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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 14 Sep 2011, p. 16

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I6 ' “M “(LOU (IIIIlUNll'Ll: . \h-dllvsduy September ll. 20” i . 1 ..“ , r! r? d :1 ‘ . j" is r\ F51“ _7 #___ Dogma DEER: (:3 New Qifiir.;_\il ”9 5 w I r 1' ‘ - HERBS . SPICES - GERMAN ANI :0 I ':l o ' ‘ "0"; e’ l l b fi I . . a; firs-war .. A U ‘ .Computerized Food 8: Environmental Allergies. Nutritional Evaluaw'flé fix: cce erator cc 8 rates ve years i H and. Vector Stress Testlng by NM“ LR” 1. (sift; [he Waterloo Accelerator earlystage companies and The latest grads include . - .27: ' u ' "n th's ad & fece|ve If?» I? .7 (Ientre celebrated its fifth entrepreneurs looking to Bayalink. a leading innova- {gm St. I‘- “;,§if.' ,- 3 ' anniversary this month with take their company to the tor in smartphone applica- r: , H) ' "f . 1. 9. " the graduation of four more next level. tion virtualization and a 1. r r» -. . . as“. 4...... ‘ g ‘ ‘ an I ‘ ».. ‘ ,J technology start-ups from Here are just a few of the member of the Blackberry .--..-a&;-_--..---..----------..--.-------.--...&&. W" 3“ 3 its awardwinning Accelera- milestones achieved by the Alliance Program. tor program. Accelerator program and its Client Outlook builds The program. which start»up clients over the last innovative IT solutions that serves start-ups located at five years: provide health care profes» the Accelerator Centre and . As of Sept. 8. 15 gradu- sionals with secure access to - The (Iommunitech llub. ate companies from the information they need at the *4 supports entrepreneurs and Accelerator Program point of care. The company's "‘ - . . . early-stage technology com- 0 $27 million in revenue initial offering, eUnity. .9 panics in their growth, has been generated by client allows health professionals development and success companies access to the most up to . ?' “mum“ W and has directly contributed - 65 companies have date medical data from any . MN w to Waterloo Region becom- been served to date with a location and with no client 1‘ . 1 ing Ontario's fastest~growing current 45 client companies software to install or manâ€" i ' "’7 . tech ecosystem. in residence across two facil» age. 1 ‘ “ “Since opening our doors ities Homick labs joined The ; - to early-stage companies in - 1200»plus hours of edu~ Communitech Hub as an . y . 2006. the Accelerator Pro» cational services delivered Accelerator Program client ‘2 . gram has operated with a ‘ - 12.000 hours of mentor- in 2011. and is the second > ‘” .. Au...“ simple goal: to accelerate ship provided by in-house company to graduate from - ‘ é :5 was." . no??? «We in the success of technology executives and mentors the facility. , W A companies within Waterloo - has helped attract $52 Finally. PerspecSys lnc. Region. And weare proud to million in external funding provides data privacy. resi- say we have more than to client companies dency and security solutions achieved on our objective,” - 500-plus jobs created by that enable cloud adoption y ‘ ' said Accelerator Centre CEO. the centre's client compa- by the enterprise while pro- ‘ g , Tim Jackson. nies, with that number still tecting sensitive data. a ‘y‘ifii'ih Amway“ "Today we mark a major growing. "We continue to be , ”begâ€"geyser" 51")“ canary“... milestone in the Centre's The four latest graduates amazed at the calibre and ’i‘m"‘”‘" ‘ ”Nu" - history by raduatin the from the Accelerator ro- ualitv of the com anies ‘ l 'gbrg l pd3"hh3" V. argest mini er 0 compa- gram were a so announce omngt mug our oors. THURSDA\ SEPTEN‘BER 1 5 ST» JACOBS OUTLET MALL nies on one day to date." last week to bring the total said Tim libs, Chief Operat- _ The Accelerator program number of successful startâ€" ing Officer. of the Accelera- 1 2 PM 4 PN‘ S 1 9‘747 '2 1 00 offers one-stop shopping for up launches to l5. tor Centre. I N “we...“ llAllli 001' WITH I'll-I NEWSPAPER ha Mr M “mo-mu ‘ /C m " “ ' -‘ " Mung-sauna” In; Afters -----~-* .7 . a. ‘ tun. nuit-all . \ A V re9Ional “a" 5"“ ..........,....... r. E\\ o mum-ambi- k\_.“ €\ 31:1. ,1». tradeshow w ~'-‘â€"-<--- mm... m... Rex fist E‘s rm cumâ€"Isabel -"‘\§ . K \ ‘ mum-unan- §,: _' ‘ v) \ A 3/ i /‘ autumn-nu- § § 1’ ‘Q 0 ‘ 3‘ Cw “fihhlnâ€"JI-D 3'3 7 ’â€"\\ $\\' 73;! Tuesday, 35mm __.-u...“ n \ m .\. t l." 5,, lg}? September 20, 2011 425WC¢ntre Drive *anâ€"u x \‘ 93’ [my ».\‘ ‘ \{fi [54" “ Tine: 4WPM~8mPM MORNIB3X7 ““*~""""‘ \\s\‘ " . 1‘; " S ’66‘ \ \ , V ,./ 7‘} â€"“ ‘ \ FabiuotisDoorPMOeldoussamplesbyloolmnmuidm a‘ What- m \ , x. / \§h% . a". I I. t a ‘ fl (3’ § ‘ \\ .- ¢ / ‘M "531.- W 95v ‘ £3? * “W" "M“ -â€"- â€" w «- & WATERLZSO CitRONiCLE gag-_- firm-i3 mama ”if if: 3'33 “H mm IIII'I' I!” Inc]! You can “I Contribute to The Waterloo Chronicle! __..._. .__.fi..___W___ ._~_ ,--.______-â€"___-_-__---____-______--â€"____. Hi @ l (a! . 1. : I‘d like to contribute to the Waterloo Chronicle! : “My” TA‘ffe “kl l \ C '\£’.‘_‘_‘:_“ W | ‘ ) l’|c.i~c liml a thcquc lur $20 cml-Iscil tor .i l your tiviitributmn I .. .. " T : in no» mm) by ) \ISA ‘) \i-xs'iixt ARI) : RY N t A .‘ ‘_ I . («"11” _____â€"___.__.____w l\p [Lite _â€" I w. i 5* pm“‘ W__K:LLâ€"ICJ : Signature . ____ _ . h.._â€"__. : ‘L > "" " "" I Name _,____‘___~W,W ,fi___â€",___AÂ¥,A__ | I Address _ _. . _ use 7,,_,,,.,,, _. _M ._ _. A , __. _ . ._ I I... _" munâ€"Inna : ( m ,,i,_.,.,. __.._,i'mi..l(‘mlt '__ ”my, : m\ Gremmy' 0 i W .____________-_--___--_..__--____-_-_..___. ‘ hm“ - \It we R1l\ih . VH1 n-nrv'rI-i-Iunln'lrni‘lJfl‘h .. . _ .._, PM more information call 6 The ('irculation l)cp.ir1mcnt WATERL O CHRONICLE ' Free Admission! All Welcome! How: 135mm HIM.“ Maximum 3m “who. s: N smu- so. want-mm. 0N N21 Mix

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