r (",w.‘."’" . 7* it 7, ,7 ll i ZG-WAI‘IaflLlXICHIIONICLE - Wednesday. luly 20. 2011 ‘ W I . . - : THE CITY OF ‘ i i For more information. please contaet: i City of Waterloo ' 100 Regina St. South E Waterloo, Ontario N214A8 I P 519â€"886-1550 . i F 519774778760 I TTY 1786677868941 : www.waterloo.ca I g i m _ _ I l E APPLICATION FOR - C't {W t I I NOISE BY-LAW EXEMPTION ' y 0 . a er 0° ‘ ; Notice is hereby given that an application is being made to the Director of By-law Enforcement for the City ofWaterloo Lot M al nte nan ce j for an exemption lo the ('in ofWaIerloo Noise By-la“ SQUID-U73 which prohibits amplified sound between the hours of I 5:00 p m to Hit) am The applicant. Wilfrid Lauricr University, is requesting an exemption to permit amplified sound at By Law #0 3 .0 7 3 : linncrsn} Stadium on Seagram Drive. in Waterloo on the following dates: Summer/Fall 20]] University Stadium L . d d ; lllllt‘ l‘ \cnt lime (or I \(‘liliilllltl 0" ma'ntenance Stan ar 5 were I August 372 (it) League Football (lame (To in Cities) 3:00pm 7 1 1:00pm (Game time is 7:00pm) established for the safety and VISUZl : viii" (ti W l.l' \» \‘i'indsor Football (lame (0:00am - l I:(i(ipni (Game at 7:00pm) condition of yards (excluding buildings) l Limp! I: 4illtiilLi‘lil'dâ€"I liléiiflhfml l“(‘thflgiq‘77 j_i Limingâ€"liflipvm (Games at |.(i(ipmi and vacant lands. . l Dcpt I a ; ( ll} league I‘ooihall (“""Cflflj'c‘h300w“ - I l.ti(ipm (Game time LS 7.00pm) : I $76: 3: fl’olcnlldl High School Football (lame 1 11:00am 7 (room (Games at 1:00pm, 4:00pm & 7:00me Yard maintenance Includes the removal i : ï¬lliiï¬ifnhi: HIREâ€"317$] (football (lame I I'litiam - l l:(i(ipm (Games at 1:00pm. 4:00pm & 7:00me of rubbish.dog excremenggarbageJitter ' ' " ‘ IV s ‘s‘ ‘ ' ‘1 ‘ 1:l; 7: ' ": . . ‘ i g Liftâ€"14$ “‘ “r" “““bfԠ" m“ m " "m †""P'" “m“ d‘ ' â€Om†and debris. excesswe growth of grass. i Sept 1" i Potential High School football (lame l l:(i(ium - | l:0(ipm (Games at l:0(ipmv 4:00pm [it 7:00me d d b h d d d , ‘ i 1 Sept 3†Tl’oicntml High School l'ootball (lame [0:00am - l I:()(ipni (Games at l:00pm, 4:00pm & 7:00pm) W88 S an US es' amage OI" ecaymg l itici If , if} “I ll \iiiiima I-ootball (lame [tiltitizim - ll:()(ipni (Game at [:00me trees. bUSl'IES and er5h WhICh Pose a i . _ , V , ‘ 7,L'i‘l'lf'i‘LTPFL‘SE'l‘L,, Vii," # #___V safety hazard to pedestrians and Oct 2 l auricr Alumni Loop Running Classic ‘) (itinni - 7:00pm . . 7 7 77 7 7 7777777â€"7777â€"77~7 77 m . . . i ()ci (i Potential High School Football (lame ‘ l(i:(ili;im - llIKipm ((iilltiL‘S zit l:(Ilipm. 4:00pm & 7:00me O-tOI’IStS WI'éCkEd _dlsmanF'ed : to .6 ’ an innhan’imaâ€"r“m (~.'['.L;.f’nirimiiii «>an ((lrmt-‘um:ic .5 1:00pm. unlicensed or IHOPeratIve vehicles. I if)?