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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 23 Nov 2011, p. 19

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I W 7' im’ â€". “LR-flail” K) CHRONICLE ' Wednesday. November 23, 20] I ' 19 '_“'“‘ J > 7 W7 7 at m a: E K‘w . 5 hm? E"? ff), D” r '9 r“ J) " E "if; G? Tr Q i l@ [Last/1 3: l: L“ z «A LL.“ L mils ll, taut-u“ b f I: L5,“ t) | Other ways businesses can he] = ' ‘ ' ' ' ms ' 5m“ ' “m" “ ' = ' " " ' ‘ " ' ' ”as = p : Computerized Food at Environmental Allergles. Nutritional Evaluation : r (‘Aintinued fmm page 17 global scale, encompassing services it provides, it can I and Vector Stress Testing by Nlckl â€" RN = ‘ philanthropy in (Allddd, the l]t\ll’ ldkt (ht pldtl of \u| . ec . ‘ When suneyed, the rriust U St and Asia l'tirrhui’lding unteers. I 335 Frederick St, [in thls ad & r e've T“. 519-742-0691 I ‘ common reason lot these stronger communities, proâ€" : (wck Mall) Fax 5137427551 = r organizations not lornnildtâ€" ruotrng llt‘tllll“ livnig. and Art hirrtlutrts [hence/neatâ€" . 0 Bulk I , ' , chariot om. mBasic com t 1 tug at strait-gt was that enhancing enumnnientiil derilofthebrearer I “It ' ’ l I l t i ', . . » -- .- , on.-.---.--------------------.------------------.-------.---- t ‘ although it is rm e to lune, it sustainability Atteltenerâ€"Hmerhm t L currently wasn‘t .i priority »\lso on it positive note. it ("hit/trim!ofL'onimerre against other iinpemtii es report in the (itiritidi- ’ tit'rtisstheliusiness tin Business lournal ' : l‘lik‘llstllg on snitill litisi earlier this year indi- 1 ness, leniple noted those carted 201“ was it turn- (flguItI/illllins “inking mm in): point for ("orpo- V 3 I. I 5; 5 a a, i l in the middle oi .i sup|il\ rote sot i.i| tt‘sptittsiv v s 533713313 1 i, t ~ 0 e ' ‘ _ \ - than) \t‘ll|lit.: goods (llltl hilitt. In t‘urtent intirr BESTSELLING ii; ; - Z 3‘ng j st’l\llt‘\ to Little rnulti kets, engaging “1th 7 ‘ §4gfi,»1Nz r notional» “ill he under \t)(ltil and environ m _ 5:3«A'35 l triiredsitit; pressure to nteiittilstokehtildersis £§§E;E ;-5' l ileniniistmte lltt‘tt turnrnii .iri Itlt|)i’t.llt‘.t' tor am 7 fly; 3 a"? I = -~ 7 A r 2; ~. merit to torpoiete responsi org.irii/.rtiori regard ‘ fl g; 3 g 4 .i ::~ 1 liihtt t]. order to ”hilllltllll ll's\lllllit'sl‘(llll 4... _‘ l EAFET\ 2012 SONATA “3 kidâ€"4’s” l _, \ S-SYARSAFEYiRMtNG‘ A nu , f-~§ ' - their pusrtmn in thin tllttlll In the tiltst‘lttt‘ ul / \ - go)“, ;;‘<~, I llls d“Hermit '.