[ an - wuutwo CHRONICLE . Wednesday. September 21. 2011 i W i L s ._.'\.L a. c -, V- _... t , i. “"4. ..,.i,‘.. . i : ‘ -" - RBS-SPICES~GERMN1H'=| " "'IUC’ : 0 ‘f : Computerized Food at Environmental Allergies. Nutritional Evaluation : IMPACT l 1 set to hlt the Stage l ' and yea“ Stress Testing by Nlcki - RN I BYTIMUI‘HYG t h' ih (‘ d C tre for the I I luau years ago 0 pursue is e -onra en } : 335 Frederick St. “n this ad & receive Tel. 519-742-0391 : Special "1 â€I? (fhmllil‘k’ career in the theatre. he was Performing Arts. The Maqaâ€" ' I I in fora rude awakening. mat Dance Theatre from . : (Fm'lfl‘ Man) I 00 aï¬l Fax 519-742-7551 : en Waterloo resi- Jobs in Canadian theatre Lebanon presents Facing the ‘ . Kitchener, Ont. I M'Bas'caulk‘com I Went Majdi Bou for men from the Middle Blank Page on Thursday and .-----------------.-------------.---.---.---.-------.---.---. Malar moved (0 East do no. exactly ï¬ll the Friday‘ ‘ - Canada from Lebanon ei t want ads. This weekend, acclaimed ' WWW. water'OOChI'OHICIG.“ gh But Bou Matar actor Michael Peng returns I ' wasn't about to give to his hometown stage as an I up on a life working Algerian substitute teacher : g . 'h with actors. Instead he struggling with life as an i ‘ 25.7.9 "v w .» founded Waterloo immigrant in Montreal. . â€332:1 ‘ 2 012 0 H 6 0 i: i 3 32‘ if Region's MT Space. a Bashir lazhar earned Peng a L /BES TSELL ING i“ gig; Ea :§< theatre group devoted best actor award at the filin- : $3,? 3‘3: :6: to bridging the gap burgh Fringe Festival this I if .19.;‘7 [1-) .§§§:§j::§ between Canadian summer. The Kitchener- f U ; ("1; i: 5‘: theatre and theatre born Peng was one of only , EEZ. 5; g :3 Bf professionals who five nominees from more I l “5“ l 1 \ if 2; :j have immigrated to than 2.000 plays at the > ‘ z {3 g j «3 ~f Canada from other world's biggest festival of T ‘ "" " \ 2012 SONATA 3 7 Q l :1“ 3k f I; . countries. alternative theatre. . / ‘* arsms‘rmwms- ; t 2; . . I The MT Space .. . . . ‘, ' 71M 7 mm H (â€" xii. rt; (otherwise known as lillllllgTathIl Is a†I .‘b - "T;f» ‘ \ 2"“\\ 3188' 6* M ‘5 i. :1 . ’2 r the Multicultural The- about displacemen[_ . \ \ J, ' “a... â€my“. t ,"fth 53:,- -; 5. 1.: atre Space) struck a D. la - [ . ‘\ u r L J 4 wow lwt'ri ‘MDG' .. '7 5, g 3. vein almost immedi- [Sp cement Is [19 i I 1 4 .\ U Ngmvamï¬? E £ " ‘l p is ‘ “0!,“ common thread that , , “NI-Mn, awn ‘,-i.'i~‘*~ «a -. : » - ~ . .--' = l was stunned by . - ' \- ' > 1 ~..‘ ' “WWW ~~ ~ ' : j; g: 2.3;: [h . . ,h ‘l {195 all Canadians i c . . 1:57 We eresponsewen †.., ' ._ .» .. \ . - is f; :7 ; 5-: Z ,: started the M f Space together__, ~ ’ " ij?fiï¬gi;i in 2004." said Bou n? E E: in .5 é : :1 § Matar. â€">Maldi Bou Metal 33% :J {3“ “One of our actors melWMTSP‘u" . l'l Hi [Niki-“Vii 2012 GENESIS COUPE {f%:€“n); was working inacor- Though it is intent on. Answuiisnmrsumrrmoamcr .3 .a z; i .. mg ner store when she showcasmg cutting edge m. We mm a :2 g é 3 5 § :3 heard about us. This is theatre from around the 3205' 0% N0 Down lfAYMENT 5’ g; a. $232; :31: a woman who is a world. IMPACT 11 also keeps h... . M... y. . .L ‘11). I "Kallfd. (fï¬‚ï¬ i 5 $55: §§ 2 :3 9 celebrity in the Mid- a major focus on Waterloo ‘W " "-‘ "' “ “ †“V “â€5" i3??? 2?: die East â€" a decorat- Region's own lively contem- i ' 3:555 E; z '1" - ed writer. actor. artist. porary theatre scene. The . . ‘i â€We†"W ggï¬gi :5 i 5 But here in Canada Studio Players is a new . 