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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 14 Dec 2011, p. 11

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7 W, 7 7 w___._______________ WATERIDOCHIONIufi-Wednesd-xnecembaqut'll ] - V G C ‘ . 4" v 1". ' , l - - 1 F .' FlaSh mOb m I www.kw-glc.com j ‘ for a cause ' Rate of the Week' 1 ‘ '__ . #4:": Students from the Untversrty of . Guaranteed Investment caning“, ,. '..' 7? :‘ w Waterloo and the Mennonite Coali- i , , a t a» a .. non newsman wean-m come i , .0, -. ,7 V 4t a flash mob at the Waterloo public i ’* slay? .. ‘ 2'3; “EL ‘ square' Saturday to raise awareness KW'G'C mmflmm . {wk ‘5 « 1-», of noniitizen child and youth righB. VS, 4 1 ‘ 4. ‘\ § The flash mob was part of a national Retail Bank Rates mmmm- l i -_ ' ‘ ,, cam i n led the Canadian Coun- ' 5-" ‘ 1., {£31. ‘1. ’ ‘ (il '33 Rgefugee? Participants colled- .mblmmm WWrMWKw'G'C are covetedbyCOIc ! n,;'.'~':§j:' ‘ “ ‘fi 9" 9" “9"atu’e‘an" "meme" "‘9’" m 279 Weber St. N.. Waterloo 0 519-747-8123 1 W “.11; _ . '3; . ;. . local MP5 to push for changes “I” u‘,‘ t ~ A , / ”(AWIIABREV mono 1 Anti bull ' bill tr l ymg causes C011 over 8)] ' 1 Bt‘PAIt;t.Di.siitoNn “Atty time that we've sat and dis- “We do have groups in our W , - ‘ l l “"0"“ .’e Will cussed any issues iii terms ol'hullyr st'hools that are supporting Stu» l. I h .4 j ,A“, xumgfle . V t _ _ _ .. ,, _ f . , ' Only the mg or anything likt that, the out dents in a number of ways. l'rat III, ’1 __ , ._ ‘ g 1 titerloo's ( atltolit' Ulsll’lt‘l word that t‘oines up always istnclur nyek said. "It's not just around sex- »_./ L / - ‘ 85-51 from I WSehool Board will iontin- site." lagiellowiw said “i don't ualon’entation. vfw» " i , ‘ 0‘” FWWI)’ l tie to be iiit lusi\ e 7» thinlt there‘s ever been any conâ€" “Under this particular hill we ‘ .. l ' to Yours" 1 despite haeklash against l't‘t ent (1'th about est‘ltision, won't be falling it gay-straight ‘ , Â¥ _ _ , i untrhullting legislation b) sewrttl "l have not seen anything in the alliances. There are images that . WEEKLY SPECMLS ' " ‘ l organi/ations that l'ltll") to “"1“" or) or pTilt‘llt't’ or eoinments or some up around the gayâ€"straight , ._ out. 12 - ”at. 17 l sent thet‘atholir l'aitli othens‘ise." alliances? â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- } lwo weeks ago the “bend got (Sharles .Mt‘Vt‘l)’ ol' the institute 'l'ratny‘elt said the ( zilliolit‘ hoard Fresh Park I eminent lnln)(lllt1‘tl anti bullying lor Canadian Values joined the would continue to promote int‘lll‘ n‘i' S|DE “'33 $5 93 kg 32.69 lb t legislation that, among otlter bat'klash. saying in a press release sion within the schools and to work A. 1'" S M 1 things. notild mandate students he the anti-bullt‘tng legislation attacks against bullying. . -'; tore Made doleSl ad: Store Made Smoked l allow-d to wt up gay straight (htholit‘utlues. However, he said. any efforts ‘ Award er‘mg 5' we RING } alliani'es in am sthool “It hiding " l'here is no prool that toning would stay away from the word FLAME” 000K500“ 5 I t .itliolit st liools all schools. |)llhll(‘ and (,atholit'. to "gay" because it is not "reflective of DINNER BOLOGNA $6 37 kg 2.89 lb sexeml organi/ations int‘ltidittg tenth this material and host gm at'atholic tradition."he said. BACON HAM ~_â€"._“*_.