it -‘_ru'~1-‘o1'nflluut‘ 4 C10‘ WATERLOO cunomcu-z -Wednesday. August a. 201 l - it â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" L_., ,,.7,,, 7", 7,7†W , , ,, . ,,7_ ;â€"‘_â€"â€"â€"â€"_‘â€"'ï¬râ€"‘â€"‘“â€"‘*~ '*4**â€**’* â€f’WAâ€™ï¬ v n ‘ x n - w 1 w fl “- 1 Hz] NLRB 10Tle CHRONICLE Are all read ;M___~_._______a-u___. y . MOVCMHS Canada maintainedhand a direct link to RenameWilmot Line f ’ _ , other sections of the Trans Canada th t 2 . trail to Beulamm Park 'I'rail.. _ . In the interest of accountability or e mans er 0 remember when I ï¬rst heard of it ls an honour'to be mCIUdéd m and transparency ] am 355118, in . Ithe Trans Canada Trail. 1 was (his “d“mlal DWI?“ and 10 share all seriousness. that at the next aking my guts shake and my pulse quicken. The ‘ excited to learn that Waterloo would ml†park w'th me "m of(anada. Wilmo‘ council meeting. a council- M Edgar Winter Group's Frankenstein is one of my 3 be included in this ambitious proj- Do link ll“ make _3 motion tore-name my favourite rock songs of air time. i had the privilege of . ecr to link (Ianada from coast to T3" “rumor Lute and call ll “Peter R085 seeing Mnter perform this infamous instrumental at the Aval< i coast through a series of walking interim Drivï¬wayfl on Ballroomin Niagara Falls in 2008. and it instantly transpon- i trails. Thal W3)“ ll will be clear 10 fl" Of ed me back to the 705 with its blend of wacky synthesizer How amazing to think that front Thank you to US who Pa)†taxes 1“ the township for sounds and thunderous melodies. } Waterloo we could walk across Canadian soldiers whose benth if“? Wilmot Line was Music fans will have the opportunity to hear Frankenstein (“anada â€" what a feeling of connec- paved from [31175 Road UP to Own â€" and plenty more of Winter's repertoire â€" when the albino ‘ tion to the rest of our country! hether we are paciï¬sts or mili- Pet“ R095 driveway. . rocker performs this Saturday at the Kitchener Blues Festival. 1 in Waterloo, the Trans (Ianada Wtam, and whether or not we _| “Wild [00k forward 10_W0Tklils alongwith hisolder brotherlohnny. : Trail highlights the Iron Horse Trail. agree with the Afghanistan mission, Wm} one Of You "1 mOVmG (his ‘Istill love playing that song."Winter told methispast week r Waterloo Park, the University of each ofus can take pride in and fee] “10110“ forward. ~ over the phone from his home in Beverly Hills. CA. “When I l Waterloo. Columbia lake. the St. gramme for the em)!“ and accom- wrote Frankenstein back in “68. I was playing with lohnny's Iacob's Market. anti then it moves plishments of our military person- WNW blues trio, and it wasiust the basic riff: da da da da - da da da â€" . on to rural Si. lacobs. nel. [th sacriï¬ced _. Often more St Agatha da‘ I would play that when Johnny would introduce me after ‘ Recent discussions regarding the than mg once _ or continue to sac- ' x,‘ 3;?:$£;.;. w; r: v. . f; r the ï¬rst half of the set by saying, ‘Now I'm going to bring out Nonh lakeshore section of the trail rifice the comfortable lives and ; 53113 f, ; “if" , if {off my little brother Edgar!’ have me feeling embarrassed. closeness to loved 0,195 that many ’ P<~ï¬iwf i _ . +~"‘w~i "Nobody even knew who 1 was back then, so I'd walk out The best we are willing to offer of us take fm granted in order to 1 .‘ "4 ‘i .,_..