2c 5531;? is 3 there was simply no Waterloo group which will E 5‘. {:3 ‘: g? j theatre work for a perform The Fear Project. . . . ' 3 i a 9. .5 ii .3 middle-aged woman the UW Drama department r : é t ’ e E t‘ r < * e . .. i i if I i i l ll {l Ni \ 3233 aggï¬ï¬‚low q I; i 2 2:1 E g? from Syria who speaks presents Here Be Dragons. mm waxy mun" ;;;;::.15"__; With an accent. I dis- and Waterloo resrdent 3w 2 w* N0 DOWNPAYME.†(cf 1; 2; 1‘; 2* jg 2:: covered a huge dis- Heather Majaury explores a .. «My «Aw ‘ a , 1.3.5, i‘.:;.,;â€,fi1,. $0343 555:}: 53$: connect between Native woman’s struggle is-vdt nu w ., . . w . “ml gum? â€3 g i ii: 5» what was happening with identity in the powerful i . ., . , é; i 5.3; g x 5 2m thfj contemporary; Eli-woman show. This isMy ï¬nd-2:? .1; Zana ian stage an m. 3 3f; 2% E5; what was happening “Immigration is all about i I \ :25 :53 5‘33. 3 in the real world." displacemelnt.' said Bzu 2; _‘2 I! 2:; ;: Now this dynamic Matar. ‘Disp acement is t e xiii aw COMPACT cur ï¬gzcEE-ï¬NNIMuSUEmQï¬ï¬‚M‘ ’ : i i: :7 2 53% i 3 2' and eclectic group of common thread that ties all 1 mm V ,. mm m. 335.2%; r? ; Waterloo Region Canadians together. whether 1 8144' 2 W N0 DOWN PAVMENT rt’ ‘3 :23 ség g 3 ‘ artists Will spread its they lust stepped off the 1 Aâ€, “1 ~ g “j“ .j‘.f‘;â€,f.f"“ 333:; §§5 5†;; 3 3‘3 wings with its second plane from India or their ‘ mm no i. . ~ w v -- ' lurc' g ; g Egg“ 2: biennial intercultural great-great-grandparents } gig-rig?†theatre festival. fled here from the American 1 â€M†“0"" “M :u g 3 i it 13‘; IMPACT l 1 gets Revolution or whether their ‘ ~ ;, ,43 y .‘ 3-y- m ~ 5’ , a i t if: E ‘ ;. underway in Waterloo ancestral lands are the sub- ‘ . . s. ’» 15-; . T U â€â€˜95? 35.7.2. ‘ .‘ i H ‘ i \ 12 SANTA ‘ . :y a“ 3535:2213; Region Wednesday ject ofnative treaty battles in . 35‘ â€k .185", ‘ LAUTO I 5 i I : I '31:- night and runs until the courts. ,Iâ€" ~ / \ ‘9 y . xiii-ravmmgiwi .. I g i 5; ï¬g 3 _; é a; Sunday. “Canada is a land of dis- , , , ' ‘ . 5 - ' ‘ Li, S 33:5 5% 234“ 2 Bou Matar found- placed people. The IMPACT Lâ€" . , 2 ï¬g i "saw“ :. it A. 213%? 9;? ed the IMPACT fesii- ll theatre program really . -v' . {an um. my». 7 "" gggï¬p‘a‘e val asaway to show- explores that fact oflife in ’R J. u ' .. ....'.!"“h “1““ 595...... I ’ 3 , _ :3 i 3 all case alternative the- this country.‘ ‘- -â€"-'â€" ’ ' .. . .2 j r- ‘ is; if? s atre that speaks to During the IMPACT festie . . M.‘. . . . m 29,;};!:;_5 new Canadians and val. the MTSpacewill hosta - 7 " y ‘ tiifi'3:}§. third-generation conference exploring that .. 33 5. ï¬g 5 “i " ’7‘ Canadians alike. This theme ofdisplacement. The~ . $3231: year the biennial festi- atre professionals from 5sa§%§;fgi val received more across the country are in 3%! 25 My: than a hundred sub- town for Staging Displaceâ€" m ‘ ‘ HYUFIDF“ i5 “3:13; missionsfromaround menl.aseriesofdiscussions 3;? $13“; the world. and workshops exploring g; S! i 23’ The best of those common ground in Aborigi- vnii your local ovo- W M ; g g; a g; m the gage staining nalailid :amAgn: :he'e‘itre. . - e nes ay. wit a e t eatre ,% m “m 335% g: g: Kazan dc [as Ofelia: festival mns Sept..2l~25. For “whxf‘w; 7."; «on wziï¬gvsrgoagan c.m:f.:::'f.’[ozm t‘! Egg; by Colombias Dana more inhumane". VB" m alpinohyundli r. m uniimuhyumw c. m “mat-awn“ en t I. can'emPOIanea 8‘ W‘mtspm'ca' W