WArsawo ummcu! -Wednuday. August 3. 2011 - 1 Citizen concerned commercial considerations driving change ‘ Continued frompagel it. it is part ofour urban land~ since lanuary 2011. Halloran said Childs is off the ness.‘ Halloran said. “No. that is scape.†The number of complaints to mark. notafactor." 5 3 Last week, she met with city Halloran said the city has fol- the MOE about the landfill has “That has nothing to do with W'th [es ' ‘ and region ofï¬cials, requesting the lowed all guidelines and policies risen: three complaints in 2008. 31 anything that the city is develop- Cha 101 if") hmrkh'll . Ministry of Environment (MOE) be about development near the site in 2009 and 32 in 2010. ing. it has nothing to do with busi- r tie "34,“ ' 1 asked to reexamine its approval of and that she has not heard any Odour mitigation plans for the ‘ the expansion granted in 1991. The complaints from citizens north cell, similar to those current- ' southern expansion area was “It makes me Iy in use for the rest ofthe landï¬ll. D Ianne L. Bauer approved at the same time. _ 3 will be implemented according to Substantial development by the SUSplClOUS that Churchill. Fence-line spraying â€"â€" city near the landï¬ll has occurred ' - essentially air freshener for landï¬ll 5 " ’ ‘ r _ â€"â€" since the ï¬rst MOE approval and they re gomg to "10,09 odourâ€" will be implemented and " . memoriestlswnvrmm , Childs said it’s no longer suitable the landï¬ll operation timing Of work will be coordinated ‘ a to expand the nonh cell. with wind and weather conditions. 5 5 5 ’ .. “They moved into the southern out ofthe southern “We are taking as many meas- 1“: “be-i Q 15; _ expansion area and they should expanswn area I ures as we can to try to limit the .~;‘ ‘ â€\\\Q 1 \ ’ stay down there because that's 1 - odours we're going to get." , -â€" r . _ " ’ ‘\ ~ where they've got the space," feel we re being tanker, Churchill said. “The region does a s ' . . . Childs said. advantage of really try to work with the commw .1 r r ’ Specializmg In All Childs said no notice was given nity." " 3 .- to residents that the cell would be (1 , __' A?“ Childs _ Churchill said as hard as landï¬ll 1“ ' EUROPEAN AUTOMOBILES reopened. and many people â€m of "m†“mm'u staifmay try. garbage isareality. ' to; â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" , bought homes in the area with the “From a city perspective, we "There's just challenges because , i: ' - ‘ expectation it would stay closed. have not received any calls or we‘re a landï¬ll site so we're not 25, i. Dealef Am by 1 Filling in the north occurred complaints from citizens." Hallo» very popular." Churchill said. “We 7th “5 . med Benz MW ' ' from 1994 to 2007, during which ran said. “Believe me. if there were have to put the garbage some- ï¬g? Me . es . F . ' .Mlm time the original portion of the concerns. we have to act upon where and if we don’t put it in this JR; Allin/V“ MISUblShI, "Isa“ landï¬ll was also active. them." new cell next year. then the region - - Work began at the south cell in In December 2008. the MOE will have to make some tough WWWMaM my??? mm? °" 1 2006. required the landfill to begin an decisions on where we put our midwidlt’lsmm Ongtna at _ _'" _ ‘ Linda Churchill. senior envi~ odour abatement process. Odour garbage.“ Manurdmludm. Unsurpassed Collrston Repair . ronmental engineer for the Region complaints had more than dou- Despite assurances from ofï¬- 15m PM. mm ‘ of Waterloo. said it was never writ~ bled from the year before. totalling cials that everything is on the level mswmmztdlzswmmn ‘ ten in stone that work was done at 85. regarding the landï¬ll, Childs said “Mimi!“ 519‘578'2052 the northern site. The goal of the odour abate« she has her own suspicions about ,, 5 3 _~ I Work shifted south because the merit process was to reduce hydro» return to the north. 5 l employee workshop stood on the gen sulphide emissions â€" the Childs said it is all a develop~ ' i l ‘ last cell in the north. Now that a smell â€" by 75 per cent before the merit ploy related to getting new , t, ‘ new shop has been built. it made end of2009. business into the Boardwalk 5 i ' more sense to complete work in But in 2009. the number of which will eventually employ _ ».__ the north. she said. complaints almost doubled again. about 3,500 people. - , . 5 _ __""’“ "I don't think the region ever to 156. “it makes me suspicious that has said there would be no more There has been some progress they're going to move the landï¬ll GUN†051.5755“, 5 5.â€wa Km 55 3,5 5 work in the nonh," Churchill said. -â€" the number of complaints operation out of the southern ' 5' ‘5 5 (5 Q i ‘ “The door was never closed on dropped from 156 in 2009 to 72 in expansion area for three to four ““ “ Hf†“" ‘" "W that issue. 2010. Years then move back." Childs Fl " "WT H "‘" A“ "W 1’1 "1' um "lt tit)l‘\ make sense to go back Churchill said 35 complaints said"! feel like we're being taken Plant.†in . with Bun: r: . mm and ï¬nhh this area up." have been made to the region advantaged." hwy Tun; my to; Fr. . not}. P.“ m, Construction and filling rit the NM p, “My“ â€MM“; m.p._.3.3.ny nonh site is expected to take about w.†t-. Cr ll ‘l , C Iii‘i‘n \ three to four years. according to - 3 5 5 5 5\ f 5 Church†www.kw-g|c.com a that Font on. Mayor Brenda llalloran was ' Rate Of the week. 51W“ " PM“ CM" "‘ â€MW present at the meeting with Childs, Guaranteed Investment Certificate 31. my“. \ tr fr. ./«m./2 /‘ . 1/1/(l/il/,/"Irll//“v‘//‘J(/ï¬/ylf/\ and said the MOP. has been 5, 37x, 3 . 3.7 3.5; “311x315 .3 3; . - involved with the landfill site since COMPARE Q. 7 {a rig-5r- 33“,§;3;;65Jy< 55.7, , 1.1- . . ' 1. tllc lit-ginning and that residents * “f .5 f atâ€, 5 $2,771,733“â€I,if7¢?.i}‘;§';‘,.’f;'.gf 17,3, , '5: - 1'5 knew the landï¬ll was lllt‘l’l‘ when Kw'G'c mmm®m 5h?- » 1‘ f§§a§§â€"‘$ii?ij* ' ' ?~: 51 ‘ j; " ‘ they purchased llll'll' houses VS- 3 f in 55 a; _ v5-1:vm%7~‘¥3?4f§?§, :~, 55 5 5555; 1 building process from day one." 'subpect 10m CompamesreoresentedDyKW-GIC are coveredDyCDlC 6. gé’fï¬.’:"‘â€â€˜Â§7 ii“ “Lad"? ‘ 13 if“ it," ‘ "'7iâ€5"*'5 ' t; ,. . ’ ‘ llrlllfll't'lll said "You can't hide front ~"ï¬3~§ï¬f‘*§3§é 5‘ J†a "†5 -_. .‘1,3; 515," .- i i 279 Weber St. N., Waterloo ' 519-747â€"8123 Mm 1:5)“: 3.595. z 5, .555w3‘,3..55_5 5 . g ‘ ' u: ‘ i one WAY FROM WATERLOO 579 5119 5189 5199 5229 5229 5249 1 REGION AS LOW AS... , -- _ .: . 3 ' ‘ 1 ' s a»! "' ~ 1 GUARANTEED LOWEST “RES â€$80“ “ll! ‘ S $(' Guaranteed lowest fares to every destination for travel through September 17. 2011. . ave for rest of the Every day and every destination lS on sale now. 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