\tt\ tillll‘ht (indium! slltipiitl‘ ml “"§r\\ *» (“7 Â¥ S whit Wtu% m. (of lf“s'_ 1 mes mus! (llttlttlt‘ w lit“ turret-r <i[l|ttltlltltlltt's - \ \\ MM” ; 2; ,, threw (l in artist rue Jinn s .i\.iil.ili|e ' '~s rt"; v“ t" “A“ '~ - -- we Tang-v "; .J: ’ t " l lHl ml; ntti‘ til 1 tut‘ttlris rllltl required ht mom “; ‘, ' \ "/ “mun-an“... ‘ ' ”T if: ’ 53- ' l linih'ts :'t turpwrtite Mlllttl l'\lt‘ll|'ltl \l‘l\lit' 777 ‘\i ’ hitJt‘tAJ-‘glj‘ *'**’ 31:33, ”fi- 1 -' ' , it wr- -==‘- x ' I H , . It'\;ttlll\lltllll‘t is “Minute wonders iI(II)\\ v Ca“? N to if}: M" a...“ ‘Klfi‘i‘iér't’; l Mutant nit lts illrllttlllllllllfl “titt'tltiii Region ~ \/ : 314i f f._§ if: ‘ tltit‘idlt's under .t llt‘tl'llllill [he Volunteer fiiiézâ€"iéi t axed model th.tt hit uses (in \t tron (etltre tin ifi; ii I“, I Lil'slttglhlthltilltt‘tllntlfllllll l rederit L Nlreet in “65:22“; t i - ; A j - . , , . - r ties “here it ”Pl'l-ll('\ illlll kiit‘herrer prritides A ] fUEL EFF|ClE NC\ 2012 ACCENT ; ; 5: 2231.1 J} r entoumges i'ttipliitees to tentrtil eonnettion to BESY‘N’CU‘SS‘U‘UCOWW J "3“ it» , 7- 1 do the s.iltli' hundreds of orgmiim- M ' WW we g ‘ e Q " ~L ' l , j sztmmsnu- .:'=JI,-;.,'; l I lll til l”tl||d}1(‘l\ selet t trons in social setht‘» s1m' 2 9% m a -. ~ w z u , (“1 "' 4 z 5 - 3 ' j â€" f ., ' » v-m,h~4. >-;rg::7.‘;!~'~. their priorities. identih paiit~ es. health can: and i . i am.“ . ..,-, ' f“ N l“ “ [16:34 Aime-mama? g.- f 41-34 j tiers (and determine the lit-st torntnunin sinew. ' " "'-' " “ '*"“"" "W? MARS“! an: 7 , _ i 1 ”fig 52 if 5 t ' - â€" wait at ways)“ Jfimfle‘shm ; iéi~ a; : M 1 ‘ options for ernplmee r\s lorrner.»\|ner| t,§;§.§;;s ‘ triuiherrient. t.in president Ronald 3 5 5 ggéfi ii 1 \1tinulile's (ljlpllltlll’ Reagan noted. no ‘ qr ..\ m2 ELAN‘TRASEDAN igégiiiii‘a‘ ‘ soutil responsihiliti str.itei:\ rn.itter how big and » ' L‘ L S l L1 1 l. 53 353? 955‘ l â€" ‘ mu AUYOPACIHCBESYCOMPACYCAN‘ i .â€". z Ecug g , l h.is e\ t)l\t‘tl \\ ith oi ettill powerlul government griffin: ;5 business tlpt‘rdlllins to .t gets 4nd the many 3 “M“ “W W “mm”, (‘1 igigg§5§fil l ' ,- s122 29* ‘0 ‘ - it's. mt . stun mam-v - ;r‘~ =~ . “J.“‘z‘ttfi'c'm: a wiri- 's\'- s h its ‘ .- r ' lL'lIMM 3533153 i 5: DC area l‘O CC e ~ "'~’ “ ‘ “if 4“ if; r.’ W, w, MALxBastnefl “5! bag; . imrirnrnursztl 233323821} 5A <2 “2 a t T? < p! Si; 4§ , z r i owea ers OW DWI] was; ”I” ”d ”H ‘ h _ It A; gpgcmrtg 2012ELANTRATOURING {3255335 ( E‘Pfl“ E’- 0 a ”1K “H"““ as ‘ ”‘l‘ ”3 ‘ 3mm no PRACTlCAtlTV lNPtRFECT BALANCE " 7 _ g, 5 5? gig t et onornie slowdown Will merit surpassed pre UM“ mm A” , ‘ gig at, S? - fit , . r _ ,. 1 , v hit till regions til Ontario ret essitin lt‘\(‘ls‘ (“1d in $134. 0% so stuffs"? 31“: ft“ . ‘ 23 i; 5 § jg 5 next year and hinder et‘oâ€" other regions that wont » -.m t; "N!