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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 14 Dec 2011, p. 9

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WATERuxJCHRONlCIE’chnesdly. December I4. mu - a [â€"W” #"â€"‘ 'fi'“""WWâ€"i’fiwmâ€"“w'm” ’"Ai' 7" "7' ‘ W ’ " ’ *7'7' . ‘ t r v 5 5 ) 5 5 t i a ‘ 1 . l L1; l 1th5 I() THE CHRONICLE a e west : . 1 Stop the madness pay this ballooning deficit. the city Express your concern to your f . i . wants to Implement a surcharge to councdlor and to the mayor and ask 0 new me a 1 at City ha“ addition to the annual increase in your neighbours to do the same. We } 05' people know that protFert}r taxes and water levies to can't goaclilndlike this! A;I email or; [fan Gramo is a crappy employee."Really crappy," said 3 M being bankrupt meal” P33 50' IE . fW' 5 I i 'h ‘ onnkzc 095 more a“ you W1 Gramo. former producer oflirom Green Live. one of the I that a company has more 1 1 he (Al) 0 diff 00 183 L oscn 1"” 0W- ~first notable live web-casts. Wehad a lot of differences } bills ~50 pay than they have money d Sill/13m committee, headed by of opinion about what a live streaming network should be i to pay them. ' ' 51"“ Magreehaii 0f (.aiiaccord M- C8” Kaufman and._tneyttably. Tom fired me on the air while we were stream- i The Americans broti ht on their Wealth Managementxto luck at “.5 . .. _ . . . , Waterloo ing live. i . g proposed budget. Lets hope this is 5-,». . 1-: ..- my. «new: : Thankfun for G h ' h' b g _ d h l recesston because they handed out , - . _ g; ‘l‘rtc‘... .,}3£-"yr§'~e:' got-”5,5 in?" 553155 V_ ramo. es "0‘” '5 0W" °5~ an 9 . (;IC monev as mortgages m people more than a public relations exer- $55.... 5... “if? g . 5 5 1%.," seems tobedotrigagreat Job. . . i who couldn't PaV the interest and use and courted is serious about «3931);;WI.’ Rich's 5:51:51; The week after his on~air firing, _Grar_no launched his own 1 certainly ctiuldn‘t'pay back the prin« [$501an Water 1005 “Wilma! “I"? 55.3.: «5- we“ 5 55:: webcast, theStream.tv. producmg live. interactive entenain- I cipal. tion. I _ fi . ; 7’17”}, ; -, «5;: «5, of , .1»: .1 merit â€" ranging from Video game shows to filmmakmg pro ‘5 During the last year, ““1""ng The P an 15 not 10 re anyone ~ 3.3,." - 55555555553555.15'z5575; -:5. 155335; grams â€" available on platforms such as intemet. cable. hroad- i 5. 5 . a they have to eat too â€" but to choose a. «5; .- 55 55..., 55:15 my; cast and mobile. . provinces and ctties have been what is needed not what is wanted ":15 5.5., f' if; . - i ”If Duri ' ' h' ' ' d ll d ' ! spending more money than their Th 1' - ‘ _ b It, .5 5 r. ~. « s .5 > 1.1., ng my time teac mg universttyan co ege Stu ems in : my” were bringing in. 5980315 "0‘ '0 C1" ser‘f'Cf’S- ‘1 0 ... . a A»: . 5 « . recent years. it dawned on me that ’many members of the . It is so bad in Europe that one economize. Talk ‘0 any C") employ» 9-“ -5.55c_;;-‘f‘ 5. 5'3 a: 5 :1. Younger YouTube generation doni Sign on With a cable : country is being asked to use their 58 “51“.?" say there are mo many '31. ; 5 A; 5’ . . 5 meder‘ Even among ("Y own age gr oup, "5 apparent “Blew i taxpayers' money to bail out other empires. too much talking and ‘90 i , ' ' ‘ » ' . 5‘0“ cable-cord-cuttingison the "59 _ 5 _ i who are overwhelmed b5. debt. Now PKWY managers. Lyle Hallrnan Wd- . .. ' a 2 Thats why I wanted to chat vinth Gramo. a pioneer in online } “Mme,“ wan“ comp.