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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 14 Sep 2011, p. 9

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,â€"__â€"__â€"______â€"flifi , 7 ‘ l mu Kl i u ) (:iittONItLLL "\‘\1‘L‘$ll.\t:wfl).ffifllflulhfl 14.201} v 5? â€"â€"â€"#*-â€"- it i ‘ Hi i( Illll)\l( ll 5 1 I “ll ‘ ”1U THE CHRONIC ° It W5 LE eeplng your Numbers for new research into these issues and have have wrtnessed. not only toward me , relevant answers for senior livrng btit toward all others at the Centre, . centre need revrew wellness. kindness. patience. great knowl- y S S :‘ . i , 5 . 1' _ . ‘ '- ‘ ‘ The .a 2:95am . . . . ‘ Ontario government anti other [hi huh.“ m into the total coir in g Thank vou' 1 do not know what IChelangelo? Van Gogh? Picasso? In the evening life l panners building a “‘an Of Excel» ord *r to (E: to own and )rofithrkom the en le‘ol this communi twould drawing classes I teach at the Button Factory, the i lence for senior health care (Chron- thistiax assisted mien? l do xithgut '0“ ‘3 partitipan'ts sometimes try to guess my favourite } icle,Aug.3l.page “I seems worth- Yes let's ct Ibuilldiri lon -term I do troll know what I and m artistâ€"the inspiration behind my becominganartist. 1 while. but at what cost? . d 1, Rafi. , f .18! ‘ g d d f ‘l' . ldd 'h t ' y After they makeafew incorrect guesses,lgive them some The "numbers" in the article are ‘f’;()a:::'mad “mil: a“ ' 5:123“: e an“ 3‘ “'0" 0 w" ou you. clues: He’s a Canadian cultural icon and his favourite mediums begging for detailed explanation ll Bu ’33 g POP .. . 1 d Include pipe cleaners. construction paper, todet-paper tubes. the 192 bed. long-term care home t H, ugdnot at t 950 extravagant d“ Kim MW “Chem. egg canons, glue and a black marker. The participants laugh, and. let's say. Home! 400 beds in '" ‘“ costs. ‘ . . _ “I" and someone inevitably yells out:.“lt’s_lv1r. Dressup!” phases two and three are built for a Pet dWa G ‘2 - ' 3 2‘ J1 : hi" _ Mr. Dressup was a childrens telewsion series produced by a,“ of 5'30 million. each bed eran "Y ”tam?" WW j the CBC. from 1967 to 1996. Starring Ernie Coombs. the show would cost 5210.000. ”’9' or) ”flaw”; entertained generations of Canadian children with simple This is. ridiculous; [here [must he “am an IV; crafts, Singalongs and [UPS (0 the tickle trunk for costumes. u loss («pensive way it) build this Thanks cane ‘ j;*'.‘ a; m The show taught Children about morality, tolerance. kind- centre. for the at Mm" ‘Mllm'mulg‘flfig i; a; t - in? ness and, above all. the power of imagination. As a child. I Also ()ntario will provide local cancer centre “35' --~ >_ 3 " “ ‘ ‘fl-:=L would tune into CBC every weekday at 10:30 am. and await $623000 a year m ”pl-mung funds ll . d h _ h h a. i .' my? ’W‘f‘ff‘syfinfyr; the familiar playful notes ofthe opening theme. 1 to run the facility. Iusua «V l? lg" s at?) 311" °_‘ if“ > * .431: ...__ .«tw‘swgk‘v-vrifw That's why I was heartbroken when Ernie Coombs died of a l lion do we know this won't turn 1.0.0 (1mm . [a 9:1}; " 'bne”; ’21" 5‘1”“: ' ' . a”: stroke 10 years ago this week on Sept 18. at the age of73. [felt i into SI million antitiulh of our tax FT“ "It! my amt) ave een 9d - m‘ ' ' < ‘3 » ' “ v .3 gm?" sorrow and loss for the warm and caring man Who taught l l s - , ) ; - , . mg wnh for more than 14 vears. but , t. n W J; th I d . d - t _â€" i ( ollars: .