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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 Mar 2012, p. 28

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n-wnmnoanomn- .. . may»: . THE CITY OF [E Mmhmmm $3" ”"°° 1 Wm St. South Wmdoo, M N2] 4” P SIS-“4550 F 519-74747“ TTY lass-mam I “mum-loo.“ 1 * * m mum “A.“ ANDWHEREASCMWIWWWMJWN.ZOHIOM W P“. a m A”. almdUse-ndCamnmitylmprvvanemfhnsmdyfortheNordldnkueemdeter- ”'u' mimdlelpproprintehndlnephmingfnmeworkforNonhdnle; The Council 0! The Corporation AND WHEREAS mom-i on,” mm..- on.” on, “mm“ W mwmm itneeeuuymposmhterimConflolBy-lawwithrespectmtheNordldaleAreo, ‘ TAKE NOTICE that theCorpontim ofthe City ofWatel'loopoued lay-Law No. "WM“WMMWM'Y ”immmm Cm” By'wzo'M" ‘ 20l2-024,onthe51h dly ofMll'ch. 20l2,l.lnderSeetion38 ofthel’lmningAa. "WWW” . \ MO. .990, THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE AND TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation orlhe City ofWIterloo passed By-law cm! or WATERLOO EMU“ ‘5 FQE‘EOWS‘. 20l2-028 in nine-item By-hw 20I2â€"024.onthe l9thdnyomeh. 2012, under |- WIMshmshndedqn Module A Indus By-Ilwlmshelmdufiectedby Section 33 of“ liming Act. R.S.0.. I990. ‘ thls By-law end are established as and declared to be an Interim control are; ANDTAKE NOTICEthnanypenonorogencymlyappeeltotheODmio Munici- 2. Theplmdsionsofthsty-hwshsllapplytotheinterimeonu'olaruuesnblished pal Board in respect orthe lay-low by filing with the Clerk orthe Corporation orthe Ind declared by thus Ivy-kw. City ofWaterloo. not Inter than the 4th day of May, 2012 for By-llw 2012-024 and 3. Notwithstanding my provision in Bylaw 1108 or any other By-llw to the contrary, the 13th day ofMay, 2012 fOI’ By-lfll 20'2-028. 1: notice Mapped setting out the no person shall, within the interim control are- established and declared by this By- objectiontotheby-lawnndthemsonsinsupportoftheobjectiomaocompmiedbya In]: ' feeofSl25.00.nudepoytbletotheMinisteromelnceuprescribedundathc - construct bm'l ~ . Ontario Municipal BoardAct. ”you wishtoappeultotheOnm-lo Municipal Baird. 3.) . “2". ft“. scopyofannppealfonnisovailnblefrorntheOntnrioMmieipelBoardwehsitest mum sweet! “mt _ _ . . . www.crnb.gov.on.ee 4. This hy-law does not apply to prevent the. renovation or repair of any existing bulld- ATrACHEDmTHIs NOTICE in copy ofthe hy-lnmmd an expllnltion ofthe :5 W gag-dwmmr.mm “mm“ mm!“ m purposemdefl‘eetofdnby-hwsuwefluakeynnpshmwirmdlemfiectmto n 0"“ “'8‘ __ which the 5,4.“ “‘9'! 5. This Byâ€"lew does not apply to prevent the consmlction of a building prohlblted DATED at the City orWntetloo this 28th day 0mm, 2012. ““4“ m 3 “"1”. 