WATERlDOCIImClE'chrmdly. November 23. 2011 t I] 3 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€" ‘ Hi‘lIIIl()\IlII i _, , , , ,, , , ,,, 1 “78 D3 leaves a mark i M ††W M j v 3 .\l\( )l I \ I ) . i I j o o o I . Local students msptred by message to get involved ;_W__~_4 I , .. BYRYM Putnam k 1 .. 7 I A i ' ~ , ’ . E. . 3‘ P - _. ~ ( RIM Parks 10th I I __â€"__s___,_ . , _ , Ag» 0 I hey t‘llt‘l‘l’t‘d for Mia Farrow. E“ ‘ â€" " i anniversary NOV. 27 I I gf‘rtli'TZfIï¬ 1‘sllllil’alt‘511‘igdm‘d ..- I The City of Waterloo is marking RIM Park's 10th I I More Nahum†'- ' ‘ .,.. , anniversary this month by inviting residents to I iiui the 6.000 students at Wednes- ’" gzï¬ggï¬alfe'acfi‘l‘igra“"mes and amend 3“ 0p?" I day‘s We Day sun-d their biggest rear» f .. ‘ .» u -' A A . , A . tion for Magic Iolinson. the basketball ‘ i ‘ I encourage eteryone to 10min the festivmes l _ , ‘ , , , , so ft . a P. - ~ and celebrate RIM Parks l0th anniversarv With us, egtnd whost “(ll‘pllllllt ized battle I, , 4 .. said Mayor Brenda Halloran "It has been exciting I with â€IVAN†brought “C.“ awarAe'Aw†c i X r 3 I ; to watch this world-class facili evolve over the , to the disease which has killed millions _ "hit-WAKE td ad d lh' . t W n . t I k i inthe developing world. »~, . pas ec ean. “Eagle?! OPPO unity 0 00 , _ A r. , back on where it all began. I And Iohnsoii responded in kind. a The ublic is invited to af ublic skate and ‘ determined to return each and every 0 n h p . t RIM Pa k N , 29. fro 330 l "we love you" shout front the trowd “if" . L; â€l,“ “$2.30 our: 2111058 who azgndozan'take"; "mkpéina‘ I with a “love you back." no matter how ti.†. f is coll-eclild'n a halos on the facilit 's hiss) that I often it would interrupt his speech. 1; f" “it, willbeon d' Fl) in th I Mr V W l Such wasthe atmosphere surround- ft“ "' “iv Th . "SIP aykA e 9d y. b A , l trig Kitehener's seetiiid kick at the We 7 t . . ., .- . t e a“ 1:18 asdlng If!“ enas w sit: f“? 5:0"?5’ Day can. which brought students from _ if" ‘ A6 genutes anf R‘lll/lff’gikl 6259] est (vii? bitvourtilze ... more than 200 area schools to The " ‘ g: 1's tie" all??? at . gym/ea a eon e . Kitchener Memorial Auditorium last 7 "' 4, “I; s Vine] tiff“? sleablgears. N ' 18 I Vi"ednesday for a unique event that was ‘ I?" : it; and Dice 16 0 at; their Elli/ltly’ark [Begs mailer an concert, art ins iration and an M , ' " . . .‘ : I . ' ' I 3m), p p p y;- ‘e‘ as}. ., mg trivia questions that are running on the elec- ‘ . f . . . , A , _ I "That [mist [hm energy you}? hear- , 3†2321: screens in the Manulife FinanCiaI Sport iiig all around voti. that’s the power of » . A . , . , , , . ~ . -. , Located on the cttvs northeast Slde RIM Park is he, said Marc Isielhurger, eo-founder ’ . A , ' ' of liree The (ï¬hildren. at the beginning “we- 2532Ezcrlfulflifllalgi'ypogealrsecfsajtrizsri(Llï¬ï¬tgzlész'girllss ol t re event ' . ’ .' . I “We Day is the movement at" our More than 6.000 local students attended We Day at the Kitchener Memorial Audi- patrklagd. a gt?" courstlet. hlentage elézments. I)??? I time." added brother and fellow to» torium to hear inspiring messages from people like Magic Johnson and Romeo Dal~ i" an muc hmoref. a†p‘mV' es (we? 3 I loiinder ("m-u K|c|hurggnr Iaire urging them to change the world, dicgfxtjrtleihce es 0 pu m access to I e iran " Iodan we are feeling inspired “W““mm‘mw . Ioday we are lilklnuiltlll)“ loday