mm-Mmemru DECA-thletes , ~ ' I \( H ‘ \r 1 y ‘ Strongshowing at business competition earns 14 SIAM students trip to Utah ~ Brat)an . \ ____________rm.-,r â€17 Arthur Murray Dance ‘ n businesa Wins a good wuw- celebrates 100 yearswlth tion is key to gelling people to ‘ believe in your product and to dandnSin the squm achieving some goodwill for your com- Arth it It!) pony. i urhluray mm Mm \ The DECA business club at Sir lohn _ '~ years Owens-35° 033313: 4 at Waterloo Public A.Md ld'l‘d' th sm SQ“!!! “$122 sellâ€"3h; £5 “1, ’\ The dance studio will be showcasing too astheyhadarecord33medalsatthe 37“ *> mmlmmmwmmw recent provincial DECA competition "†W M "m be M and 0&3 While and is sending 14 students to the lntet- Whil- national commiï¬oninsahlzke CRY- Theincascaotl'rainthepartywlllmoveludoot'sto Utah ri126toM 3. ‘ stops Waterloolbwsqulla 053 is a bug; dub when, Sm. loin Arthur Murray Dance Studios Fridays in dents compete in ma] life role-playing Mayhem 8:30“: ill-Mm lot itsballmomdance scenarios and are judged by people mammal“- from those industries. It gives the stu- dents a real world application of some oltheconceptstheyleamintheirhigr ï¬rmawumumwmoeammlm Registraflonforsummer . stiroolbusinessdasses. tiooinSaltukeCny,Utah,attheendoprrll. “They learn not only business con- ram-um calm 8118118 April 5 cepts and skills, they learn how to think accountant. so I thought this was a be even biâ€! than prudnciakwlflr the The Ci ofWaterloo's cam _ mm.- said WWW the good place “in madam 1h hid-m sum DECA team competing agalnath “on m‘xfl a â€m†P “in“ em head of ' at SIAM. has you presentation 16,000 students from across Nort "There's a real commitment from the so that's what I puahed myself to do America. The City “Waterloo oï¬ers Mew kids just like theywere on a sports team with one»: “I'm not trying to be too conï¬dent mmmdflflmfllbeflwtmm as“ Whey come to practice once a week. The Grade 12 amdent mes into thin because that might backï¬re.’ aald seven are new this andthekidswhoredlyexceldoalmof year’sintematloualmpedflonaathe mmmenencornpedflmr'l’m “if" imam“ amen?“ outaide work and put in the extra veteranoltheSlAMmdtlumduhe justhopinglrankhUuthlsyeaL' we! “WWW 26 a“ P eflort.‘ didhavesornenet'mrriomamatthe “tenewestaddltlomtothiayear’a ' ' camp name ' . The DECA program at SIAM has provincialqualiflet. team are Grade 93 lenn Lorentz and “regs also at"? Wilmï¬ns climca fl" hecomesopopulnnttanvone ofthe Mmdreywerereadingoutthewp Kate Onuah'l'heywerelnvitedtobe hookah: fulllmcammp details and dates visit largestdraptersm Ontarrowtth more msheadmltteddtevnaallttlehitnerv- partoftheleadetahboomponemdthe | l Vcam orcallSlSflï¬-llf‘l kt than 130 students representing all grade our when ahe didn’t hear her name International DBCA competldon and PI" "1" I May 4 p ' level? h l“ d h calledouttmtillut. mmumflfluwm ' 0 1 use. 104 quali to for t e “lt was a shock. l was totally am involved as anon as get into mummuonwmhsonhm prised'num'rguinm adaod. f InternationalPlllow handed out for top-lo ï¬ ' es mclud' - rush. “Because of our pet omance at ingaï¬rstbySlAM'sDanielWel. ‘lremernberthemcalllngoutflhh prbvlrtciahandhowwecomrilartedm mtDaysetforApl-Il7 Thatstmngtcamahowingcontinued placeburthplaceandhopingltwaa BECAMaakedilwewanttogoto. flielnternaflonalPflwalduDayiaApril7.» at pmvlncials in Toronto with SIAM‘s mebrndreynevucanednn'nmwaa mmmmmam homatoApmatWaterlooPuuieSqtme. DEAdubgoingupagalnstSMstu- aparric.aowhentheycalledmebrflrat canbdmtotlulablg'addm - around ‘ . , ,, On tho day in dtlea the world. people “Manual-em lwaaredyhawy. "Weamwalttogo. uidlorentz. wilheewlnglngpfltmaallinthenameol’ï¬nlle (â€dreï¬medalseamedA'uHWang Wangaaldlthaahelpedherlnter- mwmaephmlaatyeu md-mmfluob-Im warnindieindividualcompetï¬ view-Ullauwellaahelpedhermeet andervedaalnaplntiom'Someonly â€Map“ mm m non. while David Zhang and Katie people from the hardness world and an“ a mopporunltythathappan at W0 with pillows. Do not hlt peep}, with _Wwetesecondintheteamcom- odwraurdentaahewwldneverhave hGradelZabmbalmlnGndeSand camaradpleaaedonothurtanyone-Swln; patina. made-terthK‘Allthebrd- mmmadtylaamaalm' Ilglltlxbecamemanypewlewlllbendnflnaat Wang got started in DECA to neuworklhaldntflmtworhngdï¬ â€œhummuandOnuah. once. unproveherpresentanonskillsShewas walnï¬rnrealerpoauemit. arelhchdMKatleHannaanmer- Illowa led mammaremsowenmtywm -Whenpeoyteuaehwtnemort- qmmmmmm- m"°£°&‘fl‘§£,mmp m†“Whom attheinternatlonal ingnorvlknowwhatthey’re talking flWWSh-um â€mmflm, DEAwnpahioninOdandoHa mtg-um mmmmwm \ ‘I want to become a chartered The Sit Lake Citycompetition will MM ‘ N ‘