â€"â€"_â€"_ l .inipaign life ( ottlition and the tliibs \s'ill stop bullying." he said, (-uidelines in reaction to the 5990‘“) $549kgt Ska" your Locally Ra's“, Turltey. Instituti- lor ( dihltlldll Values, hat e " ”Us guise doesn't hold water wtth proposed legislation were currently 34 49 $2 49 (“”5" Duck or Store “‘11” bone-in or . on used the government (ll trying standard pedagogii‘til prat‘tit‘es" being drafted for all Catholic ' m ' lb Blackforest Him for ( hnstmns! in U\'t'ttttlt‘( .ttltolit religious rights. Pail lratnyek. superintendent ot \t’hUOIS. l’ratnt'ek saidt “1.0“." New mum-'1' Swimmer A Waterloo trustee lanelt lttglt‘l' learning. student sut't‘ess and lamb But in the meantime local “'5'('-~("“"“& [3‘10“ 7"“ (ZIFT CERTIFICATES li)\\‘lL/ sdltl he has not .nsare oi the tlt'\ eloptttent With the Wt “98. said schools would t'ontinue to respond “? ”500”) use "WM “”05“ P f (S! Ir'uA S! ‘ r ltdt Hash and ioultl onl\ s.t\ lhetatholit board had longollered pastoralh to the needs of all slu- waterin “‘9" Pmudi‘m- ”(a ”a. or ‘ g all? \\t its“ st hools would immune to lltt'ltlsn‘l' clubs in st‘ltortls. but not dents 3031 Lobsmger Line, Heidelberg 519.699.4590 l“ ”WWW 2-0 ‘lril'til'ldll'd'm‘ Mon rWert as Thurs rt. 8-8. 5." 730-5 www.stemmlermeat5.ca I O In-camera budget Items a common practice? Continued from page] lliomas l’ein, issues nth to allots for t ltlst‘tlrllhtll‘ dis» ier xsitli the \lllllslr) ol t'll\\ltlll INDIAN RIVER DIRECT \\t)lllll \(|\l the t I“ ti Ulldl oi \luiiiti ml \llairs and ”(his lite (,it\ til Waterloo is in $13 iiiilliiiit llt'.ll'l\ $3 mil trig will budget items \sere tiiiitiati negotiations will] CITRUS muCKLOAD SALE lionol that in :tll.’ the lt'sptlltsllllllH til the lllV hall etnpltn‘ees and the Wed Dec 21 1mmam-12:mnoon lllt‘ tonal tax llllptitl irtiiriit ip.i|it\ \Â¥\.tterloo l’rllll'\\lllntll lire Mei King Restaurant \\t)Llltl be ll i‘l tier tt‘lll Us lllt‘ pit‘st‘llltlllllll lll lighters \ssot LittonI t WIStliWAvo.) )t‘l ieittiillettiwtriJill: Imam ltll inlotniatiori and ll)t‘(‘ll\l\tlttllrlt'( l'ortte ; lull items in the Jill: the (list ritition or titltng til ongoing legal l‘dllll‘ over the “Md“ s m .‘lll 1 operating rel onion-nil line llt‘lll\ mtlnii lltUIHt ip.il RIM l’arlt honoring hast in mm” 25 ed base budget requests budget dot tinieiits is the alsotontintieto ratk up past «mum "- miitlil lttl.tl slTiliirTl in will responsibilm til the worm l' theS’r million niarlt. it lll' the i :lit ti total tits palit‘i,” l’ein said in A” (unit Mark Whale} said " lllllltltl wt lllllllls Hi per email the publit (lNlltl expett tl'lll about hall or it pen i-rit ‘\liniit lil-lllllt" iii-xelup iiilortnation on the items in Region of Waterloo JL‘f' point to ”Hit“ i iii Jill! lllt‘lf with point and pint e the («rural budget before a I l llH‘t‘ llt‘\\ lllit‘ lll‘llls \llllt‘\ regarding budget pres \ltlt' on lllt' It”: budgets in JittiflllHlltldlt‘ll ititliiii llll’ l’ltltlll'fll li'brttrtn BLI titiitiusi-il t itlllldl It New iiiil \ii tirilii i. ll‘lg'ttllllll‘t: llll‘ ‘ llit'ies some but issues ‘ hm i itsii liNll‘tl is lli lilllll‘lrl llli liisio'i lll l" l.tllll‘[tl items there .iiiil ll s (In l‘s'sltt' til llllil: s l ll.