- in pygmy ' “"‘ gig/3}: R g; I ‘ , _ » - M,“ HA". ~. ~ wm ow ~ it -- w arm-(u - ‘ t- 5; ‘ r notnit “(with in (lit tlmngt until 20” MM ml ~ mu“ “m. __ _ _â€" 35 5 If'ig {if prtiiiitte. including to lhe regions in the mmmm -5§£§§§§£s ‘ the Itononnt Analysis (ll middle pt‘l’llirllhlnl’t‘ ‘ _ ‘ _ _ _ 4 _ ‘_ g 5.3 at: i if ‘ tlnttirio, reItuiseil rodtn‘ group are Ottawa, éi§ <§52 , it; . ,, e ,, . . . . sf; a i in “ "33 9352 h) (iritril l (Ndll hillskl)klvkl\\lllh18. it tthHH 2012VERACRUZ - > "§;3:§§<§§ Union I tindon. Windsor I,ssex is; ,~ 5 A a; f , - _ , ’ z z! ‘ loronto Will lead the and the Northwest leach {Eggfi‘fif‘flflhflpflfi‘nsf’vfigaffflstflmco ‘ 5! i §§§IQ hrmirir e in most (”titeâ€" has unique (harm terisâ€" M $53§ it; 3-2 . 7 ' l' ‘ ' u M gurus along Willi knelt tit s tied to their 3 l . m k w , V A ' : é; - if»; ener \\ill(‘ll1HL Harrie etonornies that WI” 195 0 m . fg’figésqf . . . . . i . -» mei th‘M rim , mi” 3 f: f 6. (”ill loritlnn, lint tun dittrrniiit iniplotniint "mug “awn” mime I_ .__,, , m Egrgféégf their p.|tt'\\lllli1'sltiw, and grontli opportuni- mmu- ( b 3. 35 {Si}; 1 ‘ - stiid lleltiiut l'.istrnlt. ties “WEN“? (f : §i!§§: is; \ mom-aim ‘ _,_ r 1 §< ! his tentr.rl l s ( hiel et ono lin iliiiinent in the Amman 3 . . A 9 L4; g , l ' “â€" ‘ g I l E Q iâ€" Jr rnist lhe regions that kitthener Waterloo and ., NF.” .. .,.,.”!-".i.__.r.r.r - . l ‘ 5; is? b‘, 7?" will Ln; through to Jul l Harrie regions Wlll rise {9 I \ : (9 i 3 g 3 -' f 17P ‘ i'zég x‘i? are kitigsttiri Pembroke, per tent this year, 2 ”i gs ; s, 1555; ‘sir.itlord Brute and the pent-tit in Jill.’ and l l ézi’ffl, l g l Northeast " per ( err! in Lflil l, drivtng 35:5? 1:1}: l‘.istrit k s.iid the the regional unetnploy ‘ a?” 5 gigs; Northeast won t grins nieiit ruledowti toil» l per â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€" 2323 5153; Lister until the (I S econ ( ent in Jill l A, x»: 3 2253‘s, 5; ' ) s u i, while “re re iori sti s that m L ‘ i 3 z5 an“ wig i t i HYUHDFll i {not kingston lemhrolte wrll metal] Untririo s er orio- ’, 359 if? he slowed h\ its depend my Will grow lW L’ l per " §§gile if l’llt e on government will ui Jill l, I it per rent Wm'bcdvfiMDO-b' §:§ gig,“ spending l'lie Ntmtlord in JOIZ and J h per tent ‘ § g fig; Brute region depends on in 20”. lint there is a risk M m m fg 5 if x , _ v _ Abbi-M mm MW , j] Z tonstruttion and tllllll) that tht l uropt ("I (it ht “mm. “a 6250anort an “an“ s‘ n g !Jg El“! irii er is for trowth (liilv situation could undercut mum-n m9 mum Wunvlm momma ammo“ woman: 4 3 IS .. : H l l ls . In lht‘ llttt‘t‘ ltlsli't grow lhl‘sl‘ predictions m-mm-i'ivrmdmrn m'hluflefhwndm c. Miambmiofl'tvuvvdo-u , . . w

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