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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 30 Nov 2011, p. 7

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WAI'EHLOO CHRONICLE “Wednesday. November 30. 20!] - 7 ,. ., ., y ., w I ,.\ w Taxpayers also angered by late tax assessments ' ,7 ~ , .' 3 i l l l . . J t] a f Continued from page I assessed Value of the proper- ration of all building permils ,~ . , ,,, , ,a ‘ lennifer McCon key. ty or Change its classification. issued that month. complet- . - #3" Q - ‘\ l ‘1 ‘ ‘ "fl ,â€"». i. q" account manager, municipal according its website. ed projects and final occu- \, ,. , ~ , y ‘ a (a LN; relations {or MPAC, told the If any additional assess pancies. __~./ ‘ i _ , 5 7T ' ‘ Chronicle any error or delay ment is added to the tax roll lleitinga said he did not . a ‘a . ' ‘ ' ‘, ‘ ' in processing supplementary or the propeny classification have numbers on the , | v a (9 J or omitted assessments has been changed, the prop- amount of tax cash lost. but '- ’ ' Q’ ‘ I? l :, ' . would fall at the feet of city any owner will receive a once the threeayear window > g 7, Jr i, ‘ officials Notice of Supplementary is up. the city's out of luck to it: . ‘s \ y ’ Where improvements to a Assessment or a Notice of collect. " _ \\- property have been made. Omitted Assessment. He said lost cash wasn't y â€" . ' ‘ MPAC will note the changes Under current process for the only issue. City residents ’ 7‘ i ‘, - made and determine assessing property taxes, the receiving late assessmentsâ€" ? 5 ll) ‘ (as 4’ «(y/{y 537 5; whether a supplementary or city electronically submits a for instance for three years ‘ ., 3“ my»; C i l 1 ‘,‘\ a? omitted assessment should report to the Municipal worth of taxes â€" get irate ' ‘gs‘ . r i "w" we '1 be issued to increase the Property Assessment Corpo- when they receive the bill. ‘ $ ‘ A > ' a" 1‘14," ‘ :'. 7‘)" a i- "" ~ '3 3"?" ‘ M. “I” : l- ‘ a: if: 5:313! L1» ' ‘ ‘ ' k . ‘ i,4;t,, m .1 (a? i§étiiegly$ :w ,. ', 43:“ l ‘a P 7 W; ,Y'L‘;»<,t.;1z 'r' a??? ».,,‘:_r«;",~_»,,a~ ,2 was “a" mafia" a , j ' a .. t . Requi- lov a Good Cause ‘ ,; t i , ‘ a @ a a an“ NOTICE or COMMENCEMENT 0F TRANSIT PROJECT ASSESSMENT PROCESS _ '2 Q _ This notice waslirst issued ., , r, ., Region of onNovember22.2CIll v i ' 45“ R 'd T 't Waterloo api fanSI of The Green Team . , . . , . , The Regional Munimpalrty of Waterloo (Regionl is proposmg a rapid The Green Team at Lexrngton Public School wrll hold a speaal fundraiser Dec 3 and encour- @ Project tran5it system that connects the Region's three maior urban centres 0' ages people to drop off their used ink cartridges, cell phones and cell phone batteries The» the Cities of Cambridge, Kitchener and Waterloo. This proieCt is pan of 6'99” Team “”me "35 about 30 “we“ membe" "0’“ grades 1 to 6- promm'"9 “new“ a strategic framework to enhance transrt service in high-demand transportation corridors and , such as Boomerang Lunch, Walk on Wednesday and Lights Out in the Classroom to help pre- to gutde and manage long-term 9mm“ within the Region, as set out in the Regional Growth serve the enVironment They recently iomed With Greentec‘s Think Recycle program, collecting Management Strategy (2003) and the Regional “3,1500,“th Master Plan ‘20”). inkiet and toner cartridges. cell phones, digital cameras, iPodsImp3 players and even laptops , , and ”we“ to emuyes the safe and enwronmentally responSible disposal of the electronic Stage 1 of the rapid transrt system consists of both Light Rail Transit(l.RTl and adapted Bus Rapid “ems may a”; “may“, through this program mm a “my ze,o.iandf,” policy Lexington's Transn laBRTl operating along the rapid tranSit corridor. LRT will operate between Conestoga x Green Team hopes to raise enough funds through the fundraiser to plant a mature tree in the M3" '" the CW 0' Waterloo and F3'”'”"" Park M?" "l the CW 0' “Chm“ (19. km), and 3m" “hem playground as we” as manage some 0mg, native garden plants Beginning this week, Will operate between annew Park Mall and the Ainslie Street Terminal in the City of Cambridge they are accepting the abovearnentioned items in the lobby oi the school The community “7 km) There W'" be a total N 21 stations along the 36 km corridor. dropaoft at the school IS from 9 a m to ll a m , Saturday at 431 Forestlawn Rd ,‘ ./ Mi “BMW M» W [Jr/'- ” \‘ , I i If you would like to be added to our proiect mailing list ) M n l or have pooled-related questions, please contact Advertorial . jay .. ,. / "on 4 humanism» Bhui. Ping, 4 ' R I \ I ‘r, x l . l Manager, rep/a fransrt Engineer/rig Laser Half emova s. 2. L," l ‘ w. l Transportation andfnvrrmmentalServices Unwanted hair l5 a problem shared by both men How Does it Work? \1 ’ ‘ A! i 150 Fredenztlerglslzif‘e: gram and women Some people experience unwanted to In laser hair removal, each pulse of laser light treats ,. ; ”V ,â€" ‘ ‘ Kitchener ON' N26 U3 excesswe '1le growth at puberty, others mayfind it several hair follicles at the same time. unlike old .