as -wnrt:numcnnomcm - Wednesday. December 14. 2011 a“ â€"IE {if . ‘Iï¬ If" we 'mlorare " { ‘ _ :gggnzygr‘ygmtï¬ Q}; â€$353300 In\ or) (1m l mu I’l‘lr'iwfff fl eart ar I 1111a†5 Leuf‘ an" my FLOORING >__ , . , 3 . _ I'tv'vaw . Installations, 0 ‘ I ~ ‘ l , r . Home Sari/ices sardmustamm , ~â€"~~ , , - .. , ‘ ,. ,; and ï¬nishingat ‘ , .mï¬v! , :2 :§:« ‘- . 7 www We Remove: Renovation Debris, . .- ' _ . ’5'“? a [5‘3 V ‘; ' if: '~ .. antenna: to Alma MWNw 519%2 DECKS. Sheds, Furniture, Metal. 1’ , - ' (I: , a < "rev: oaneM tn gamma W Estate Cleamout etc. Moving ' ‘ , , Q , a q% '2?! ‘ ‘:;f‘1‘f[‘wï¬jx â€32:3“: ".7 Available. Envestrough cleaning \ ' ' 7 . i ' «33% . -' e we; l'l gran-ï¬e tart www “on Free Estimates ' > ' ' 72":ng _ gummy \ W Senior“. Discount ~ ‘ ,j b - ‘ , . ‘ sxq-sso-JUNK (5865) ' . a ' l ; a The Record Indepal'ldem RELIEF FROM YOUR JUNK GRIEF ‘ A . . A “E ‘ , Contractor Flyer Force » - amï¬wa _._, '. ' 7 _ . a to ‘ . , . » . 1 ,_ homes it tho ï¬lm: areas of warm. _ DEM “coma r ‘ , I“ - Everything is preâ€"pacltagpd. more it no cokctmg " and conï¬rmation is every two weeks. . -- ~ ‘ ' Am mm Re-Rooring and Ann: Insolation , . a .. v ? WM" 8 Jon s E 8 $75 "3232132311139 At this time of year. we would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the hundreds ofWalerloo t. n i .Geor t. - ~ ~ « â€" Allen St E, Em St E. WebegreSl; S; $75 Frei’;§g;:°7Ff ‘ngm residents who have conflg'tgutrfhyï¬rzéï¬ï¬‚ï¬nï¬ewzmm I"km“ not only from your Annuale Rd' Anna CnNormandy “9' Wl'u‘lmore 0" $78 “9 If you have not contributed to The Chronicle. please consider supporting your carrier'. Endgepon no E.Ellrs Cres N.Noilson Ave 390 as we“ as Your community WW- 1 Shadow Wood 0955mm" Wood Cn.Bndle Tn $50 Contribute to the Waterloo Chronicle! Ellis Ores S,Margaret Ave SOriole SLPinewood Pl. 580 ms mus an an,“ Mum.“ ,Mnaflmu l MarshallSt. Regina 5! N, James St ng s.“ 575 a mm"! M of by: If--------------â€"â€"--â€"---â€"-â€"---â€"â€"-â€"-â€"--â€"â€"â€"‘I ‘ Cardinal Cras a at: St E 375 W a m oum’tmn’ rm: n I I’d like to contribute to the Waterloo Chronicle! I Devm Ave & Laurel S! 575 32"? 5% ï¬'SMOSQ‘w"? ":3 I 0 Please ï¬nd a cheque for 826;“) enclosed for a 1 year contribution. I George 51' 3 John SI E $75 “595310: 2358‘?“ °' “"7" : I‘d like [0 pay by 0 VISA 0 MASTERCARD : Ban-Vick Ores; Hallmark Dr. Stanwood Cres 3100 â€mm I . Cardtt: Exp. Date: A g ‘ Old Abbey on. Bayhampton Cres,Sandnngham Dr $95 “a: 2"“ I Signature I 3 Lee Cor Lee Ave, Kane Dr Mossom Pl, Shallmar. 5100 E3 : Name ' : l Mary St, Union St E, Klng St s; Allen St E 358 I: I Adam‘sâ€"“WV . ‘ ““8“†‘9“ W l mâ€" mmâ€" W:â€" ‘ pply :. mammary, apt sâ€"______....â€"â€"..