WAI‘utmt) CHRONICLE Ichnesda)‘. November I6. 2011 - ll 7 i .. fl. 7 ’1’}, L ‘ ’ .. if: "Only the "21 __I ~_/ L I ' .3 Best from , \ ///..-’/ . our Family -' 3 " a ' WEEKLY SPECIALS ‘ ‘ . 7- gâ€" ? n Nov. 14 - Nov. 19 ’ ' v -_ i 5““ A Fresh MCHW ‘ ‘ ‘ . ,. i .., PORK BACK ‘ I ‘ ‘ 25$: Store Made RIBS $1321kg 5.99 lb f“ a 4:; tore Made Turkey or â€"â€"â€"â€"“_’ ; f -ward Winning Mlnl Honey Garlic Efï¬gagigg'ï¬smofgw“ 33 99 m 7 BLACKFOREST SMOKED ________E g ' -* . was SAUSAGE WSW? 5W ‘ “k i ‘6 59““ â€6““ DUTCH LOAF ‘4 49 ' , v 59 90 k . ID a ‘239 lb ‘3.49 It] _ ...._â€"_° ,, : '51 . ‘ “hi-{r Perm“! "rt-1min“; NEW Chicken Pillows! treat Chicken /* a is“ , , j ‘ ‘:'*s‘l("'(':"lm 5‘ â€do" fm' Thigh smiled Villh Spinach Sausage and . ‘ ' 1.â€? ‘ ~ . 'e a so on 3‘ use Rinse «smash: , ‘ ' _ ‘ V _ '7 4 a, , ‘ ' V K . .1:- ‘5 S: . , > 7ng “at" in lheir â€Mum“. hdSILd in a Huh Buttgr SplLL‘d Oil A; .1 . , If; " ‘ ,, ;; 5- i 3031 Lobsmger Line Heidelberg 519-699-4590 5. ‘6 W 2“?" § QM Mon Wed 8-6. Thurstht. 8-8; Sat 7,306 www.5temmletmeats.ca i > - ’ -. . ' 3 E <1 IBD'I P l /’ / r ,, x. . a ip omti rogrttmme . a." , m i - , l L ,u x“ ,, i fl"; .343." ‘ i v.3" Grade 3 xtudcntx and their parents are muted in i i // 3 1' ‘ ‘ it“ .. ’ , I 3 an Infnmiatiiin cxening on the IB Dipliinia ngramnii: I '“‘ 7 d 7 I V ‘ b to he held on Tuesday. Nowmber 29. Jill l from ’ My name iS Sassy I‘m a oneryearrold female Lionhead rabbit I'm up for adoption at the K<W Humane Socie- V 1‘3“)â€:0†W“ 3‘ Cameron Hugh“ Collegiate “NW†ty I‘m an inqutsmve creature I’m always (unous about the happenings in my envtronment, I would enjoy world SCIIOOI I discovering a new home Come down and Visit at the Kvw Humane Society, you won‘t be disappointed. Visit â€"â€" i Sass . at 250 R erbend Dl‘ n Kitchener, 0i (all 519-745-5615 ' V 'V ' w Wm Intemattonal Baccalaureate The lntemutiunal Baccalaureate I\ a rigorous diploma program Aimed In C I O i . . i $ 1 -mllllon Investment for Conrad Grebel ~titnulatc critical thinking through thc xtudy at traditional lelpllnCa “this cnmuraging .in intcmatiiinal perxpcctnc and educating the ““hole person" It \li-tititiiiiti- “hump and l redit Listing impart enhance the Mennonite traditional Ix dcxigncd tur the ugadcmically able student who can function across the llmtm .indt ()llflld (.reliel lliim-m "We‘re thrilled in make such .1 huilding peat‘erlilled coniniuni- curriculum and mm“ the En‘dualc flCthllllV, mom,†and recognition {0, t\ l tillegr .itiiiiiiiiii ed thi- I teatiiin lranxltirinatitinztl t‘llnlllllllllt‘lll tti ties." adianced plat‘enicnt or credit at UanChllV Cameron Heighlx l‘ authorized ax «it the Alt‘lllltllllll‘ Sin lllg\ and pl'.l(‘t' building in inn \mrld," said Ingt‘lht'ï¬ the l‘l’k'dll union and A“ IB World Sehml ' 1 red†llniiiii l Mitre liir Pent e â€It'll! [tirgtlragt-r. thiet l‘\l‘L'll[l\l‘ (untad (.rehel envision a Cenlre A ‘ , ‘ \(lVilllu‘lllt’lll .ll t iiiii.id (in’ht'l LN tillii or iii M\(Lll that is a huh tifetitrepreneunal and («intact Riigcr Ruth, (‘iiordinatur tit lnIL‘rl'lilllunJI Studio .tl ext. 5“) or I ridu) ‘\\‘i- believe lht‘ Menniinitt- xiv interdisciplinary t'tillalmratitin. {m- (llnaull our “chute (chuwrdsbxal for further information. \1\t ll \ Si llltillilll lllllllll tlllll Hub and ( H'tlll lliiiiin ( «line hit ti'ring new ways to advance peace _ , , u ’ lllllllll‘ltl mil t-tiiiiimi-i l â€Hit“! Pl‘dl 1* Hum ement “I†he an In R! (Ullmt‘l‘mlt'd world. l‘he centre Cameron â€ï¬ghts Collegiate IHSlIlUle I» ‘ (.rvlii'l In t tiuiti‘ (in at l't'll‘lilltll Illllll\(lll\l' l‘\plt'\\lt>ll iit our (llfl' Will add an entire fourth fltior tn the 30] (bodies Street East, KilthenEt‘ ON‘ NTG p3 t , ‘ ' ll'llllt‘ lltlllllllllt‘il in l lllldhillilll‘fl‘ whim and tlll‘ giatitieil that we’re (‘llIrl‘nl building. with t'titistrtit‘tion SW-S78-8330 \‘l. ,I ‘ ‘ J pl‘d(t‘ \lillli‘iilllUll mth alili- [ti shatr iitii l'l‘N'llHtW ll) \Iéllt‘llll)\lilnlll.\‘uflh, i ’ - " ' 2-";é?" Term Deposn Spe(ial i ,3», , ~ ‘ ii i ) .1 4 I .60% l L ‘ O N T A R I O ‘6" 60 month tetm 1 . ‘ Wavnmrm w, i //’/ ‘ t W, .i i ‘ INC i ( TABLE & CHAIR . . i i i ANTIQI ‘l-\:\ HHNlXN‘ , . i A , Barstools w ‘ NOW 0 N . i ’ PE Chairs . i ' I'i‘ultume (HI/It’ll! Ill/“Hitâ€, V, liq/mutt (â€It clan. ilmm ; ' ' ' _ -f‘ ' k .4 i ‘ ( t t_ , i CommerCial Furnishings . PIC t V]!\|t//(I\ a . t t Quality .llt'rt‘lmmliw, & more.†‘ 4. ,. Inves I I 'e S. ‘ (ireal Selection 2: â€a that bear fru It Buying & Selling ‘ 3 . m can.†‘ » . ., ‘57 ‘ A ‘ no Vittom St. 5., “that 519 585 ‘m . R 5l9-751-6220 , , ’- - i S . wwwmlddwiimllpuu ,"'°;“"V"'a'°'\ ï¬sh“. ““IMW Iâ€!!! “m . z. Iâ€! \Iui in \ in 9 re , - ‘ ' ';M‘ ' - 5(ii‘flliti1i‘i‘i i: i i Hm '06 F" W30 ‘9'", 50' " W" . 1.; wmm, i .