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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 21 Sep 2011, p. 8

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. a - NAURU)“ CHRONICLE - Wednesday \eptelnbct 2i.2ut I I?“ “elk-[St .\ finite EU I I \‘l I ' Waterloo Ontario VI] .‘Hh “Mittens“ In imam-iii“ I#..ae_a- __-__..._ ,_‘ “M““Jlflltlkhnlnhlf‘ ' ' ' â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"7 i. i H i H ‘( Illi()\l( I I LJ LVWervi,i,ii 7‘ . l‘eter WINKI l R . l‘l'HI IsHI:R , , I I x / . fl - xe . . . g“ . . ‘ \ , ( . , ioiTnRIAt : 1 ”Q“ l ;; V’ x V I \RI \ . / a; " it. I . if v‘ . g: 9 lol‘ l-\ "\1' ’ 3.4 . I ”gill“ . -_ -, ". \l\N»\(»lV(ill)l’lt)Re\i 13*; 13;" ' !' $123 33 “it? . ' ’“ 5% L‘tlllltlltllf“ waterltux’hrunitle ea 3!] I ‘%;L ,L.. ' h w; \poristn Matt-don hit-tin le “I ‘ I H “‘WCK'KKIS‘Li A. {I .I IQ I l' ot'sMosii é? ‘ ' l ‘ ll: 1 is N» ‘ 1! time 2. i , 11' - I 4. IA ' ~ I RH‘URrI'Rcu 2m . a; 7, u I] I! l§ “‘ I} ‘- “th‘slllt‘lhlm \IaturlmxlII-intt Ie (a ' ' ’2' 5’ «I I :31 ”M 5:? I ‘ A ‘ ' «1" i: A ~ ” i tit ; 35‘” t 3'”; ~ ‘ ' ‘3 If}; 53.73953‘ ' ‘1 . :. ~ W - e I. n» a.._\,'. . ,»:‘ a. He ' , is; "5 _ .. I \m Hoistst; ~ In; N t .. . ,1 "*3: ." . I . (urn \HlTlt'l m :4“ - - . a » , ~"~~ 1 5‘ kl l\ll sxi l s \l \\ \tvl R i . ‘ w fi 1" - ‘1! Mti no uattrlmnflm-uttlr ta '_ "’ ’ ' " ”u M “ I“. . . ,1“ A: _ -:- ~53." 1;"; ,9? ‘ ‘ . ~ , “an . .. - m a». » s\I i s RI I'ktzst-At \ll\l s i I _ 0-. __ .: n wATERLOO s : wATERLOO 5 CENTRE THEORETICAL . Mm vinoitertns intuit _ ta .â€" . F’ , “We PERlMETER lNSTlTUTE g iâ€"OR iNTERNATIONAL HOME or DIEM View “new “Alt-I out rltillli‘t' H. ‘Al I- . _ “I I. . I‘VERV N -E FOR THEORETIL . oOVERNANLE ,i or» on, . . L I - PHYSICS I AND iNNOVATiON K LUATERLOO U i l HALL a . ..t ; < t l \sslHH) . ‘7, > - v. - . WWW I <Iii sits s: In ’ " ‘ , ' “ I t ”it I l .\TItI\' I H» S» swim I“ _.._â€"_______I . . . râ€"â€". ~ , _ , (Iallm e to et one i l‘uhlieatioii Agreement \luniher ‘ (II I R()N 1(1111‘4 l‘[)I II) I{I’\l‘ - momma Lâ€"â€"â€"â€"iÂ¥ir â€"â€"â€" ~v~â€"77â€"-vâ€"~â€"r _ . 0 . , 7 , , , 7 . cation of cell hone survwal i International standard \erial Nuriir Su erfiCIal cuts am on: ofIthose people 'd . II: t . hone ! her «ssNoM‘ an» who doesnt have a home I I )I I‘\' I “"151 erIng 3. my D . l «utiitctit‘muoim it ‘u‘ ‘ . , . . , phone ‘ had no Sign of life immedis I A aterloo city counctl Is In the middle of budget 1 don't see the point. It Ii \II I I {“er after its aquatic adven- -, m ‘i 9â€" 7 deliberations and. to keep the proposed won't fit in my pocket and tune. ' increase from reaching double digits over the . . ‘ - . , A d I t ll .0“ that as . - . - does not actept email. A n can ‘3 l 6/ next three years. engaged In an Interesting exerctse to l [er on mv cell phone ., much fun as it has been A a ,r ‘9‘ WWW“ . . [or getting in. [ouch with ' describing the event for all . ".3... the little game featured