\t this stagt. tht proicti has . t « mm » us a you out nee expensive oys , ‘ v s _ , I thought it important so that I may i ,, . ¢ . , 3 _ . , h . f” the earmarks oi another Lost titer ) g . _ th~ l 1‘ x d t H mm.“ 4" cg \" ‘0 ave "4 . \l \l‘\l l \l l i run by taxman Dalton Mct-tiinty. l “(1,“ d E“. fr; {Wm-“’13:! s a WWheww how. watching memorable . i i ‘ Nest. exactly where will the "$84 :I‘ if?" ”U Lgiona .ancer can.“ , W . . ~31”!- eplsodes of Mr. Dressup on DVD With \ | { l \ ; million in additional funding" come U}: h . h l . film ' ‘ , ' “ 65%! my young daughters. l "33'”? how i from? \ntl whv “mild ll cost $84 ( to as I]C\Cr eon ongtr mail “mm deliberately low-tech the Show was â€" i I . t. , ; v , ‘ a" than a tlireeimonth lapse when! , ‘10 i M D edk'd ak million lot [t'dl hing and researt h- i Web‘StuN “32% r r. ressup encourag i s to m e l ()th- i. , , . _ _ .. ‘ am not at the centre for eithcrtreat- . '1‘ , ,._ t t fthin V th ould find (I aging institutts atross . ‘ P It , ' ..,.. ‘ nt l ' 01mm“, , 3" DU 0 85' CY C I ( (Ill-Illil haw already done great will}; u l:?§'_}ds“:;lt it. For. ”I 1 _ ’ _ "- around the house. like sctssors and a ‘ i ,-_,, 7* 777 ,,,‘,i,,i,,v L “I up. “u 1 an ””3 "m" milk carton. The segments encour- I - I iâ€" aged viewer participation. and I can - a , . . remember countless crafts I made as a e s ocus on e osmve by , I also grew attached to Mr. Dres» ‘ . . t . Su '5 u at friends Case ' and his I or a tew minutes l considered erllllg'stllnt" W9 all have our demons, some or them bigger than whilspgrirggp dog, Finnegan, along with MARSHALL thing about the pronoun! (‘ll‘l’IlOll coming our others. but for the mom pan we are a pretty decent other u ets like Aunt Bird Hester WARD ‘ v - i- - v I l‘ - h' s that's wh ' we devote so much time to p pp . ’ i \s a} in inst mt r thrt c \u tits "L U dP ) _ the “inch and Alligator AI who sang a , , , ,, l lint the prospect was so depressing l fikmi A,” , ,. fl the had lhlngf. They are fill“ 011! 0f the catchy rendition 0“) By the Bay ! "mph couldnt bring "WW“ I” d" "' ‘ norm.'whichisagoodth1ng. . Mv favourite Character turns out to be my daughters' ' ‘ ”'ka ”um. ”um enough “In" k'h m hash Pl l ( l ( ll‘ S“ "S good for us to take sometime. favourite too â€"â€" the wise old owl on the wall Viewers knew he l i i j out rim stufi i ‘ ‘ , ‘ and recognize the work of those in the i w wak wh n the "(1 he r “Tâ€"wit tw1 ).t-wit t . .. H' l i l - l 3 B()”Rl\l communit' But sometimes those l 358 C C 3 a, (0L weer. is, l ‘ , liisti Ah, I thought I tuiuld go of! in i 4 . -" - f ' ll 2 eyes would move back and forth as he spoke to Mr Dressupt i l “ "n h M “”" ”th ”m“ l""” "’ l "”d l nommd‘t‘i m5. thome rotttha he!“ fimd j The conversations were usually short. as the owl was too tired l ' i l I uplitiuig ‘ ~ groups: 0 P” Vf‘p’f h“ " on ( a put ; during the day for more than a minute’s discussion. i l i ”“" ”‘ “‘ “WWW “ '“"|‘”‘1~’ r‘" “ "'“ i i our ”“nkmg (fills (mi “"F‘ mm" up L Unlike so much of today's obnoxiouslv noisy and chaotic l i ‘ good pl’l)pll‘ for the List H \t’drs. the t it\ ‘ .'