W n-wsirnuxicumm-mmt mum: ; I O O O : Cvrkalj enjoys historrc ride wrth Lehigh in ï¬rst season ofNCAA D-I basketball l E Btloananliacn welL‘lhernoetlotmlddowaasitbacksup- 1 may portasmudtaslmoono'ibutelnpractice ; as much as I could and just experience [ tefan Cvrkaljhadoneofthebeat seats everythingthatcamewithir. » in the house for the lehlgh Mountain “it would have been nice to play more or I Hawks stunning upset over the Duke _ ' ' ‘ to play against Duke. but I couldn't have t BlueDevilsreoentlyintheopeningroundof ( Tr , '; askedfmanythingelaewiththewaythinp l the NCAA Division~l men's basketball _. .- . , ' i =' ‘ turnedout.‘ > championship toumarnent. , ~, J, - ‘ Cvrkalj said laughs No. 1 goal this sea- : Die freshman guard from the Waterloo ï¬e a, g son was to win the Patriot League title. ; Region‘tsinhisllrstyearatlehifltUniversi- 4†whichtheydidearlierthismonthbybeating ; ty in Bethlehem. Penn. and already got to in†_ A \ former St. David Celtic Bryson lohnson and l celebrate his team's ï¬rst-ever March Mad- / ‘_ , ,~â€"" ‘ the ï¬rst-place Bucknell Bison 82-77. a pme W win in school history. ,;»’$trf;5" that was attended byCvrkali's parents. Diuro The Mountain Hawk â€" the 2012 Patriot f and Bojana. and Bluevale coach Doros League championsâ€" pulled off one of the " . ~ Theodoslou. biggest first-round upsets in tournament 1/ ' _ ._ it was a special moment. in that Cvr‘kalj history March 16. becoming only the sixth ' A _ a \ got to g) head-to-head on mother Kitchen- No. 15 seed to knock off a No. 2 when they - , » ~. 7 er-Waterioo product in iohnson. a former downed Duke 75-70 in South Region play. ‘1 â€a"; . v... ,. District 3 star. The two used to work out and It was also the second No 15-over-Na 2 355 13V} f" ’ a. play pick-up basketball together inWaterloo upset of the toumament after Norfolk State - f Q‘sj‘fwh and went head to hm on occasion during knocked off Missouri in theWest Region ear- ‘ i Y; gfléyzizfifli - “its ; g local tournaments lier that day. if j if; a. jg: . : Cvrkal] was proud to be able to follow in But the Tigers are not nearly as oelebm- T be? "75777th x Johnson's footsteps after the junior guard edasDukeisinAmerioanmen‘scollegebas- A i» .. _‘ H helpedBuchielanthePatriotleaguefllle ketball. The Blue Devils have an Olympic- * ‘ ., , g , we“ and qualify for the NCAA tournament last class coach in Mike Krzyzewski and own 7“; gig" A ‘ season. fournationaltitiessincethelsso-mseason é» ' ‘Hehadachancetodoitlmtyearandl while Missouri has never readied a national 1, ,. , T ‘ . 3 was proud for him to do it, to represent ï¬nalandrecentlyanmumednationalmen‘s _ , 2," it CanadaandKitchenerandOntario basket- haskethallmadroftheyearFrankHaithhas eff; "it“ ; i , g“ A! ball.'Cvrkaljsaid.‘Sobeingwherehewas yettoreadiCoadiK‘slol‘tystams “ "" a", ~, er" ' 7,4 1 i _. Iastyearandbeingabletoaooomplishwhat "It was surreal,‘ said Cvrkalj. a former J ' 3 l‘ 7 ..' v ' , ‘pfl ' l e‘ s; 5 ;!,f; hedidlastyearwasagreatetperienoe.’ WWMVPwhoheipedhisBlwvaleCol- . "if 2-75, "T '_ a" " k; f“ wigs»: However.lehighmayhaveheentreated legiate Knights to their ï¬rst WCSSAA and . betterthan Buclmeil. (MOSSAtitlesinschoolhistory‘loouldn‘t BWbQMSwwawbh.rightofdnLerMn-hflawboothkflmmdthe TheMountalnHawksgainedtheheans even begin to imagine or describe how it NCAA M mm earlier M momh. of the University of North Carolina fans â€" washecauaeldidn’tbtowwhattoerpect. . “WWW“MW‘W'“ whohaveamaiorrivalrywlthDukeâ€"and ‘1 had upperclassmen who have been bench for the Mountain Hawks. but got to Universityon Dec. 12. got a loud ovation when they entered the there before. and played Kansas two years step on the court for the ï¬nal minute on Cvrkalj said hehopea to playabigprrole stadium in the middle of the Tarheels sec. ago, and they said it was such a fun expat March 18 when Lehigh's run at the tourna- at Lehigh in the future. but had no com- cud-round toumamentgame. ence.Butloactuallyexperienceitbywin- mtendedintlwsecondmtdwiman phintsabwthowmudtcountimehewas MWMWMMmeat ningagamefortheiirsttimeinschoolhis- SebastoNQIOXavier. , getting. Izhighwemprenypmudtwmerewere ‘ tory. against a very respectable program, The former point guard at mimic aver- ‘When you look at how successful we aboutsomidemawamngforfliemnwhen was something I could have only dreamed aged 57 minutes and 2.3 points per game were as a team and how we! all of us have their bus arrived back on campus at 3:30 of,’ with the Mountain Hawks (27-8). but had a played. I can't wally complain.’ he said. “I am. on themorningofMareh is. cm.“ played limited minutes this sea- couple or standout games. Whigs team- realized the players that did play. they are 4 '|t was very much unexpected.’ Cvrkalj 1 son as one of the ï¬rst freshmen off the high 19 points duringa95-55 rout ofArcadia playing for a reason and they were doing it said I "Hm-l 1=w rm but! up or Wynn-u A 3 it (1 ' _; _ SALE ALERT! End of Quarter Clearance! , M , . 1 l ' " ‘» l EVERY FLOOR it» - ' ""‘"""""°“‘w " 1 Q“ a, p T ln-StocltiaonSale at c... ct N A â€" “arch 12nd ‘ 330 M a": micro. no on tab) | ummhbuuumn-ra- Nch . r 1 map-ant manâ€"nann- mean-nata- an...“ nun-an- “an. an aria , any.†a..." W 7, , ___._____ ____â€"____â€"___â€"____.