“ (we, the WcVneed doers. not talkers. . « 1V entertainment, to learn about this fast-emerging field. "Its . } budgets of the countries to which (,ouncil does not “Fe what. they '7 .5 - » i i ' '2 [Ike the Wild west. and although "3"" something to be sad for i they are lending money. are hearing from the" appOImed v‘ great writing. our shows arent scripted â€"â€" i The (Iitv of Waterloo is in finan~ committee and are reluctant to take ‘ q “'5 a chat room experience that has » cial ”numb too. Thev are spending the" adv1ce. Perhaps they are com 5 the production value of teleVIsion, \ l \ l ih l l \l i too much money. They are directing cerned about the" chances 0f re- ' Gramo recently (Old me over the \H l \ too much money to what they want election. . ' phone from losAngeles. ‘ - . - ' As well. the ' are holdin too . Th Stream.tvoffeisanarra of ro- iiistead ofwhat the City needs. . y » g . e . y P The davof reckoning is here. many meetings behind CIOSEd « 5 gramming._ from The Weekly News 5 The infrastructure deficit has doors. This letter comes because-l = , mm 5m,“ "'74 Shlesmger (NBC's 135‘ ‘ ‘ grown to $350 million. In order to and a '0' 01 other people [hmk this ‘, ' , 5 . Comic Standing) to Filmnut. where a â€"-I mUSI bestopped. . - ~ " each week host Jeff Schubert inter- 5 j w â€"‘ views an industry insider for a behind- - . the~scenes look at Hollywood movies [want or stmas â€"simnanomsmmmm “When watching Filmnut. we want ‘ oooooo, dad, what do you want for Christmas? woman. it to have the Vibe of a live 081A after 5 S Not only did they help out with lundraising. they you've gone to see a film." Gramo MARSHALL ; It's the second most dreaded question of the year. also brought a group of friends and held an explained. “where the audience watch- WARD i lhe first if you must luioVi is. “Dad. are you doing any impromptu jam session one evening. 1 ing can ask questions, and the show is ‘ thing right now?" 'lhroughout the spring and the sum- i responding to those questions in real ”Mt one never tndkt‘s m_\ day5tum out "’ ' "" " ’ ‘ met they were back and forth to the l time. Because we're not making shows that talk at you, we‘re “PM" PI [ ( I ( )l local cancer centre for treatment and i making shows that speak with you." mix the ( llnxllllth question has been ii ‘ ' 5 tests. and to loronto for more special ‘, Broadcasting live since 2006. having produced and aired lliillt' of (Ulilt‘lllltlll for .i long time (If B()URK[‘ izedtreatmenlsund important surgery. i nearly [.500 episodes. theStreamtv has hosted the likes of Home llkt‘ moxi Linn-rs. | .iiii llt'\t‘rll)t1l .I\ This week they told me their daugh‘ ‘ everyone from The Tonight Shows lid McMahon lorlivuar's loel 5 in illilltill\l\ h.iid in bin tor ter has been declared free of any residr David Moore to Slur Mel’s Zachary Quinto. along with several i I don‘t Iiiiiik Ili.ii‘~ “my but I under , 5 3 mil cancer tells. l‘liroiighout the past I cast members front SNland Mal/7T, laskedtirdmo how an ini- ! «and | Ll\t‘tl to mix the \.lll1(' thing .iiniui L " ‘ year K" has been writing it blog and ‘ tiiillyiiiiknown. grassrtuitswehczist could attract celebrities. i im mm parents 1 a; 6 1 sharing her thoughts and e\p(‘rieni cs ‘ i "l'm not going to get into specifics. hut in some (uses some- i ”with. i don‘t mini .irimmsg I iilll .ii the '5 a ‘5 ' « overtlieintcrni't l 1 one was sleeping with someone. lley 7 we're in Hollywood!" ‘ [irillll cit I’Illll‘l