WAT!:RlD()CHRONICl£-l~bdnesday, Nomhber 23, an to 5 Police budget request under review H E A LH WELLN ESS Bl Plum Dismal) l he rest of the hike is iem-r police w 232‘ m â€m '11: .â€" WO rksh 0 â€Il‘l'llln’t’mlll __ made up of base budget Recent results ola region CO p e a y p costs such 'as salaries and ul community policing sur- with Dr 3"." “WINES D c lapping regional tax beneï¬ts, charges lor capital vey showed 94 per cent of .i_ ' payers \\ ith ti more projects and external sen'ico those surveyed were satis- Pressure Ponds are Areas GI - than three per cent es. lied with the quality of servâ€" ‘ Stored Stress on .1 News Pathway ‘ increase tor 21H: lust isn't ’lorigiziii said the new ice they received, while 77 ‘ feasible. according to a oilicers were needed to offer per cent perceived crime You Will Learn How to Find & M the Pfessure Points For: Woo ooooooo moo/mom ; he lUITll ( oun \e'in wer ‘ I‘ll‘l 'hbourhood in 'icross the‘coulitr 'ihil u ‘10- . Headacms . Mow Changes . Allergiesa‘ Sinus i S . 5 fl . g g 1 ‘ , l e to , , . ' , ‘ o 3' ‘ - Low Back Pain - Nervous/Irritable - NumbnessGTtngling i . triddand said he (ant ret- GUST) community Wlll hate year low. (manual . oncile the idea oi approving the some level of service." he Strickland said it was It - - - - a budget hike of Heath two said. “ l‘he cities of Kitchen important to keep in mind Leaâ€, howge â€8' ’19â€! m" Mâ€M~mrmtomy'mmmm' , _ ‘. - . ,1 V 1 , . _ . When. Nov 30", 20" AddresstheCauseflottheSympmms A per tent tor the Hoteiloo er. (.anihridge and Waterloo. an lllt reuse in more .‘ . ‘ . ' ‘ ts in , food ; Regional Police \eruce. tlie\ can be assured that the resortrte-draining crimes. Time. 6"†' 7'†pm part are mamâ€"W mm!†l “()lten the discussion level oi seniee they're get- "Violent crime has Where: a‘NPZSrS“ E" "mugxmï¬m . around polite hudgets gets one is consistent across the increased and violent crime ° ' sum") ' ' ' llllllllt‘llt as \oii'i'e anti region and ue are staffed .it requires more resources." CALL 519-746-6022 - SPACE |s L|M|TED ‘ police," Stritltiand said “I a |e\e| that allows us to Strickland said. “Just think the police iorte does a respond to the demand in because crimes decreasing /‘V_, , , _ m K i t oininendable pol) ii‘ont oi us," doesn't meant that there's any //' \\\ , ; “ | his is retilh about “hat According to \tatisiits less requirement for polico " ,â€" â€" “\\ ' 1 thisi’otiiniunitx‘canallord" (.iiiada numbers, MRI". in}; 7 ) . Tl - last \\ eeL (‘liiei Matt stalling le\els were compa “(.till Volumes are still L l I?! ‘ I r â€5 ) l loiigiaii presented the table to other stnnlairosi/ed high" ' -\ H } 'H W ‘ U ‘ w \ ‘ [.1 : time's proposed SIJT Illil' Illllllll’lpdllllt'N uith similar Strickland proposed a \‘-\\‘ '1 “ I" “ ‘1 I“ "j,†‘_ j lion Jill: budget to the criinesmetm indexes tliteeoyezir phaseoin period g ’ __ _ m0†_ 4/ .o a i polite senices inlaid. about In it] Hi WIN“. employed oi'the new hires. I . . a .\ 1 an in "o iinllion Illt tease oiei Thl oilicers according to the Police Hoard chair Tom ‘ l \ l n b . :1)†More than s1 3 million stats. \\lltlt‘ Hamilton lualloiui) said while he supâ€" l l \\tillltl pat hit an Int It‘tht' in t'lllpltnt'tl 1 â€It" and had the ported the phase-in idea it \ V I ‘ A D ’ the ion e oi up to it: tlt‘\\ same t rune \t‘\t‘|’ll} oi Tot, tould come brick tohauni in I I A q ‘ e b . ‘ g , tllllt ers and t'l\lll.tll niein Waterloo had a rate oi 1-17 later years because the cost " r \ : hers oiiicers ioi every motion isn‘tannuzili/ed. , ‘ . , 5 [he lit‘\\ smiling request people here \\llllt' Hamilton â€We could put sortie of ' 5 l i V 5." ~ ; ed In \\ lll’\ “as .lplll'ti\t‘(l had I’ll them oft until future years" ‘ \ ‘ -N . 7‘ ,3 ‘ : under the community polit l\llll.:\lt)llt \\|lll a lower he said. "We've certainly 7’ l the \(lttlt‘g) last teat by \l‘\t‘lll} Illtlt’\ oi My, had donethatin the past," ‘ regional ioiini ll and the about the same rate per “ '27"; I polit e semi es hoard population but einplowd liar ll'irlijilesjrom Billlru‘kson E I comfort Plus .. I l - i I KWA N â€no celebrates their : *3 l 41 t ' "“* is; I ' enta entre % o t a b - 'th Imp/ants prom/Ii thllllltlt lured in ( tintidti. 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