stickers and big sheets of _ l f . » of you here, nothing will lht‘ W iterlov ( hrnnitie is published ~ ~ . _ . - s I people and a $0 or getting ' _ ‘ . ' paper With lists of potential areas for cutting. (,ounCI - . . beat to . mothers reaction in“ h “ediiesda) by \letrnlarid . _ . k h . - A rne up In ”)9 morning. . y I \ICIIM‘MW I m Iors were Instrtitted to pitta stIc er next tot eir priori- It isn't that I don't like , later that evening and the ties and thetotals were tallied after. alarm clocks ".5 "mt that l I” ‘9» line I have heard many “Vl‘Rll’l'RlS‘ (W V“ l‘he ones with the most stickers were the ones that , . ‘ . i ‘ . Qty: - h f . “I d 't k w ’ dont th nk wakm u With 3 times 8 079- on "0 ”w “mm” ‘ "mm“ “ “ "“'""""‘ council will get reports on during the budget process. 1 _ g p . h , tthis from ~ »-i the (maria Prev (Emmi uhlch . . . . d heart attack Is the most ideal PAIGE W emou ge - MIMIC“ mmpiainis “A,“ "It," And whoever said that exerything you ever neede to situation. DESMOND The next day. I 59‘ my I My “Cu spawns A") utntplatnl know you learned In kindergarten earned a speeial My alarm clock is so loud , phone in the scorching sun about mus. opinions adurlising or flicker themselves. .' . j ‘ W S and of ! ' tuntIuti should rim he taken In the ’h’l 'l _ lid th’ l'k lookin at and annoying that it causes 1 always carry a purse {0' a “3‘ h°“'~- \‘\ I e counCI sttt r on ings I e g . . . course (.loroxed the heck ' ~ ‘ 4 h a] d lk wh muspapcv l nnsnlscd tomplainls . k. r I . h l I K . d haW'n [1103p ySIC pain, an now now ). _ ' tar he brought to Ontario Press increasmg par In}; 913 In ‘ 9 up 0“" (On a" g 50' ldon't USE ll. To keep it clean and sim~ out of ll ff" 3 good half an ( mum ll, 2 (urimn sun-i. smu- people pay the true cost of havmg to park. another sugâ€" , . kn hour. . . g . . , » My phone alarm has ple. lets lust say I now ow 1 "i town-0,05 M B l“ gestion Will be sure to infuriate even more people. always proven reliable That what it sounds like when a Voila. ‘ " I f ' ‘ s hsidies it ives , ‘. ' . . - ‘ ( om “(an ”mm". '9 cvnqldmng “flung the u. h h g is. until a few weeks ago. cell phone lands in a (Ollel. 33“ m “"0” . ”R, “New "I "I“ m‘wstUPC' m to local minor sports groups. We can Iust ear t esoc- I am a clumsy person. In Bloop. It was we"), tempting to punctual by tumnghi and may he cer moms and hockey dads howling at that suggestion. . , 3,15ch my next few phone - . . . . . . fact. m coworkers have Ye .T0ilet hone. , -i til i mum - ll -d 1 rl r hi 3 p - ‘ . In“ on) or persona non it One counCI or suggesu cuts proposee ea to ) given me bubble wrap to Apparently though. I am calls Wm]. Hello, you ve I ""' l‘“"“"“ A" "m" "‘h" ‘" cor Irate mana ers were only so erficral. (.oun. Scott ' . d h 'l h -- tesent‘d and tornInenial use Is pro» ll I. [X g1 l . 