not Herding .lll\lltlll§: t‘th‘. . "r - She writes about her (‘lllllltll'lllt' in l ‘ (iriiiiio said with ti laugh. “()r it was ti friendrol»ii5friend‘of~a» . oi it I do llt'lllt: r .ipuiiii .iiul win loo iiiip.i ‘0 ’ l limiting t .iiict-r, lii-r tli~\otioii to her ‘ 1 friend in the beginning, but then .is our profile lllt‘l’(‘il\t‘ll. it i iii~iii llik‘ulll. \o 1 My. ti on wit i ldlllllV .iiid herdrive to return to tltlllll' ‘ 5 bet .iiiii- easier to put that reel out .iiid sin: 'ilcy. we've had i ”iii \llll e I u been hudgvini i‘lltllt“.\l\ ‘ i ll wasn‘t all \llll\lllll(' llt‘l .lllNl' \ll(‘ is ‘ guests X,‘i'.intl /.. so “In don't you come on tlieslioii'?"' ‘ about dll\\\l‘lili§, ilw i'iit'\llllll l \[ll'lll ,5, 7 ' ' lithium ion (oiiltl it-.id helm-en the 1 “null" ttllllllllll‘tl. ”Ill/4| Schlesinger. we ltiid before she was \tilllt lllllt' l.t\t ‘tu'i'k thinking .ilioiti it Blil.\N lllll‘\ and we the [can shed. but you i . men on [gist (Zomit' Standing and she knew loin Arnold from m.) then I thought “our um..- Jim.” ll B()URKF ioiild .ll\t| ii-.id lion \lll‘ “its deli-i i . being on the comedy scene. llie hosts ol our programs :7 ' vim m-rkvnil Mule ill'lllill": mu .i “New“, ‘ llllllt‘tl to get through ll 1 ‘ ionieiliiiiis, filmmakers. gamers are iii the industry they love. “MUM, “Mi [Link “no 5, in,“ 5.5,”..“5u, I’m not going In It‘ll \ou good Iii-.ilth . i so that's lltl\\ we get lllt‘gtll‘\l\ " i Vol I men: out iiioii lllllt' thinking .ilioui ii \\llllt‘ is enough toil litixtiiids ‘ 4 Watching llIi‘Sllt'illlllV this past neck. I was Illt'NllIt'll/l‘ll by m “up ”I, my .m it.“ “wk Hiking .ilioiii wim- wit Hut tioin .ill [how proph- like “K‘ “ho li.i\i' I." rd ‘ the hauntingly lit-.iutilul melodies of l,.‘\ hosed singer song grin-mm tliill.llltill\ in the annual iii-r oi \iigtvk i .uii the toughest ili.illi~iigi-\ .uul i'iiii‘igi-il lioiii the other \‘t‘lllt'l ( Illllllt' l iiii pt‘rlomiiiig ll\'|‘ in their \iiitti Moiiitii "Hull" 1 Inigo ‘l o \‘Ntltxtllt‘ll in lllt‘l lllHlll' lt’ .llltl iii\ nun \Illl'. ll \pll‘ll\ t‘.l\\ Iiikiitm \\li.ii l \\.llll \‘.|l(l\ll|(l|t) i-iiiplou-r H N ll Hi | \\.llll to he Iiki* lllt‘tll When II gets tough. tlic\ "(llnltllhly or have .i plan and structure to the shun. but \iid lllmi‘K l mi .iiwmti iii ii min ii i got alltilt‘ kwp lllt’ll llt'.|tl\ up .inil dl'l'ltl illltlltl to .isk ioi .i lllllt' \\llt'l\ you shoot llH‘, there's .iii energi that translates to the 1 limo «mic or». 1 iv nib t 'iul onion: we .tllllll.ii llt'lp llll“. bull through iiiilil [hex iii.iki~ it but k Hem-rs." l1t'\-l|il "l tliitik that’s why no no“ lhnt‘ iii;i\‘lit-3,tt()t) Pout. i Hm i..~i;.iii5ii'm do [in .ii'itll-t‘ltl‘lllll' (itititltlllilllltlklbll Iii-opleiiiiiiiirii'iilh \mltlitngzi slum li\t'.iii lt).l)t)0\\‘i||w;itih i ”11‘” d.iiu~5hi-*i twirl; 5‘H h t‘ .2 Hit torn: oi tun ll on ilt‘iimiidiiiiiweek Andtli.ii‘~i-u‘iliiig"' it! bin thy-v. 4:4 mod lti help will i'iv v..iiiip.iit:o .inil "' \ot had toi .ii r.ipp\‘ l'lllpltl\t'l‘. llriiiii lln n mm tut in..." HM; impinm (tum: Ituiiikr' tllllt‘Hllh’I utiliv in. iktinl I \l I mom in: mum's his llu‘ i (ltllltjliltl null l.‘.ll iii/mung, n‘ll‘JIlIl hen-m Ilt’l/l't‘t‘llllll/Ill i .kli/Hhiilllt'ortlixu l'i’\lltl/Ill!l\llllldlt’It’UIHI}: N'IKHII'I llllllllh w - i i... Milt-rim! dam It and .i drhphihd noting IIIWII'kH-‘loo/lm mm u-c/t mired! marshal] uwnltuliomiuiltom, . l .

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