s ‘l was particularly almost 19,000 jobs over the increases and maintaining pleased in the major invest- next three years through federal transfers. "an . , we: ments in science. technolo- attrition is part of the broad- "Overall. the gwemment your ‘. your I gy and innovation.†said er plan to cut overallgovem- wants the private sector to Braid. ment spending by two per step forward. create iobeand - The federal government cent peryearto 2015. compete on global markets. DESIGN YOUR OWN SOFA; is looking at ways to make "it's very modest and very said chamber president Ian investments in science and pragmatic.†said Braid. “Our McLean. “l’m certain local LDVESEAT on SECTIDNAL technology have more of a cuts to federal government businessesare readyto meet - signiï¬cant impact, and this positions will only repruent that challenge." £ ‘ 3 ‘ 4 4 A . .. . ,. -, . _ m4. 4 an 44 ' .- " 44’ 5‘41: â€â€˜ 5*435‘4??? {‘74 5.: I 4 4 .. ' ‘ 9 ‘ 4 f '14 4 . .4 . 45:44“) ("eff 4 3‘4 ‘ 544.4 . -, ’ " “" ’- 93: ' 3 . " ‘4 r 31‘4" 57345.5 3'3, â€his £534.: “ 4 *4‘4'4’“ "m†‘ TA": 44:! 4. ‘ L ' 3 . . _4,‘«:.:4..5r Syn:4:;'»4i§&i4‘*f§;5;,§1}4‘ a; a}: ‘Wqufï¬g _, I. . 3 ’ . .4.) H w . _ u. .,4ï¬%a§éfl~%§r .1. .5 “2‘ I:,. 4 fl 3 Hut: â€1. rm; 4.44.4“ 4, ' :4, 4 3‘ '2‘ 34â€.; , .466! â€443.4%. 4 “$4155.; 33:44.14 5'; 43139,". *4 4.4 :4. _,«* 4.3.; "‘ 4' ' 4" ’ *4? 44 I t4. 4.. _’_ if,» ' " _. 41:? :.:~:,i' 452g? 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