monumental-M mum: O 0 0 I City of Waterloo grants process undergomg some much needed streamlining Br Pam: Own _» f a 3&3 ‘a â€w a», 5 $3 ‘ ' When the city issues its call for Chronicle Stafl “if. 3&3: -“- 3! if “‘,:f*\""§" application to community grants. it §5** f} 74 i with it comes an offer to assist illing out any kind of grant ‘Wۤ;§;’-lfl’v~§; .-..-"§,';25; -'-'» ‘ organizations in filling out the P application can be an ardu- 3: i if M a .- aza‘é‘ï¬wï¬â€˜ï¬‚gï¬ application. ous process. Financial state- m3»??? -’J.yâ€Â§_.;:ï¬. ‘wï¬, a For small organimflonsorgrass- ments. descriptions and question "A' ‘- "5". $1“ * 3, if“; roots groups, ludwig said the serv- after question â€" it can he a strug- . ' '“ icecouldbean importantaaset. gle. , 3 ' _ Viethmuldliketoseedieappli- in ï¬lling out an application for mtion streamlined. the City of Waterloo's community “it needs to be simpliï¬ed." Vieth grants there's the added challenge said "It’s cumbersome and it takes of explaining how the project or alotoftime. organization links to the city's “For community groups it ‘ strategic plan. should beeasyto do.†Throw language barriers. grants '- But (1mm. Mark Whaley said the awarded in previous years and ' issueisn‘t with theapplieation form , debate amongst committee mem- â€" it’s the applicants themselves bets into the mix and the mountain who need to step up gets higher. â€The biwest problem is people um ludwig. the city's manager understanding the deadline.†Wha- of community and neigtbourhood ley said. “People just refuse to get services, said the application theirheadamund that. process was noeasy feat. “People think that it's OK to be “It could be a mix of things.’ late but it's not.†Ludwig said. 'In some cases they He said the application had don‘t answer the question at all. been streamlined over the years. "In some cases the peer review - improving groups“ ability for fund» ! committee didn't feel they ing. “We’ve been tinkering around 3 answered the question well.‘ an â€if with it the last ï¬ve years and it com ‘ In her report. Mandy Dennison “v 1‘ tinuallygetsbetter,'Vfllaley said. of the arts. culture and festivals The Gay and Glass Gallery was shut out of the community grants process but received $50,000 in sustainability In the 20l2 round. seven of the peer review committee said. funding fromtheCity ofWaterloolast week. mm ll newgroups to apply for funding “because funding decisions are earned cash, while there 52 appli- often based on previous years' Ludwig said the peer review special projects. seeitthroughthetaxpayers’lens' cations from city affiliated groups grants it makes it incredibly chal- committee. which recommends to Coun. Angela Vieth said she Through that lens. peer review and42 from nonafliliated. lenging for new organizations to be city council how funding should be heard no complaints about howthe members saw a number of chal- in addition to the community considered in the funding process delivered, had evened the playing funding was doled out. though the laws in theapplication process grants awarded last week. $120. 000 as it cunently stands" ï¬eld from the time when city coun- situation was greatly improved Language barriers posed a pair in sustainability funding was doled left out of the funding this year cil decided funding for groups not from the time when council had a ocular issue. Midwig said. but help out to ï¬ve flagship cultural institu- were the Canadian Caribbean afliliated with the city. role indecidingwhodeaervedcash. was available to groups asking for tions. Association. the Grand River Chi- Of the 73 groups to apply. 35 “It's much better became when cmh. The Clay and Glass Gallery nese School, K-W Rowing Club. were afï¬liated with the city and we were reviewing the applications "If they don’t take us up on the received $50,000. The Museum, lunior Achievement Waterloo received a combined total of we had delegation after deleption offer. it just makes it a harder chal- which also received a community Region. Navy League of Canada. â€27.478 while the remaining 24 of people who didn't get money," lenge at the table.“ Ludwig said. grant. received $30,000, KW Art ’ Strong Start (Jiaritable foundation. groups. including festivals. recein Vieth said. “What i like about it is ‘And if it's the same group (the next Gallery received $18.0“). KW Sym- I Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery. $72,675. that the volunteers who are on that year) and they don’t take our help phony received $10,000 and the > World Religions Conference and Several groups received funding committeeare citizens it's a lot more challenging to get the Creative Enterprise Initiative was I . Yoga for Hope. both for operating budgets and “They’re taxpayers and they ran committee toagree to fund them." awarded $12,000. > t . ‘ J» W m ' ' " ' E o o 0 . ~ ‘ ' j b x" ‘ A; 1 N >. D s g l‘ A 4-‘ ANDCO » Câ€" l A - châ€" A 3 C CRAFT AND " i ' if it ' , lh . i i 4-4 'flm gt; ' 3 ' . ecommunl VD m... â€.n i , .. “whenâ€, ' _ d lâ€"' poet : Plesented The/h mu Delectable and , , And Collectibles Show. i 1 800 TC? 7524 at at... mama-mar: Amman , W l l 7 M77 , , , 7,7 ,