'MWW†-: . m... ' .Wï¬â€˜3 ' Visit N I i kitchenerltiacom @ : ' l â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"~_â€"~â€"â€"â€"~â€"~â€"m~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€" ~ M . . i t ercury rismg ~ ~ l ' f h rid h ' f ' l * l Local dentist part 0 pus to e t 6 practice 0 using mercury ama gums \ ; Bv BUBVRBANM is a movement away from using mercury 33ft,€5Wx%".x.v<‘s‘rÂ¥{§f.§§£§$2. its?» -:_. ., j . (.‘lirauirIeh/u/f ainalgams. ' a _ fl 75‘3‘151: if. y “ ' E 73"?«xt’f I . ' . ‘ That's why Dolierty said she’s surprised by ‘ ‘. if“: ‘ y ,'/7~"1‘. 5 ' ' 71' ' {1.1. r", 113,7} 1' l i might be another reason why you don't [Environment Canada’s suggestion. support- ivï¬rflgia ‘ ' .ivixbg,’ . - ‘ want to get a cavity and might want to ed bv Health Canada. that there are no ecoâ€" 1* ":‘tiffe',’ 5' " brush three times a day. riorriieally feasible alternatives to mercury I" . x: ‘ The still widespread use of mercury amal- amalgams and the importation of the heavy fig, 9'“ " ' i ’ . gains to ï¬ll dental cavities has raised con~ metalshotild continue. ’ “I ' â€as? g cerns about using the heavy metal at a time l)o|ierty is also part of a group called the 31:; ‘ ' 1 when the lliiited Nations Environment Pro» international Academy omel Medicine and , - i . ~ gram plans to ban the global use of mercury Toxicology that advocates for mercury-free a ,. '11.; _» by 20H. dentistry in both the US. and Canada. in}; ' , And that has Dr. Mina Iloheriy, a local “that group has really been pushing the , a; '7 _ dentist. concerned. science behind the harmful effects of mercu~ ‘. ' l)oherty is part of a group that is looking ry.’ said D0herty. “We find and follow the sci~ : a? 3 *4†it for a total ban on importing mercury into ence and have been very active in every way . ‘ “effâ€; '99-"; “' " _ I ( anada. we can to change the thinking on mercury. " 215i; 1““: A ’ I, g R? "()tir mnceru is once you use it. it's going [Joherty has presented her case to former -v . g 7}, " ‘2' I 7,,“ . ‘ to get back into tlte environment." said Ontario Health Minister George Smithemian _ » r‘: ff ‘ 7;» > >_' I)oheny. and the Royal College of Dental Surgeons ' â€" in. . â€"m, a ' ‘ . , ‘ The toxicity of mercury " with little movement. .J gain ‘ ‘ and the detrimental effects it Mercury has “Mercury has been over 3 7 i "if; a l; ' ~ hason both people and the bee" over-duly duly protected by the profes- . 2. ‘ 5%.. x - -_ ~ - envtronment are well dour ‘ SIOn. said Doherty. They :7 j; , ~ ,. _. . , merited. and the thlil’ is prOIE‘Cfed by the haven't done the science to ' '.;‘"‘3t \ - - . pushing for the use of safer profession They show that it's not hannful.†. " I 3 " * » ‘ altematives to mercury. , ' But with the United r~ ‘ - > Mercury is biocumulative hal’en I done Nations now moving to ban v‘ if“ all“ Q g .» - {1‘ "ii’flai’h‘Ilii’137iâ€? if; â€â€˜9 “"9â€â€œ ‘0 gibii'i'ypfiféi'lid‘iii" £15332: ‘ '3 i , ' it ' i ' as - g ’ (it _ , , 3‘55“? '. ‘ 3? ‘_:: chain. his tough to get rid of ShOlU that â€S stepping up its pressure on : 5‘», ( ‘ , , ‘ > if ' once it's in the environment not harmful " government bodies to join in :11 ~51? ' " . ‘ ‘ 2,; ‘ a .f , ‘ . 