‘ - . ‘ , _ ._» g; and people in the audience would say, ‘Oh my God! There’s two ', to the project is the noisy. hot, and serve not only their country but “in“ W g .‘ ‘ M of them!“ Winter said with a laugh. dangerous Nt)flhï¬(‘ld Drive or Ben- asâ€, and perhaps primarily. the wraith!“ ‘j' ;_ â€we“ referring to their matching white ) 7 t. . . . ' 1 4 I ’ ‘ ' ' I' ' Mini“ Hf’flil- “0 (an d“ hflll’f 1“ humanitarian interests of the when mm.,, w:- mops and pigmentâ€"free Sk'n- “1th \1 \I l\'l I H l E North lulu-dime it.“ reconsider Afghan Pml’lï¬ WM“ . m over 20 albums and numerous collab~ \li | 5 ’ movmg the North lakeshore section Mum-ad _ g orative efforts to his credit. Edgar Win- | of the trail to Benjamin Park. Ben- Michael H.(Zlifton bePlliilflfl- £42431: < _ _ ter revolutionized rock and roll by ' iamin Park is beautiful. shad). wellA libterloo ' N * ' inventing the keyboard body strap. an eâ€" .,7_,A__ innovation that allows him the free- . ' dorn to move around onstage during A B d l mum-instrumental, high-energy per- ~ ' . oar , pO ICC ma e a 11118 e romances like the nine-minute live ~ i version of Frankenstein. i \ | often “a“. m 1h“ space. i am a big fan m police service is dealing honestly and openly with Winter explained that. originally. i Ania-dim] “r speech. [you for (huge “thosc the media and through them. the pttblic. Loss of Frankenstein was called The Double 4 i views I ï¬nd deplorable It's important. always, Conï¬dence is a creeping. deadly disease. To it's cred- Drum Solo, as the song featured i to hm t, rhi- rotor-nation. Without that. we can haw it. the police service has been open in dealing with exactly that. along with alto sax and a MARSHALL ‘ no understanding the question at this point, Hammond organ. WARD In me. that is the hush (ii the saving, “infurma- And l ill“ CUllt‘CrllL‘d aim!“ llll.‘ SCthIl board. the "ll didn't have the same complexity ~'* A r ’ ' * ""*"‘ “on |\ power." 5 Ma‘s _-_.- thousands of teachers. students and that it developed later with the advent of the synthesizer,†he but “Ill! that. I feel both the Waterloo i _ . _ i parents whose lives revolve around its said. “gum“ Md" 1. Serum- and (he Waterloo PI [( l. i )] 1 actions. "Which is when I revived the song. as it had never been lit-grim l'itbltt Ilistiiti \t liool Iloitrtl and B()lj “Kl. i B) â€01 "fl'fflhl'lll the» information r"“"'(l(‘(l~n 7 hair illulr' .. great |l|\\('[\|q p u. may mun. ‘ ‘ i last fall, anti by not telling us at that Famed guitarist Paul Nelson oi lohnnyWinter's hand perâ€" - 'i\()iil.ii'i and l liild in im- region 3 time. “but actions it had taken. leads formed â€nuke/listen: with Ldgztr Winter on the 2tlltl lygeridary | â€w ( aw Ill point the silt“ or a \\.tlt'r = all of its to question the tactics of the Rhythm and Blues(iruise iii thetIaribbean. ion livgioii not her thargi'd “llli ll.ll|tl tor i . board “as lllt‘l’t‘ an t'flori to keep it r “We also played fllffllt't'tl Rowland free Ride. hiii l~'rrurki'rr~ allegulh Liking a bout nub tum Pi and i g. $2 l|lllt'l" \\'ln~' \llll now. in hindsight. I aff’lll is truly a brilliant piece of music." Nelson told me this i m t l‘plllliL the moot-v.