were speet‘hes. I've been to England. I've and learned to get around by r “I? amenities all my “a“ hawlgeen atâ€)? mining together to mark the spirit oi been to America. to South America. walking on his hands Ephrnuions 0 peohp t; "if I. e p35! Tlâ€; $le \\‘t- " ilII(l I thought it was the best plate I've Not only did he surprise the stuâ€" I‘d"? ir'etssmanw e l“ l? 5 ma"??? Ls dc ‘ it)? lhroiiglioiil the this. speakers from ever been." said Noah Rhodes. ii tirade dents with his effortless Climb on and d es in? mt" m water okofor was“ m 00k anA ou( ‘ all \\.llks ol life deliwretl messages ol 7 student whose favourite parts of the off the stage. bit! he revealed that in “If I: res. e r?“ . â€I?†“In “m"“u‘m’: _0 hope (Hill inspiration Illll‘l'lWIIll‘tl \\'llll din “ere the Kielbiirgers' speet‘h and Iurie. he'll be sealing Mount Kiliman» tpll(:"f'1tel 953 â€pp†“71m?†or 9 community I" t more do“ it to earth messages the We nil) Home, led by ï¬ltawii l)t‘sv taro to raise money for Iree The Chil- tFu ure. , f . h A H . , [A . I designed in ediu rite the students about Illdll dreii projects in Kenya. t' . or more inro'rmatitiiionlt eannistrsary at Nil 1 I global issues Rhodes siIIll \\i- I).i\ has already "We tire ii generation at it (toss, '“- £1010 “M“,nmpar his “years. . ._ I Iliii Ilit' hurt“ lung theme \\.is the mien him one Illl'il for lion be «on roads. We can redeï¬ne what's possible." 0 I ‘ slutli'llls pitlt‘lilldI lit t litillgl' the “Uflll make .t dim-rent e in the world said West waterloo HOmCllltlll'al ‘ i int tlit' lN‘IIt‘r ‘I “As thinking tli.ii HidVlH’ instead l'he RIMâ€"spoiisored ewnt “as onl\ ' ° I “in“ pins on in“ 4 mil \oii are Illt' it! blunting all on minim .it the < .tiid\ one of live We l);i_\‘s to he held at ross SOClety pct luCk dinner I Iii Lin-i is til the IIIIIII" in Ito‘ss mil store. I ioiiltl stiilll'llltlt‘s Illtlkt‘ (: iloiiit the (llllllll'\ this \t'ilr. with I tee I he Members of the Waterloo Horticultural Sot’ietv . m fi‘. q \ll.i I tl!.‘i\\ WM tltt' l tonsil Him to l h.iiit'.A lll’ s.iiil ( lllllln‘ll orgaiii/ing others iii \'iiiii‘oiiâ€" I m†meet on Iridm‘ M“ 5 h" its annual pot luck . l‘til II' tin to Iii'lilIIHIi I it In t‘Il illlit‘I sllltlt'III\. llkt‘ It.ilitil lllhi \.tltl wi.\\iiiiiipt*g. lltl'llllltldlltl Montreal dinner ‘ it .iii:i;1tui.iiiiiit hip 'lli“t might get Illilll‘ itimlti-il it: \tbl ml During his spt‘t'l li. lohnsoii I â€H, meeting ml be held m the Adult R“ “L I III N out. ~ tlllii‘ himwil ilIi tin â€H's I‘Islll i-gioiipsui Illl'll st howl .iiinoiiiit ml hi- “I†be “inking \\'Illi . “11mm“ entre â€if, King M \ m Waterloo “m." I I sup m": wow i Mime he Hit “it. til . lllll‘ HI the \\\‘.IIIIt'\I Il‘l l‘IlIItHIs (ll ll't't‘ llii'l liiltlrt'inio bring the (went in I W!†"PC†d! h "H†(Hid “Hm“ “Will“ M h fill P m I I "It itiits'vst i"in1t il‘IIIsii‘illil‘I'II‘sl‘s t‘ix this \\.i~t.:iti‘iiin\;ii'titi’\’.-st i\IIH Ins \li}.{(‘lt's.l\'«\l‘l§ I ltti‘moreliiltlrmtllliliit “I3“, firâ€"I‘M“ I I llIlIi Wu H In' “I ‘iiiniwiwn WM liI\ Il‘tl ixlii' In this Wu» (litilinuednripagch I I a : 54: 7 , a“. - ' , “ at ‘L f ‘ f'liï¬l‘llfll‘lflwl‘lll'ili limit-Vivi! l' (m \‘r i . lit» ill-I ilk,Al‘ _ .\ A. . 4 r , I i 6 -. ._ \ ~ \ ENR m. . . ~ ‘ s i l | Q 1 ~ , > 0 . I } ~ .‘ N ‘ ’ A ‘ w. £157"; '> Lg.†‘. \ _ a .,. ‘ ’ Advertism Gradual? ' Q, “1. r, w -- q z. .’ -=. - CONESTOGA . ' b a ‘c r j i w I a , _ ' i . J. ‘1’ _ ‘_‘_,_,_k7 I A w