7 and it's particularly toxic to ' reinforcing the restrictions 3" ' " ' humans and animals. â€" Dr. Mllra DoheI'ty Health Canada has issued A local dentist is pushing Canadian government officials to join the United Nations Environ~ The (internment of ( lunar 10ml (lenrislpart ofgmup standards in the past. it's posi. mental Program's worldwide ban on the importing of mercury by 2013 and end the use of da is doing its pan by devel- mullingfonhebanon tion on Mercury on its own mercury amalgam to ï¬ll cavities oping regulations that it rrit'n'uo'andthcmwf website states: “Pregnant “‘"‘°'° hopes to have in place by Inerrulti'amcflgam women. people allergic to Gooney is influencing Health Canada in soft- and does not pose a health risk. As there is no 20l2 that would prohibit the mercury and those with ening its stance on dental amalgams and that scientiï¬c evidence that dental amalgam manufacture, import or sale of mercury-con impaired kidney function should avoid mer» Environment Canada is taking its cues from causes illness in the general population. the taming products. cury ï¬llings. Whenever possible. amalgam the healthbody. removal of existing amalgam ï¬llings is not But it comes with an important exception ï¬llings should not be removed when you are “How come Health Canada says that it is wananted, Essential products which have no technically pregnant because the removal may expose safe when it is a schedule one substance that “The release of mercury to the environ- or economically feasible alternatives. such as you to mercury vapour. When appropriate. is not safe to be anywhere in the world except merit from dental amalgam is negligible and . lamps and denial amalgam. would he the primary teeth of children should be ï¬lled in people's mouths?" said Doherty. "Environ- can be adequately controlled through best exempt. with non-meruiry materials.†merit Canada has made it clear that people practices for amalgam waste management." Canada is a net importer of mercury. That's why Doherty and others are upset should have at least informed consent." For more information she referred the bringing more than TIMI kg of the “MIC by some ofthe mixed messages coming from The Chronicle contacted Health Canada Chronicle to the report The Safety ofDenIal t material into the country on ayearly basis as Health Canada. in particular Dr. Peter for a response and comment from Dr. Amalgam. published in 2006 and found at i part (ifexisting products, while another 5,34! (loom-y. the chief dental ofï¬cer of health for (Zooney. lrslie Meerburg. media relations www.hc-sc.gc.caldhp-mpslmd»im/applic~ is imported every year by Canadian manor ( :mada. ofï¬cer for Health Canada. responded: demandelpubs/dent,amalgam-eng.phpit4. i fat'itirt-rs. At a recent UN conference in Japan. "The position of Health Canada is that Doherty said it is up to dentists in drive . lioheriy said that most dentists already (honey stated his support for mercury amal» dental amalgam is a safe and effective dental change on the issue. l use safer ariialgams to ï¬ll cavities than llll‘l’r gains while also wearing his hat as a member restorative material," said Meerburg in an e- “The circle will stop once dentists stop t cury She's been practit mg mt‘l’l‘lln'rifl't‘ den of the HM World Dental Federation. mail. using it. especially in children and pregnant 3 tistry herself for If) years now. anti said there Doherty and others are concerned that "Dental amalgam mercury is inorganic women." she said. . - - " . - ,; r 1 it“; 1: g r: "14' 22' . ,, f ;' . . :- w, . "‘11:. wgr‘ï¬h. ,1? r.. ‘ . WV)». i . : 5 u!) "1" 5:": 1“. r ‘ =§Ar7ï¬ 2 4 ' ' L . ‘ , . , \ 1-. Myâ€; ; gr“: 1,4}, 12.1 . $15.... . _‘ it ‘ ' 2 \ . i , \ \ 3â€â€. «ï¬g, 4%! i. Q; ‘ , , he ‘ .1 .&I ‘ :.?.}3A%.r.u - 1.»: .V ‘ , . n .. - ~ , ‘ ‘1‘ )1 saga ‘ ’ S: ‘l i i a, Q 9’ ‘ .. .1 {yarn git V 6 REGINA Si it WAlERtOO l 519 886 2090 l GIIISPLBIII l M, 7 ,, ,i ",7 ,7