‘i ‘l i lllll (I'lll’ll lii liii .ileil iii the Jill! trust isiit it “ \\'lt.t|t-\ said REG'ON 0F WATERLOO SIGN BY-LAw1o-o30 ‘.'IlllNllliillllill iii 'lii ‘tirnl liiiilgiillititiltiitlisttiliiiteill-x lll.ll\illdllit‘llltlllhl‘l trigo the ll st stilt izt‘ iiii' llllll litmus illt.i<tviiiitleilloi ENFORCEMENT ADVISORY ‘ git H . murmur Mini ll s mm , Ii mil not sun lll minim Ari increasmg number oi illegal Signs along Regional toads have led the Region to increase l i ll", It‘ll if ‘T Ill JJIJ"‘iFf‘.‘ITrlZZi‘ i7”’.l’fl””l..'lli‘l ‘" '1 Till: "I'll“; s. i iii WWW“ 0’ "S 3'9" WW '0 ”0’0“ '03“ We” and "79 ”PM“ 0' ”99'0"” ”a“ film ll hm hm ‘3 ‘ '1‘ H \ mm"; “a “in” ‘th ”1 MW M, ’ ,m ’1'“ V 4;“, Regional and municipal enlorcement stall Will be targeting small wrremounted Signs and other ‘ n Vi: i but mi 1 i i it 4, ,1“ ii N My m , U,” H Vi,“ “WWW WWW”: V ”WW mistellaneous srqns including but not limited to poletnuunted Signs and mobile Signs that do “Mr, V m “we mt Mm, ”WM my m mm not meet the conditions 01 the bylaw Signs observed not complying With the Region's Sign i iii mi llli lit it is in it i mi. “it”; .it. llt‘lti~ lll itillllllt hotly,” lly law Will be removed immediately Without notice and a ticket may be Issued The owner at l \lllli l min i. l iii iii 1ii iii, i iii« in it lli .» ttllilltil i\ilsltlllllll4'li will llt t' any such Sign lound replactng or pennining the replacement of any removed nonâ€"compliant in» an iu emit ll lit in new» in. he Mil W ill: i' writ amt Sign wullbo issuedalickel by an enlorcentent officer and the replacement Sign removed tdlllt‘lrl iiti ls iii~ w‘ lillltl ‘iii llllllllt‘lt“.ll‘\\ tillHl‘ \il.itisriitl \ . “We in“, W,“ ii W , my”; My“, i,” ,,i mum. ”Mi,“H ”m ,. mm rim timid lopresol the current Sign Bylaw 10-030 are available for revrew in the ClerksOllice. Region of tsstiiis illlll labour ' iitiii‘i,r sliiim ll llltlll‘ hill) in (Jill r‘is ll'l legal l.iiiil .iiiil Waterloo 2nd Floor 150 Frederick Street Kitchener during normal office hours Copies of "19 ltiilis viii lien» ill in.‘ proposed amour torrent by law can also be obtained by waiting the Region at Waterloo websne at inn rill mm l‘ln .- mi trinity: ‘ilme ill! \llll uttgnlllt,‘ wwwregionahriaterlgqrca under the Regional Government Bit-laws menu at the top of the Htth‘ tittlilii l\ llttl\ lllll' litittiit litttlil‘. issiti's that hill. i.iii‘l be home page If YOU have any QUESlIOnS concerning the by-law. any QUESlIOnS COHCBme llti-ii- “as in» spin ilii lli llllllllll lllt‘llllltllt‘tl iii resulted ‘lielori'lritilgt'l clot Phlorcement Of the bY-laWt 0, Wish 10 make a complaint about SIGNS, YOU may contact intrusion lit the \i i speaking camera but iii lllshftlll es llni ("All iii-iii is resulted Matty Sawdon. Administrator Licensmg and Enlorcement directly 31519-57540“) 0! to turnip i iti iris islii It iii [its m it iii irn il in Ml illlt‘t‘ttl s publii lliQTfllQflQlVfllCllQQfia MAW,‘ , 7 ,A ,4. , -

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