~ Willi a‘lew quality nominations for this kids' programming Mr Dressup had a gentle almost sedate ‘ has honoured some oi the lit'sl this ilrt'q ‘ . year. Someone out then- making a dll' 3 pa“. go too did his live show which I fortuitatelv had the E i l ll-ls moth-t mih the \Miii-rloo \\‘srlr(l is * r fen-me, perhaps quit-thaor maybe not. i opponunitv to see at the Centre in the Square in 198" thanks i 1 ‘ llll' list Ml it». lltlt'llls i lt\l'l\ ihi- “our .3 _ Someone who is lit-voting ~ or has i to invsister(aihv i ”H" ””m "' “IL” “0” "n m ”m ‘ 'l‘ ‘ ~ ”0mm“ "‘0” um“ In making ”1" l Ulllflrlllnilll‘ly'd never had the opportunity to meet l‘rnit' l I ""“ ”'”'"' Wm" '” ‘ l"””"l"" “”"“‘~ 4 (Milli! filmy,hrfwinxr 'l h' ' l _ .1 l (Toombs and thank him for all those years of entenainmcnt. | l “' "RUN“ "u" “H“""””""""I"”" ”w ” v I l) d“ 'l “K t ‘ .‘l ( m "l i wish I could have told him about the tremendous impact he l hum-iii ll.l\ gum- in ii ll‘llhlrhilldl‘ group or L J I mpzui they him- to ban- a lltlc, loath-r i had on a little boy who grew tip Willi a love for t‘rt’alin'ty and l l""‘|'l"r mum in “h...“ | “an. . mm. H. BRlAN ‘ ship is an attribute bestowed upon you "I - - 1 hum during rm (lllllllsl m “a.“ hm.- i b\‘ othersth can't assume ll yourself ‘ ‘ _ . h _ , g i _ ‘ ‘ I H” 1mm” x\ "MP W” m. it I“! “K BOURKE i 1“ important 10“,”th in mind 1 Mr. lirtssup this the greatest thildhootl mt ntorl toultl ask l i ‘ ‘ l ' ‘ l ‘ ‘ ‘ i , . , _ i for 7 and when he (lied a decade ago this week, it truly was i "' \\"""l”" “h“ "WW "Md“ "“ "WWW" 'â€"'”"J ‘0 “" um" gm“ "w. the people “1'“ l the end of ‘III err in children's television l'lnnks to t‘l'is‘.sit~ ‘ ' ‘ . ' k . _ | .7 ‘ . ‘ r 4 ‘ . . . x ”"mlhm"”'\ 1” H" H“ “”hmn ”H'm‘h' l" l" Nm‘” m ”kl mm“ IN ‘ ”."mhlm‘m" wm‘ l episodes available on IND. I can share the trim-less magic of i i in lIii.iiii i.il )(dill liint's Within” lln» power we lttvllt-u- is Ill-t ['\\;IF) [it i \ll' llrt‘ssup with n“, daughters for You“ income ‘ i i ”‘4‘ LN W” “ i' “m" 1'" ””‘lm‘m'ls' \‘ “""""”" ”Mk" ”hm”. | l l Mid l'll rcpt-it ‘l 'f'ivourite pit-cool l’rlllt' ('oombs' Wisdom l l ‘ i ~~ , . i - . ..i.-. ' ‘l ‘ .‘i“.... ‘ " ‘ i i “h” “m l" ‘ ” "Nd“ ‘1 "’ " “r" 1‘ "t ‘ "”""”””‘ , “I ”H ”mm" ”In" H ‘H l I”) ‘ , u I If "V" ‘ beautiful in its sitnplit‘itv ‘keep your crayons sharp, vour , i j .iiiil l lidllldllll’ t'llHll\ llit‘lt‘ is ri|\\.i\s some personal “ill"rl'm “"l“”"‘ ““W “i""ll’" ‘ “r “' ll"I KW“ sticky “I“, “”mnglflt and always I“" the hip b‘it‘k on \our } ‘ gain In lu~ port ”I stunt-thing \\llll h "mitt-s ihi~ luvs them .i tall (llltl stunt-one WI" point ion in the right "1"“le ., ‘ , - A ; of siHIII‘ l""'l"" ““1“" ”' ""“K‘ I‘“ “' ”""”~ "Mk“ mm “."n Marshall Ward's Drawing from life course at the Waterloo l mu hm! .miulh grind Jinn" worse-It \riil ilii~n~ l\ lrt s i l'lt‘lll.llt‘ some of the if“ “‘3‘"! ”mm" "ml (oinmunitv Arts ( enlre begins on Sept ”h and runson Moii- i nothing wrong mtli Ill.” the reiiitirkablp purpli- wlllt’h make this (‘itv spot Iill (lav evenings from 6-8pm for eight weeks VI.” more "mm“,r { i \.iill'. \\I‘ spend l.ir trio mm b time in out ll\t'\ "’ l . ‘ - - h ‘ ‘ ‘ | ' WWW. . . . i i (gm-”mu t.“ n“- iii-gators “fl/l" Hourly, (1 member ofrlm [05 J K00! FM lion "Ml buttonfactoryarts ca l ‘ ”W mm” " ”"N WWW" "n. pm” Wm" and '1 IllllfnlllgtTt’ll'. run lX’Wm‘hI‘dlIJ‘l’rnlfltlul l Marshall Ward Ltd visual artful-(ind ii'mvrling Winner Email Li 1 \Hll gov them .i dunno to help, thi-\ probably \\'lll him"rl'i'ifl‘krmlfntmm ; iwlromeal mart/tall ituniél‘lmtmailt‘om ' . l ‘ ' ' 7 ‘ i l i ,, , , , ,, a, , ,, WW, “1 , 7 , ,7, A ,,__,___ “,,-_i,aA _ _ a ___________â€"â€".â€"__â€"â€"â€"»__....______â€"_â€"_â€"l_‘

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