frâ€"_â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"*â€"â€"â€"â€"vâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" v 7 “Emmott-quasars“ v ’ Io. _ ‘ »v‘_ - r‘ . ’s-r~ e" q'.4 are!) u. f LRT b ' ' ' b ° ' r rmgmg n01se arners to uptown ‘ By m DMD Ministry oIEnvironment levds. era about 10 feet high would be er and thither version tithe basic â€" ‘ Chronicle Stag Three-metre-hiflt acoustic bar~ required. M Inti- n'erswouldbebur’hdongtheedp ‘i‘orhothnoiaelevelsandtraflic wmmmwould l ptown Waleka) won't be the of the right-oi-way for both areas Mn the EPll report. if I read operate within ministry require- some by the time light rail for about 30 metres each way to it comedy. provides advice con- malts namit speeds into the core mitigate the sound impact, the nary to what was given to the pith- - m m to do win we can inZOl7. reponsaid licpreviously' whhmlaeanenuatimfarickhnd Noisebarriers and vibrations are iohn Shortreed. who lives in the Vibration levels caused by the said. ‘ just some or the changes Waterloo Bauer Lofts. said he was disap- trains. which would shut down Construction is expected to ' w residents can expect. according to pointed in what he read about between midnight and 6 m. tor be“ on the project in arm, with theregion'srecentlyreleasedenvi- noiselevelsinthereport. mlnmnance.wereprolectedtohe mmwmmm romnental project report. “I was surprised to read in the above Ministry of Environment 2017. Reï¬onal Coun. Sean Strickland report that the LRT noise levels atanthrds in seven corridors along City chief administrative ofï¬cer said the rayonwouldworkwith the at 40 kmlh. 15 metres from the diehutsit route. Tim Anderson said staff were city as the Sills-million rapid tran- track, are expected to be 74 deci- Affected corridors included the reviewing the report to provide sit plan was implemented. bels â€"- the US. Environmental Pro- Waterloo Spur, Caroline Street, continent by April l6â€" the last day “We absolutely want to work tection Agency has a standard of70 . .. King Street. Duke Street. Ottawa for the public to comment on the with the city, there’s no question decibels as a maximum safe noise Street. Borden Avenue and the CN document. about that.’ Strickland said. level in the work place.’ Shortreed Huron ParkSpur. The environmental project According to the report. antici- said. With trainsoperating-dose as report can be viewed at pated noise levels at the Waterloo ‘At this level of noise for the A three metres to the facade of build- httpzllrapidtmnsitregionwaterloo. Spur Line near Quiet Place and town houses on Caroline. between ings in some cases. the region onulnewslnoticeof-wmpletion- alongtheCNliuronParirSpurwere AilenandWllliaanhichareeight muldneedtoinstituteanumber of-environmental-project- projected to be above acceptable metres from the lunch, nose barri- ‘ of measures including using a soh- repartition]. . ' ' h ’ Council battles over conflicts Clty pus es region to Br Farce Dunno private discussion. : ' ' Grammar "After looking at this (it) seems C‘ ) gh p caSh f m simple to me." Durrell said. “I'd like u u or twas quite the scene Monday toiusttalkahoutthere'pon. ,_,4 4 gm than“ approveebcut $600.000incapital I“ Waterloo city councillors Wives-yum bane." my Mahmud- hattled over their responsibill- ‘Weigh the effect of this deci- mouwmmm ties under the Municipal Conflict sicn.“ Scian said aterloo council won’t mmwwmâ€" oflmerest Act regarding LRT. Eventually Darrell declared a t "’ v" "' ~ - Wucrlï¬ea services for its sets unrelated to m were About ï¬ve minutes into discus- conflict of interest for the home she citizens to fund the w aiorraboutanLRTâ€"relatedagenda Misleastlmnakiiometreh'oma WMtrailtr-uuitpmieï¬. Wedï¬timerï¬ndto Item, Coun. Scott Witmer called proposed minors in a council meeting Monday. the“ the ï¬nandd Wis councillors on not declaring con- Coun. Whaley also declared. Mayor Brenda Mermaid Carma to tin city enriched with IX! are fliers -- Couns. Melissa Durrell. after leading a discussion on the lefl' Henry. Karen Scian and Scott at)“ Diane Freeman. Angela Vieth. iefl‘ topic of cost-sharing with the Winner had harsh words for the m asked â€it more Henry and Mark Whaley had all region ‘l‘m deï¬nitely in conflict of <~~ ~ ~ .- â€" » ream Mitigate-Mg“ inform hetero M the previously declared conflict of utteresthaelhaveproperflesrivtt hrtiterapldtramitsym. eight-iddndywuidnotbe Mmesdyrelated to property downdrelxrlirie'hesaid. Wmmbevfldnadoflhe mthallutixtherï¬wls. ownedaiongthemute. GounsFreemanandViethalso â€Nanci-Wand. ‘Ournegotiatingnaedstobe “Either you have one or you declaredconflicts The remainingcity councillors M'Sdmsaid'lwepin 4 don‘t." Witmer said. “If people Henry did not declare a candid were silenced due to conflicts demanding now we cancontinue ‘ declare a conflict of interest they even thoudt he had before because under the Municipal Conflict of tobemdingalongtlnwuy i shouldn‘t be around the horseshoe his employer -â€" the University of , _ What. 'I need toknow tlntotlrnemti- ior thisdiscussion. Waterloo â€" owns property along The mayor said she was con- sting team is going in with a very "I just wanted to remind council the route. “The decision on cerned about aways; paying ï¬rm madame. It i up to theCity of draisomehaddedaredaconflictin Mredierornottheproiecthappem mums-mm cityand Whomidumfymdtebudg- the past†and where it's going has been ' regional taxes. She said the city etpremuresueandlthnotopen to CotmDunellinitiallyrefusedto nude.‘lienryssi¢ wouldnotcutitsservicesimttowt negotilhn.’ declare. prompting harsh words Scian said the impact ofconflict additional cash into the region's The Region of Waterloo has 1 fromCoun.KarenScianr oftnterestregardinngl‘shtntldbe , _ project. approvedatianiorlsklhmetresof | Sdanwentuallymllcdforaï¬ve- reviewedbytheprmlnce.'ltdoes 'Itissoirnportantl'orustoflght Iightrailtransit in Kitchener and l minute break before leavin abrupt- not serve the City of Waterloo to till-flan." Sci-n said. mm is expected to begin 1 ly and calling Durrell outside for a have such admit: rules in place.†City staff proposed council in 2014. Sprung s res es s ~. ~ . pp aysave . . . if a. . We ‘ qeans-aihletrcwoar - , é: ‘* O O - sz. I?" fl,“‘ " A ‘ h toys randy & we! ..g , _. . _. .,. y CT. new: owners: 25 m M M «a x ,, Mantraoeyourchangaca " 7M