\t‘tl in llil‘llll\ i l. a how mam other luntlrtiising efforts past week. and t â€Hugues 1. a ' “I†be hurt b\ that lat k of at turn" “It's |ust it tltissic instrumental. and it‘s almost as if sonicâ€" lln- t burg-w mu lard List ltill. btii lll'i \ ~ It’s pnblu and media relations llll both I\ singing it. I-"rrurkt'mli-in is so long. and it was it bitch to . in†â€tr poi]. .‘ \1'[\|(|' mi, rih- \( hm†" " .\tl|nii then-s been a problem (llllllllt‘ w learn. bttl [ht-parish! together so well. ‘ board lt'll If “its lll‘t esstm to rein-aw til.†i ~ i the sit'ps you are taking lie proat |I\t‘. ‘ “And that's who! makes It so interesting to play because you 1 Illlllfllldlltlil It only (tilllt‘ to light ill llll‘ l‘ . > I (.et on top ol the issue. and totitrol it have to know how to switch from one part ioanotht‘r. but also j INN 1“ dd“ when the MN. ramp “an". i r" ‘ i lroin there But I get this sneaking susâ€" r stay in a part long enough to establish the hook. lint we played i the tt)|l|l\ the point t' haw been i|i|ltlt'tl ‘ BRIAN i |)It'ltlll that was not the board's idea. It i the whole version. and you can check it out on You'liibe!" 1 w MMâ€). mm "l““l “m “I â€4m“. It“. 1 BOURKE ; may haw been working more along i’dgar Winter remembers the performance vividly: “I had a : Illltlllll.ilittli «not ltllll t'fll lor lllt' ‘m-ll ; the lines ol "ll we don't say anything, blast playing Frrmki'nsler'n with that hand," he said. “ lit-um ol the At ( than may be this will all go away." It won't " l'hal's my favourite song. anti every time I play it. it brings Hm m not H... (h ,. it'll-ll "a", but \\||()(.l“h'p on friends. and the worst part is. bt'taust- of this : bark all those liternories of when I would come onstage and braking do†| am much more inâ€. pun-(i about m,- inr Itlt‘lll and the \\-I\ ll was handled, other people ; lohnny would introduce me. 1 m-ll than“ “1 (hp (hm-m, |,._.\f|,.- hundreds or l"“’l’|l‘ will be htirt when they really do need help. i " that was its original purpose. just an instrumental show- \ who “up“ “l’ behind "m I MN. Worth“ who "u" lll'tl Where are the trustees. plotted to serve our inter I plt‘t't‘ for me. That's where it all began. even ihoiigh in its presâ€" into â€Iâ€, “Am.“ and â€H.†hearts to hp", “mu-â€m. t‘\l\" \\.is lllt‘lt' a municipal t-lt't‘iion List falI-’ lost out incarnation. it has evolved entirely into a whole different : lllt‘\ thought “as in trouble, onl\ to be punched in MM"): kindofrtionstt-r" . [hp Npun." i. N" .- “in†Mm about [ht-m: .»\ deathly silt-im- fills the room. all toooflt-n If)t)ll Monster is an apt description for it song so enormous. so | am ..|\,. â€m. â€uni about [hp pm.“- WU.“- s trustees should ht- ashamed of themselves. We powerful and so unforgettable. Thankfully. this Prankster/i â€than.“ h,“ i inlornrauon “hum comm“.- ( liargt'tl dost-ru-considerabh better monster. unlike its literary namesake, is still on great terms Ill llll\ “at lanes lllt'lll opt-n to questions about "' i with the triad scientist whorreatt'tl it. ' who else might be pntlt‘t l|‘(l l’ublit Il\ is part of “it" [fflll'llfl‘lf’h’ifl"""'lâ€("1'll"4’l"5-â€\7"†f†rlt'.ll when V,“ are i ll-llgt‘tl “m. ,. r rtmt' â€hug m,- nmrnmgi Vl‘ll‘.ttlll hen'ur‘ht'rlln'r'~rrtrtrltlt ;\1rir.\lrallllr'rtrrl l.\ u l'f.\'llllf(lrfl.\l and rounding reporter 1 “M ,| w,“ \nd | believe we ..|| want m km,“ our Irlmurkr-("erlï¬nmm lint/tiltxuv’lt'omt-(u marshal! trunkâ€homrar'lronr i r , . . . . ,, ..__ . W â€as , . . as... . .._.‘... _ ._a__‘..,_. a. . a... s M