-“' 3"..1;:.\ , T Pho , _' - a ne. 519-575 4757, ext. 3891 to be a condition that grows progresswely worse lashioned electrolySis where a needle had to be y -.'§‘ dbh it @r fw I ’ with age Some women experience inserted into each and every hair . “ ‘7 L, __ A“ -v. u -. _____a I 99.33:. _a_e_r_oo___l.ca additional hair growth during follicle , ouch‘ The Cynosure Elite - y , pregnancy or menopause A few Laser treats more hairs at once In ‘_ i’ _ - flaw" diseases also have erresswe hair tact, 100200 hairs canbezapped at l ‘ , ,. . , ‘-.. , d, . growth as a symptom, but these once meaning that a large back or V’ ‘3 TI ' are rare two lull legs can be treated in Just , 9..“ ‘ .."“5"'?"..â€":$f_/ Urwarted hair can be the source , one sessron On top of that, the ---‘ - ‘ "'1: ,0' ”faâ€"1‘" '- '\ y of com devanle embarrassment. light beam doesn‘t miss the root ‘ f, t I E l l~mit rig people 5 arm ties and r‘ once the follicle is treated it is rs -. 'a.‘ ,1 ‘ u. _ ___ 3’ ' ‘ ' lrtestyles destroyed tor good Electrolysu. “on“: “ ._ ‘3 " " 1 High tact lasers and «grit sou'ces shaving and depllatory (reams rust ‘ a.” , ”gm,“ ' a. A y '. have been the goldastardard for cannot promise the same results _“.i. y “x '. many want HOWOVPY we are 'l have heard from patients that ... “w . ’1 X"; pleased in meadow a new laser to used to do electrolysrs many years m... & mt '- ‘2 \1‘“ x 1 or: l'llY‘ll lr‘lfrr‘idurlriq the ago that it was a tedious process law-er law..." A A ' '- ‘ (wound lTP Laser riftirially the Dr. Takhar that took then“ months or even mm «A M " '.' l 90rd Hr itanttarrl in no! "‘ltf‘lds now‘ years to begin to see satisfactory I The low titirrmsy Cy'iosure Eiite aestheiit laser is results And even then, results seemed to vary ’ The envnonmental impact ol this trans" proiect is being assessed in I a coo‘rprehenswe hair 'emozal system, ramming based on the skill ol the electroloqrstf eiplains 69 Process accordance With the Transnt Ptoiecl Assessment Process lTPAPl as l unwanted hair ant: my importantly, maintain rig Natalie; the clmir nurse who treats many laser hair outlined in Ontario Regulation 231,08, TranSIt Proiects and Metrolinx client romlrin ‘Thrs irrrroyatiw new laser rombines removal patients a day Undertakings lTranSit Proiects Regulation) As part of the TPAP, an Envrronmental Proiect Report ‘ two orders-m laser i-raiolenqtris in one system, Al Dr Takha' 3 (inc we have been successlul in is being prepared and Will be available lor public rewew in early 2012, All inlormation (planning allowmg my stal‘ and l rm target and remove hair achievrnq permanent hair Twutlloll in all skin types and engineering studies and public meeting materialsl produced as part of this program including on any type 0! Si ll“ m any part at the body “ says With mrnrmumdisrornlort lor many years now We an electronic versron of the above map. is available on the Region’s rapid transrt webstte at Dr Talihar 'lani mutt-rt tn minnow this new laser l rid that F: 8 treatments are required at monthly WWW-"ginnolwatorloo.ca/rapidtnnsit. and the Region's Administralive Headquarters ‘ :‘o my pails-Tab wigirll My???” in marhinelgir intervals tor best results K Members 0! the public, agencres and other interested persons are art remove , U I ran-so , l 'lPVli iaser we l’ T‘ - q now say Yes“ tri so marry more patienls than Ldll today in! a riirnnlimenlary ronsullation to consunat'on Egfigxfififl ggpgrgsnftigztgr Sghvafizltvin'gflsttahl‘llsdlferglcls:IIEYnlgltlgggglfg 5910'? ““9" "WV 3“ ’l ”TV a" "" ”“9””? d‘w‘“ p"”“”’"""‘ “3“" ”a" reduction' comments or questions The Region wrll continue to consult all stakeholders during the TPAP (3"d‘dd‘” '0' WWW?“ law “a" '“dll‘m” ‘ 5‘9 553 “90 through a series ol Public Consultation Centres lPCCs) regarding the desrgn and impacts at the proposed proiect Details of the PCCS. scheduled for early 2012, WI" be published at a later , A date With advertisements in local newspapers, on the rapid tranSIt websne, and a direct mail '8 nolilication to the proiact mailing list, which includes owners of properties along the proposed i corridor and other interested persons C OSM F T I (‘ CL IN I (\ ilndar the “noun rr' i"‘!rvmd'tlY‘ and Wirwiw l'l’ “wary A. V and the Ti urn/mistrial Aciewrwnr Arr unless otherwise stated , ’ 1 an the subrnrsxion, any personal inlormntmn such as home address, lllophono number and property location included In ‘ WWW (ltli‘llc lid! chm a mom-“ion Will be: or“ part ol the public record tiles by this motto! ”a win be "leased, ,g woulstad, to "W person

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