WATERLUO CHRONICLE ' Wednesday. November 16. 201 l ' 39 i You are invited to an exclusive event hosted by i Dr. M. w. Elmaraghy ‘ Growing beyond govemment sup- Of course our partners in the ï¬eld Rejuvalift Special 1 port is dilTicult: it‘s getting out of could always use more funds. Peo- our comfort zone and letting the ple who have come to trust World We “- Event features: 1 people in our greater community Accord ï¬nd donating to be the eas- B 3 “II ammo“ } know about us and helping them to iest way to help. ll! ' â€3530mm†I understand how and why our . l . . Can ou ve me an exam- development approach brings such pIEPOf how 3:10 “£20 ns help? Botox' mm “mm" l amaung results. . ., “I â€I ad†us“) 4‘ A. CORD! â€" our partner m India . 2°11 ; Q. How can people get needs 510.000 to run [00 self-help DOCGIIlhel 2nd! I involved? groups. That‘s only $100 per m'm I j A. World Aecord's Passport To group per year. What a deal! For ! 1 Sustainability $20 per month FAmmmï¬mï¬wmguquhmmaahwmwmï¬m l T Tom†has E d I you cou'd PTO’ smananbwnnkbsamumnnwesmuehemltmgtedm'mflmmmamcenflm I really generatâ€" mpowere [MOP e vide 40 women www.mimeuwmceliflwilbayourummmmism. l t ed a lot of h h . With training, . A . - i i i interest and we can C ange t err loans. and sup- 33“ 3 - '3 {I need great volâ€" - port to start a ' ‘ Calluemailmdaymmymxappomunm A, unteers to grow world Ifwe help business or Spaceislimited.$1006epositrommdattimeotbookino.mmhndableMaysprtormaupointmem. l ‘ this event to its improve _their meaimmfl ' ‘ full potential in remove some 0fthe f a m i l y . t? at e r l o o barriers that hold incomes. It s 3! 5. 3 . _ ‘ g . I egion. There amazmg how . 3;. s g 1 are also possi- them back these opportu- 3‘ k bilities to learn ' nities can . I through a Disâ€" impact the lives i ‘1 emery Expedition to visit our pro» ol‘ the marginalized participants. i , grams in Guatemala for instance. It‘s transformational. We have 7 HOMES THAT NEED ROOFING 1 I; or get your hands diny with a (‘onâ€" many other examples we can 9- _, 1 l‘ struction Expedition to Honduras. share. WE ARE LOOKING FOR ADDITIONAL SHOW HOMES IN t THE KITCHENER AREA TO COMPLETE . : l OUR DEALER SET UP ' h ADDITIONAL DEALER OPPORTUNITY ALSO AVAILABLE ’ l APPLICATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED 1 l Choose the PERMANENT $0me In your rooï¬ng problems A 1 METALWORKS STEEL SHINGLESQ l W .THEIA‘I'ROOF.COM ’ f W0.“ ILCCOI’ mismrwinoeservtcedonoflrstoome,mstsembasts. I m{- 1-865-8 , 5-5124 a†. . . l; worldaccord.org - email: < . . .fl-devuaom g 3 l a a on . d f I l. 1' .l l I? C C , ( - | g. ’ A E Long & McQuade . fl . . I a «a MUSICAL lNSTRUMENTS‘ 81,0 3 T; I L “A T ' . l I o n g - m c q u a d e . c o m on]. p ‘ ll W ‘ iï¬ We mine, . y ,A . , g; . W». ' " ‘ l‘: ‘fAreJ’O' ug' 'entti' nllg' 3nougbzz if . ,, _. ; ll . 7" ‘7‘“ v x _ Best Price. = Ii â€â€˜1 V . .- D . ' â€It 9 l . _ †’ ‘ _ _ ‘,. . ~ 47:" ‘ Z ;! . ,, a , 4 ~- . w. Best Selection. \. i; 7* . ~ , ‘0 F ‘ ~ ‘ , . 1 ill . . I“... i , ' 4 Holiday Shopping Made Easy. ,, r v . , . ‘ t. - l i ' ,. {SPONSORED BY“ ‘ . W ,l ‘ ~- In l 3 3 ' Experience Canada's #1 Made Store. . , we.“ east... . â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" - . 02% .« nu H. ’ . 36 KING STREET N .. “a... - \ L ‘ 7 an: N ‘ ' ~ ‘ s, an... 519.885.4215 WW. 1