II - WAl'lzliliX) urIouIcui - Wednesday. lamary Is. mu 3 Exploring new frontiers ‘ O O C O O ; Intimate and experimental, or brg and classwal, symphony has somethmgfor everyone By I I “In “mum composer Nicole um “We commissi' 'oned I Form: Chronicle a new work from her. so we’re premiering } her concerto for power trio and orchestra. I or three seasons. musicians in the KW bascdpn the mimic ofltush. it won't be Rush > F Symphony have been using the Con- songs. but modern classical music in the I rad Centre for the Performing Arts in spirit olRtnh. with grim. bass and drums as Kitchener for their rehearsal space. the solo" But the cosy downtown venue is also the Outwater is also currently working on perfect place for iismoreexperimental per- one ottheupcomingSignatureSeriescon- formancea certs. Spanish Origins: Bolero and Rodrigo The symphony is busily preparing for the (Feb. 17 and 18). The concert includes the second halfoftheseason.withseveralbig a: pruniereofapiececalledSoMSoGoodby Signature Series concerts coming up at Cen- “ ' major young composer Nico Muhly, com~ treintheSquare. .- missionedbytheKWSymphorryalmgwith 'CenueintheSquareisoneot'thegreat thesymphoniesoannipegsndSeIttle. concert halls in Canada.' says music direc- _ 'l've got the score. I haven’t heard it in torandconductorl'idwinmtwatetz'lthbig. . reallife.butl'mleamingit.l’mhearingitin it's].&llpeopleoraoitkalargespace,and ‘ mymind.'0utwatersaid. it'smadeforlarpsotmds" " Hispmwsslndudeasingingittohimsclf There are still two concerts left in the and playing it on the piano. But he’s thrilled intersections series this season. which take to work on something he's never heard place at the Conrad. ‘ ’71 . _ before. 'This is basically a black box theatre, LLJ ‘ , “Beethoven the 5th has been done so which creates I much more intimate experi~ , many times by so many different people. ence.‘ Outwater said during I recent tour of of“: ‘ r, “if; there's a realm of possibilities to cover.†he the space. $3; ‘7 it}? said. 'lï¬ndwithgreatduaics.theybelongat - (if ‘VVltcreMthdï¬spiecel'mtheï¬rstposâ€" Centre in the Square. With some of the " sibllity.‘ weirderstuil.it'sgreathere.\bugetamore Buthenevertircsoftheciasaics visceral. in-yoor-lace leellng We tend to like “i never get sick of it. it's some of the ourexperirnental musichere. I lot.’ greatest human creations in history. It The former King Street Theatre Centre reveals things. Like all books or movies or waspurciusedbytheOoandFamilyFoun- mayougetolderandyourlifechanges dation in zoos and nowhouseI the sympho- the music tends to reflect that. How I feel ny's administrative ofï¬ces. music library. about Beethoven now is very diflerent than boardroomandrehearsalspace. howlfeltaboutBeethovenlOyearsago' ‘An orchestra is a bk omniution to run. Outwater conducts orchestras around ‘ MkempioySZmusicians.thereareseveral mmemmmuEMnomwaterboksWtoamw theworidandisofltoCincinnatithisweek- youtlrordtestraswehavesumolenetwork moipmhhgthammidariea museum-two end.followedlrytripstoWalesandMiami of donors and volunteers and iritenta.’ Out- Beach. But there's a great appeal to the watersaid at the same time. the city hasn't lost out on I physics can reflect each other in certain world he sees right outside his King Street . ‘ "This is a really revolutionary space for performance venue. The space is still avail- ways.†he said 'There's no real model for it. window. an orchestra . . We love having our ofï¬ces ablefor rent to local amyoups. it's been incredible.†“it blows my mind, how lucky people in dawntwnmndthistheatrespaceisperfect Thenextlntersectionsconcertshowcases Forthispmjecthehadtoreaduponthe K-Warefhesays. ‘ for us For the musicians. they feel like they a partnership that must be unique toWater- quickly developing field of quantum ‘A lot of cities have an orchestra, or a 3 have a home here. It’s changed our life for loo Region. Outwater sat down with physi- physics museum, but I think them: just a hit more the better.†cists at the Institute for Quantum Comput- “I'm becoming more of a science nut as I creativity here than in otherplawa' No longer constrained by scheduling at ing to create Quantum: Musical the Frontier result of tilt†For a complete list of concerts and Centre in the Square. the orchestra has a ofSa‘enoefl‘eb 23 and 24). The final Intersections concert. Prog events. go to wwwkwsymphonyca. ï¬ckets » dedicated rehearsal space at the Conrad. But "It's a concert about how music and Rock. (March 29 and 30) includes'a piece by start at $l9. 2012 Nissan Maxims I A k I “Ems I‘M-A. 0%Financingisupto72monttnOAC.Paymentdeferralislor90days. mt. 51943843651) I'M I ,_â€"__â€"_.____â€"â€", _ ,_ _________.__._____ _ , I