1 I} . ' p3" g Ell" reall SCH.» protect myself from my not [he only person '0 have rtache l C 10] of p ODE, ' mm” 1" "‘3“ ‘"«‘ "“ "I 'h" Vitmer suggestet “a“ U "' counu or. , ( . y ‘, desk. I don't know howl do ever made this mistake. I but better judgment P'c‘ "mural you must (In: obtain mt- ous about reigning In the tax lll( roast-g It WI“ haw to it hm I always hit my legs rushed around the party vaIIed. I v ‘ I . > , i '_ I ' I ' ‘ t , ’ , S, I > . r . I . . . . I [‘"Hlsslll" oi the t um ut (ht we) look It tht st kinds of lug tit kit Item , I “TL arms and sometimes searching for someone mm . Yep. This IS how I live my I “W l" "1“th '"l"’"‘-“"‘" W“ The (‘Itvs stranded debt In things like RIM lark Will d fl . I k .7 , . . , 1') life. l'maclumsyladyr on ”at. “who. taint; Waterloo continue to Impinge on me budget and there is no way hea .o my 1 es . a may to saw my p one. M hone certainl _ isn‘t «would» :‘u “eh” \I N sum- . _ hl , . * My phone has not It turned out. all I needed X P y ~ _ to “ma... Ontario v21 on 1““le ”‘9“ “ 'H"“”"I‘ I , I I ”((7,me mV.(~ImmywaW WM 8mm. rim working perfectly. but it - . .. . *“"'ss‘lnt)" . - , " . . . - . - . Hut H“ mg”. q ‘ “n m mm In my ‘1” I ‘ n 'V It has endured snow. nail Lau h as you like, It “(”h- and 1d 53) owmg . K i l l H l“ W“ l‘ ‘ (‘l' t'osts and this is one area that It WI” have to look at polish remover t'ont‘rete works ~ someone a bag of rice isa lot it’llt‘l‘ to the whim "\Iisi Wuhan the I , , , _ t) ‘W [10 lillttlllnls with (ll . . . HI . . my” t mil my". dynamo satin-s» “ ”pm" (WIN: rm “III”: III" .‘Ifi .v . .. ll . g- ‘er)- (“H1 has be?" abused In Being used to my own 935“" ‘0 aCCCP' than ”H w it w mm Mimi“ »\.ltlrrssc\ and “NWT" 0” _‘ I u ” “' m "(M I ' I!) n n a I "u ‘ countless other ways in the clumsiness and taking it in death ofa “00 phone and a .i. ”out minim.“ In ”an with far about tontainingtosts wast two wars. “rid“ with a lau h instead of crafty “"2819 out of my not .. mi. mm “HIM-t mi «in in»! N l . . g ret<ex ired “I” hone eon- iw‘ i in H. \ m «vi: a he wt. rds. I But, I am quite good at ery attitude. I laughed pretty 3' P P "'1“ “ . «W “N “I?” “I" M" strong“ to - I (undoing myself, hard at inyselfas well. "a? l I ll 1'” th “ “ " " ' ""' “‘"""“"“'“ "" I "I! | 'ittended a birthday [put my wet phone In a m won ‘ S l '3 er . it Ilfllllllupnllti t , . .jflttt‘t‘witi‘tiliii NIT, ZIIEI'lQ'CIXK‘I lhfiummwflxm- ‘ party a few weeks ago and bowl of rice for the rest of wake ”P d h" [3"? when my i ii. inmi I “mm up ”With: Inqpad (If dragging my me evening. phone randomly dies than an mm.“ mm. it .., m mm a 5 Hull I gigantit' heavy purse around Within a few hours my R“? "P "“I‘Omclh'f‘g ”V“ ! ’ "' ““ " " "‘ “W” ‘ ‘ "W” I" “III night ltueked my phone battery li ht was flashing has proven " hasnt 8”?" ”P I Win-m sv s Vim it want... mmWWm f ' , . - g ‘ . .' . . I I N . . - - . r In my back pocket Whlt’h I took as a good indi- on m“ , who .1 “In . i I I I t , i A, no , , a, M______.___‘

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