3“" mi SusanG 1‘ _ l) ahIIildingperrmthuheenoln-medptmnttodlefluildingCodeAcr. I992. CltyClel-lt S.Ol992C.23. umfledpriortoSMsthOlZ,which-llowstheoon- Monmohibitedulderseetionll fthisB -lawandthehnildin permit NOTE: Onlyhldividnlgoorpontionsundpublicbodiesnuyappeolmlnterim hunotbeenrevokedmr o y 8 ControlB-letotheOntnrioMmici MANotieeoprpenl notbe .. . . . . . . filedhyuzunineorpontedossociotionzlgroup. HoweverJNotieeotfryppeelmay ")Wt,°5 March20l2.anappllcahon forablnldmgpermltpurslnnttothe be filedinthenalneofan individlnl whoislmemberofthemocintimorthegmup BwlldlngCo‘rleAc-I. 1992,80 19920 23’ umdedhssbeenmadeorm °“ "5 mm 22mm or . SCHEDULE 'A‘ 1 EXPLANATORY NOTE Worsite mnmwuwu mamâ€"nondmmuo ‘ Byâ€"law No. 20l2-024 establishes and declares an interim control are. in the North- plsn pre-omsul- H . _ t 9,) ddeAmdutare-beingidentifiedonSelledule“A"totheby-law.11tepurposeof magma: ‘ 5 » 1- ’ f1; thehy-lawistoprohibitdleconmntimofmynewbuildingsormereuethesizeof tothePlannl'ng . , ",7 '4‘ anyexistinghuildingsfortheperiodthltthenreeislmtkrinterimoontrolJbeby-law Act,R.S.0. ; a» L :' ’ doesnotnpplytodlosepropertieslistedinSchedule“B"todlehy-llw. c.2l3osarnend- . 23, ' , By-hw No. 2012-028unendsByâ€"Ilw No. 2012-024bydeleting Schedule “B”in8y- edhubeen . V 4 t ' 'â€" ,â€". " ‘ 3â€"] ; : lewzolzoz4mdteplncing it witlitlteSchedule“B"mnchedtoBy.lnw 20l2-028. ”'9'?“ 1 - MI. I By-law 20l2-024md20l2-028uein foroeutdefl'ect forlperiodofoneyeorfrom Whig, ' I “ 1 ’ the date ofpossnge. Waterloo City Council has the outhority to extend the period. if“: "'8' “in 9 . i [ amingwhichuiehyâ€"uwwillbeinroteenndetreeerotoneulilitionnlyeu. “'"Y‘ “I. . J ’ y 1 lfyourequirefurtherinformatlmorhavearlyquestionspleoseeorlhettheCityof 6.8chedule A and B . l ‘ Waterloo Development Services anmnentet 5l9-747-8745. “WW“ °"" ‘ . '- Mafia. I 1 T 'c ’ penofthlsByollw. . i kl -' .1 anja unc . _ . . , 5 I ’ Policy Planner 7. Tim By-Iew shall . _ I )7"... » 1 1 , (‘lty “WM” come Into {mend . V 1 1 take effect immediate- .‘ ~ ;. ‘ BY-LAW N0 ale-024 ”mum-Mp”, a“ _ .1: AN INTERIM CONTROL BV-LAW FOR THE NORTHDALE AREA IN THE ing thereofand shall ”1‘“ '2 cm OFWATERLOO he inelTeet rotate ‘ 1 - a . _, - ; WHEREAS Iectlon 38 orthe Planning Act. R.S.O. 1990. c.P. 13. as amended. uuthor- ya! from the the of p , . g ‘ j izes the oounc1lofa municipality to pass an interim control Ivy-law for I period of ‘59 MM offlut‘By- / ',_. . 1,... 1 time not to exceed one year from the date ofpossnge ofthe By-llw prohibiting the I" “3'“! otherunse . ‘ V,,<i:’f‘ ‘2.â€" e--â€" ~ _ 1- 1 . use Orland building: or structures within I defined area except for such purposes as “W "' ”0°" . “V â€" ' “WV"- __u I» ‘ arcsetoutintheby-Iaw; We Mdltheprovl- “I” m “I, 4 ; AND WHEREAS the Council ofthe Corporation orthe City ofWaterloo, at its meet- 3°!“ °“"° ”I‘M”! - urn-L was _.._._._._ l l ingorAptills.2011.npproveduierenmornereteiicerottheNotthdnleunaute c'“"."°“‘°‘1 1"" â€"- - ‘ m Community [mm m; PASSED this Slh dly of March 2012. 1 (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE)

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