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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 14 Sep 2011, p. 28

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: I.-WA'l‘l;lttt)\)‘CHIIONI(Jab-Wedm1dav. who: “.20” ‘ THE CITY OF , For more information, please contact: City of Waterloo 100 Regina St. South Waterloo. Ontario N21 4A8 P 5193864 550 F 519-747â€"8760 TTY l-866-786â€"3941 0 www.waterloo.ea ‘ _ â€" # City Of Waterloo - WATERLOO CITIZENS‘ ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE V Mid_hrm committee Rummnt (usually meets the 2nd Tuesday of each months at 7pm) h The Council of the ('orporation of the (‘ity of Waterloo invites members of the public ‘ WATERLOO ECONOMlC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (usually , who reside. own property. own a busmess. work in the City of Waterloo or attend a meets the 4th Tuesday Of “Ch month at 9am) Waterloo Campus ot‘a Post-Secondary institution to apply for the following Boards . WATERLOO PARK COMMITTEE (usually meets the 2nd Thursday ofieach : and Committees. Please note appointments are for mid-tenn vacancies with a term month at 5:30pm) ending November 30. 20l2 or until successors are appointed. APPLICATION INFORMATION: ° A!“ BASSADOR COMMITTEE “Emmy meets the 3rd ThurSday of each Terms of Reference. staff contact for further committee information, applica- momh 3‘ 83"” tion forms and all other relevant information is available at the following loca- - - COMMUNITY. CULTURE AND RECREATION SERVICES ADVISORY tions: ’ COMMITTEE (usually meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 5pm) . Clerks/Corporate Secretary Division, 1st Floor, Waterloo City Centre, - MUNICIPAL HERITAGE COMMITTEE (usually meets the 4th Thursday of 100 Regina Street South, Waterloo . each month at 6pm or as needed) . www.waterloo.calcommittees , - sans AND "gaunt ( OMMUNIT\ AI“ Isom ( OMMITTEE (usually , By contacting Mi. 5mm PM.“ Manager, Ehdmnk Records and Dom i meets "‘3 '3' “ed““day 0' “Ch month 3' 6'30 Pm, merit Management. Tel: 519â€"70437”, Email: committee50waterloo.ca ' . 1 (“Exit-713:0 (-0“ h COMMITTEE (usually meets the 4th Tuesday every 2nd Applications will be accepted until 8:00 am on | "m” ‘ 3 WW _ _ . . Monday. September 19. 2011. . - U PTOWI‘. \ ISION COMMITTEE (usually meets the 2nd lnday ofeach { month at Ram) / gmz-wa ‘ sums-es» r / . ( w s O b k I “a,” hghh, ; t . cotla on v {A ' A . O . - ; it *yh Proudly Presents: _ "e i A "1 : ' ‘1‘ ; -..- ' Named: ill-law .. - ~ , . h .h , ., ' ‘ t- : mummmmmmmu. "BU (ll/.17)“ all! by “ ~ ‘ ”w, 1 " ‘ ” ’ Q '" , -"\‘ / i «4 ’ _, lg i . , , I h '. ,. . h.” hh _ Wat ‘II-Ht ( nrls Vlumr Huck -_\ Assoc-alum IWGMIIA) olTers a no pressure ‘ have fun A - ' . _ K apploaeh to the game at ho:Le§ We believe in prmrding girls. at any skill level. the I \i 3‘. ”m”... uppinunuy to learn and play the great game at hockey I“ . _ Vie olTer: ‘3 ‘ “rirfififiififififii‘fififififrfifififififififififi I 2 .1::.:f‘:‘:‘if.;;:”;2fISL": 2 Join One of Canada's Fastest E: h a hp, a .. ~.: r»; h ,. 2. .h h; ’. V I ;::‘;‘.‘.:'::;.W m +: Grows Sports For Girls i , 7‘? {I} if? if? F ’ 2“,? [:71 «a! J h! 1 o tluamcs I‘m-Kc. it a ' U '1‘ {.1 t ”2‘ x.“ (if, A f y , . . figm hung“ .n h Waterloo Ravens Hockey! Z , \ «i L i ('1’ I V v t min-amen \ V ! ‘ firthfirfl'fifififrflfifrfifififrfifififififiéflfifi "A'I’VIZ'TIWW'" 1:23:12? The Scotiobonk 2011-12 'Rookie ‘ 201l/IZ base registration all ages Ravens" Fundamentals Program :zt:r:;::::‘:: Mi," “W is designed to teach players m ,, W» \clllslmn m” “w “mm” M fundamentals of the game. The “A .~ ‘ ,hh;;‘.':;:1:‘,\.a‘.th*'13'}}.‘h : lil‘m‘JMTTN'JJJZZM 3m Applied lotlutof In“ Registrations program is non-competitive and W , ...Mm A the emphasis is on FUN' This .. t! - mm IMPURTANTIJ Registration for the 2011I12 season P;°9'°"‘ '5 f“ 9"" 5'7 ""5 14‘ A ; , ; I h , . is onlino, please register at ° “9“ ‘ HAHNLII‘NEY 2001 20" ‘ www.waterlooravens.com , v 4. Rib. ‘ W saws”; X71“ h 1‘ ’ “liffiélté‘? {Vafiizigyhlgs . . Players must have full hockey compliment } l ‘_ {Iglmlul '? 3‘53; ‘ll’3!,\s.t!l;‘h i 7‘); "Ii’ifi‘fithffil'i? (”fur‘fllfi‘fi‘, 1". Pleas: note This -s NOT 0 'lm to skatc' ‘ I I ‘ , :3.“ 3%,. . A} J31, ~‘r‘:f‘l ‘ W,“ h nimond For more Information please call the Ravens Hot Line 519-886-7903 5 filth-:- 35:11.; 1313?; 41:33, I!“ “ you. dmfi: =2, mining '30:"? ‘ (leave a message and we Mil got back to you) All l}$1§¥9fi u v > . «4.2%» ."~‘ ‘ "-‘, ‘ CAM mum‘s m Vow-I'm i-u. u» ‘fllhh For It» yam. Fm "a. (in! ”I m neglstrr at an": watcrlooravens com l

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