-â€"â€"â€"__â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"_-â€"â€"â€"â€"________.I for one of the above routes a"; BeautifulAs F . f ‘ ll 7775,... ,m m,“â€" , please call 5153-8955566 or “‘30“ '3" or more in ormation ca : 6‘ Mil l e~mail Circulation . therecord com ‘ï¬l’w‘ï¬lwfm‘; mines-5:23: The Circulation Department WATERL O C RONICLE ; . F3553: 3mg? Leftnzngut's Rd 519.394.3350 Fax 519-886-9383 279 Weber Si. N. Suite 20. Waterloo. ON N2] 3H8 : The Waterloo Region Record 'Amsgtggouggaggggge " ‘ 3'" â€9° ‘ Independent Flyer mm 3 : 0°"trac‘°â€Â°'ce A m EXI RA' EXI RA' ; uaranteed Delivery Work! a 5 a] ’13"??? l"5$'c»5352§’§; I I E Youl|| mve' be out 0' a iob! " . ‘ g m'fltOSK’VS Cd _â€"â€"___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ‘ l a r cums»; READ ALL ABOUT IT. l Brandenburg Blvaeats Way. N2T $113lmonth Real Estate " I Brandenburg Coon N2T $37r‘monlh "5"" WW’ “GINâ€"- r prmeon Crescenll‘Settlersfreld on N2T S7&~‘month .3 a... w ' WA TERL50 C ROMCLE [ Carnngton Plr‘Leighland Drt‘Sandbroolie‘ . Stratnmere N2 $43r‘month cm your urâ€" - - - , ~ 7' ~ 7 751517233-J:â€"-â€"â€" r "and , , a _ at.“ _ l Amberwood BranstonerEnnrsmorec $2131.34,413,313; Notices ritual? l , _. n ' Regency area N2T sazr‘month 7’33: f"'""."‘; jun â€" um " ‘ l ' ; Beechwood Dr‘Hemngway‘Sandbur‘,‘ Ln 3» :'.;."L3’;n? "â€2 mm 2'; . l Steinem» area N2T $31cmonlh ‘1‘»le 11.37;. †"‘5 J. ion ’:::.- .ke“ I“ Annemmeme Ave St Morrtl Ave N2T $57lmonth ' ‘ ’ ‘ r; , . _ T1411? "‘_"."‘,' “a“. mum, ’ Frlebwg Drwe lnterlaken D'ive N2T $66‘m0nth W Efï¬ï¬ï¬hgf'ï¬‚ï¬ rK'd’ â€7W ' ‘55:; I :9; ,. 3 I ‘ l Alexmurr :: Clair Creek Blvc‘Krngstl an N2T $40l‘month may? "'â€' m p â€";:“:â€"a . ' l ‘1 #3 , , Bushwood Crt'Clalr Creek Blvd N2T $25r‘monlh m“ so, ,, ,,. a 7 ,. 7 _ a 7 7 » , {avail ‘ ‘ 57% E 1 I Beechwood Driver“ Paradrse Cres‘ 11:3; “if, m" 4;" Lyra-€275: I: -5 - ; Royal Beech Dr area N2T $Alr‘month . ,_ rm : :;3;_:;.:.,; - ‘ a... ‘ Brrchmount Dr“Cedar Bend Owe 1' “3“": "‘{ ‘ ‘ f"; ’ E; if: 5:" t.%..:£‘;".‘~.-E_~.-'_-;-_~:;â€";-=.-_-::_;â€"j m ' 3 ‘.~ ; "1%“ '- " '7 , r112“ dldYou ‘ v ._~.-.~,;-_‘.- :5 .. , :3: l, Cteeksde Drve area N2\. 5126. monlh rm 3’; 2,; a: nigh}? cam ? ‘ 1 71:2: :1:- Noyflmvoa‘rfgtjjrnag ETD}- Evil; K r mgr r tarm- Wt l ‘ .He..-.._ ._. - N 31:71:74.: L:‘:.:1:.; ,_ z w“ "w ‘ ‘I l Kitchener â€â€œ1“†°; *1 33W“; 1 7 t‘ . §;_;5;:'gj;g Tiff-L“. 23“" “ 3:53;: l' 7 < i Mountam Mlnt Cres N2E $37‘s‘m0nth tn"? ’ r e Mgr" % 2:4 ~12: :;§::i_-:’fj ï¬gs; 3753:: C “ ‘ . ' } Copper Lear street mp, SJSNmonth W it“ 3;:- Tj-jj-‘j 39;“:- ~-:~§;5f: as}; r l Cherry Hul DnveJCoach Hrll Drive N2E $79n‘m0nth “I“ I.“ £33:â€" .145 5.}; 5:37.133 :??;:.:_3: “ ‘ Devnnglen Sandspnngs area N2E $87lmonlh E “ "“" i CountrySlde Crescent‘Tuerr Drove area N2E $142r‘monlh ? Rusho'ocm-mstledown Dr NZE $37s‘m0nth . . m ‘ Servin your mmmum'Iy since [(156 'â€" l Well Maintained l '09: very day; at»? Wednesday Thursdayr‘Frlday Building l I Manage yll‘Ul own route and get paid every two weeks ’- 1.. Mme tn r mom _ ; Everything ls a"? wowed and there‘s no collectmg re- “"*â€,'."a,['j,’,',‘(‘;‘M3"““ 279 Weber Si. N. Surte 20, Waterloo owed Don! as: being cut at work‘ Delwenng a route is 2 W guaranteed Income for as long as you want to deliver 5350 . Md") 519-886-2830 . - â€"~ “W†â€W www walerloochronicle ca For more into; or to apply lor one of these routes, 235 Mom" m “that" ' ' I call Grant at 519-895-5598 drrecl or 519.394.3409 - : email gsoper é‘therecordcom momwomu local news local sports local happenings