i u-warmnoalmaaommnzolz g THE cm! or m ‘ i Waterloo WWW t City oantnrloo ' ; It!) Regina St. South I I Waterloo. 0mm an «a , P 519886-1550 I F 519-747-8760 : n TIY 1-066-706-3941 E & m.wm.a E “ w w. l g Appllenlllon For "also By-Lnrllr Exemption l Notice is hereby given that an application is being made to the Directorol'By-law Enforcement {a the City ofWaterloo for an exemption to the City ofWatel’loo Noise By-law : now-073 which prohibits ampliï¬ed sound between the hour: of 5:00 pm. to 7:00 am. The applicant, Wilfrid Laurier University, is requesting an exemption to permit ampli- : fled sound at University Stadium on Seagrarn Drive. in Waterloo oil the following dates: E Wanner 2012 University Stadium ‘ 1 Date Event Title [or Exemption Date Event 'l‘lme for Exemption April l6th Ontario Minor Field Lacrosse Tourney 8:00am - l0:00pm June llth K/W Catholic Elementary School Track a Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm ; April l7th Ontario Minor Field Lacrosse Tourney 8:00am - l0200pm June l2th K/W Catholic Elementary School Track &. Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm I April 23rd Ontario Minor Field Lacrosse Tourney 8:00am - 10:00pm June I3th K/W Catholic Elementary School Track & Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm i April 24th Ontario Minor Field lacrosse Tourney 8:00am - l0200pm June Nth K/W Catholic Elementary School Track & Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm i April 27th WLU Football Recruiting Games l0:00am - ll:lfl)pm June 15th K/W Catholic Elementary School Track & Field Meet 8:00am . 3:00pm J April 28th WLU Football Recruiting Gamer l0:00arn - 1 1:00pm June l5th Potential K/W Minor Footde Games 5:00pm - 1 1:00pm l April 29th WLU Football Recruiting Games l0:lX)nm - l 1:00pm June l6th Potential K/W Minor Football Games 9:00am - ll:00pm I May 4th Potential K/W Minor Football Games 5:00pm - 1 1:00pm June l7th Semi Pro W Soccer Game (S.C. Waterloo) 5:00pm - llrmpm I May 5th Potential K/W Minor Football Games 9:00am - ll:00pm June l8th K/W Elementary School Track & Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm ‘ May 6th WLU Youth Football Camp 9:00am - 5:00pm June l9tll K/W Elementary School Track a Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm ‘ May 6th Semi Pro W Soccer Game (SAC. Waterloo) 5:00pm - ll:00pm June 20th K/W Elementary School Track & Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm ‘ l May 7th K/W Elementary School Track a Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm June 2lst K/W Elementary School Track a Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm l J May 8th K/W Elementary School Track & Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm June 22nd K/W Elementary School Track a Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm i E May 9th K/W Elementary School Track a Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm June 22nd Potential K/W Minor Football Games 5:00pm - l 1:00pm 4 i May 10th K/W Elementary School Track a Field Meet 8% - 3:00pm June 23rd Potential K/W Minor Footbdl Games 9:00am - ll:00pm ’ May I lth K/W Elementary School Track & Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm ‘ June 24th Semi Pro W Soccer Gm (S.C. Waterloo) 5:00pm - 1 1:00pm i E May llth Potential K/W Minor Football Games 5:00pm â€" ll:00pm ‘ June 25th K/W Elementary School Track & Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm ‘ May l2th Potential K/W Minor Football Games 9:00am - ll:00pm June 26th K/W Elementary School Track & Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm May Nth K/W Elementary School Track 8: Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm June 29th Potential K/W Minor Football Games 5:00pm - ll:00pm May I5th K/W Elementary School Track & Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm June 30th Martial K/W Minor Football Games 9:00am - l 1:00pm May loth K/W Elementary School Track & Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm July 6th Mendel K/W Minor Football Garner 5:00pm - ll:00pm May l7th K/W Elementary School Track & Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm July 7th Potential K/W Minor Football Gaines 9:00am - ll:00pm May I8th K/W Elementary School Track & Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm July 8th Semi Pro K/W Smer Game (S.C. Waterloo) 5:00pm - ll:00pm May l8th Potential K/W Minor Football Games 5:00pm . I 1:00pm July l3tll Potential K/W Minor Football Gm 5:00pm - 11.1)0pm May I9th Potential K/W Minor Football Games 9:00am . ll:00pm July Nth Potential K/W Minor Football Gaines 9:00am - ll:00pm ‘ May 2001 Semi Pro W Soccer Game (S.C. Waterloo) 5:00pm - l 1:00pm July 20th Potential K/W Minor Football Games 5:00pm - ll:00pm l May 22nd KIW Elementary School Track & Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm ‘ July let Potential 109! Minor Football Games 9:00am . ll:00pm May 23rd IUW Elementary School Track & Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm ‘ July 22nd Semi Pro W Soccer Game (S.C. Waterloo) 5:00pm - ll:00pm ‘ May 24th K/W Elementary School Track a Field Meet 8:00am - 31’0"“ July 27th Potential K/W Minor Football Games 5:00pm - llzmpm ‘ May 25th K/W Elementary School Track & Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm July 28th Potential K/W Minor Football Games 9:00am - ll:00pm ‘ May 25th Potential K/W Minor Football Garner 5:00pm - llzmprn August 3rd Potential KIW Minor Football Games (Playoffs) 5:00pm - llztnpm ‘ May 26th Potential K/W Minor Football Games 9:00am - l l:00prn ' August 4th Potential K/W Minor Football Games I May 280: W Elementary School Track a Field Meet 8:00am - 3:“me (Playofl‘ Weekend) 9:00am - ll:00pm ‘ May 2901 W Elementary School Track a Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm August 5th Potential K/W Minor Football Games May 30th K/W Elementary School Track & Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm (Playoff Weekend) 9:00am - ll:00pm l May 3 lst K/W Elementary School Track a Field Meet 8:00am - 3:00pm August l0th Potential K/W Minor Football Games (Playoffs) 5:00pm - ll:00pm ‘ June in K/WElemcntary SchoolTrackthField Meet 8:00am-3:00pm August Iltll PotentialK/WMinorFootballGamee A June lst Potential K/W Minor Football Games 5:00pm . I l:00pm (Playoff Weekend) ' 9:00-m - I Izoopm June 2nd humuaIK/WMinorFoothellGamee 9:00nrn-11100pm AugustIZth PotentialK/WMinorFootbnllGnmea June 3rd Semi ProK/W Socceer (S.C. Waterloo) 5:00pm- ll:00pm (Pl-yofl'Weekmd) 9200mm ll:00lim 1 June to W Elementary School Track a Field Meet soot-m - 3:00pm August l8th PM Sew Hm CW Band Show 9:00-11! - I Irwin June 5th K/W Elementary School Track a Field Meet moo-m â€" 3:00pm ‘ August 25th Peta-IN K/W Senior Cmmity June 6th W cm School Track a Field Meet moo-m - 3:00pm ‘ Tooth-ll Gum (CJFL) 9:00"! ~ I 1:009"! June 7th W â€mm W Tu & Field MM 1 All events If!" lth/01W the MIC address W. &CountyMeetFlnal 8:00am-ll100pm i mmmwmonthlamrhouldcomactttnnym ; June 8th K/WElementuySchoolTrack&Field Meet 8:00am-3:00pm wmmmmmmm ‘ June8th MartialK/WMinorFoothnllGnmea 5: -II: M ' "Nu“,- °' 04M“ ‘ 1mm. muWMMW'W 9m_mm ‘ «We. wmmmmumio I : Kym tamar- at 519-004-0710. cart. 3132.