“ i ‘ liohfniml High School football (lame 1 Ili‘litizim - | I ‘(Mipm (Games at I ()(ipm. 4:00pm & 7:00me trailers.machinery and appliances. 3 . 7 L 7 77 7 -7 7777 777 77 7 7 77777 7 7.7777 777 _.77777â€"77_7_7#4â€"_7_â€"i (ict H ‘ Potential High School l'ootl’mll (laiiic lli‘llliam - l l (Mipni (Games at l (itipm. 4:00pm & 7:00pm) ‘ , , . i 7 77 77 77777. 77777â€"‘__77777â€"__77777_â€"~7â€"i - I ‘ (in IS “I l \ McMastcr lizolhlill lti‘litiam - 5:00pm (Games at I (itipnii . .ACOflVICtIOn under ï¬gs by law Ca: F'ESl‘Jlt l 3 (hi I? ( II} I caguc l‘oothtill (some I [inn (‘iticxi ‘ 5 (Kipni - ll.(i(ipm (Game at 7.00pm) ‘ In a 53‘ ï¬ne 0f 5'05 plUS $25 VlCtlm j ‘ (hilt! WTAI’JcliiiaTllighchhool lootbull (lame 7; Hi liliam - l l ()(ipni (Games at HIOpm. 4:00pm it 7:00me , surchar e ï¬ne for each offence ‘ (7 . 7 i777 777 777777 77 77 7â€"7777â€"7777â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"7i , I (in :l il’mcmml High School lmitl‘iull (lam: 1 ll) (Ilium 7 l ltllilpm ((lnmcs at l’00pm. 4:00pm 8: 7100me I . . d I . h Id ' l " V 7 ' '7 '7' N‘ V I" V ' V 7 T 77'7’ 7‘, 7 '7V‘ï¬A _"â€".~"W_â€"_.â€"â€"‘_i ; i on 1 i l'olcntigil High School lootl’i‘ill (ionic i, “(mum - I I 00pm (Games at l‘00pm. 4:00pm at 7:00pm) nqutrles 3" comp am“ 5 0" : 1 to It ; nit-anti mgr. 9:53.11 i.;.;n;;.n’m;1;c " i|“ti«ii5nm_â€"â€"â€"ii. â€mp.“ (Games at (00pm, 4:00pm at 7:00pm. , be directed to the By-Iaw i T "(it if? Suit-ï¬lillitqoii‘irtlclr finalâ€":â€" if, It) (mam - l l ‘(Mipm (Games at I (itipm & 4:30pm) . Enforcement Department at i \I l' l’ mot oot a (lamc ‘ : 7 <7 x 777‘ 7,7 7 7-777â€"77777717 , . _ ,._ 5|9-141-87I4. , ‘ oi . i lotcntitil High Stliool l‘oothall (name I In (mam - ll.00pm (Games .il LOOpm, 4.00pm 8; «(Klpmi l I 7 7 7 7 7 77 77777777777777 7 77 ~77 7â€"7 i i i \m 4 ' Potential High School l-ootball (lame :Hi'titianf- I l:00pm (Games at erflpmv 4:00pm & 7:00pm) I i I b 7 #7 77777 777777 - 7 7 777 7777 7747â€"77 f 3 \m i 1 Potential (il IA Semi finals i [(i‘titiam - llr00pm (Games at l100pm & 4:30pm) i BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT g I A“ P, 1'31'1'31‘W“ “8'“? 7, I 7,, v, ,__, m . â€77 c7 PROTECTIVE SERVICES , I , \oi Iti l’otciitml High School loothall (lame Hi (itinm 7 ll (Kipni (Games at [00an 4:00pm & 7.00pm) B ld' B C . I , I 7 7.. 7.777 7 77 7777 777777777777 7.._ 7_7V777._..__' 7w“ 3 i \o\ I | Potential High School l‘oothall (lame Ill â€(lam I l.(i(ipni (Games at l:00pm. 4:00pm & 7:00pm) UI mg a etter ommunity. l ; h‘Qâ€"n If V. imiéiï¬ii'ï¬i A Yates (‘up W M- -7 7 lti'lMium 7 I I:0tipm (Games at l100pm & 4:30pm) ' " “ .‘ misgigm I i “I l l'layoll l‘oolhaill (tunic " 11.3%? 3.". E i \‘m I" l’olcntml High School ltnill’h‘lll ( hunt- i In (Mam - ll (Mipm ((iames at | 00pm, 4:00pm & 7:00pm) I J ' ,t. a i i NJ“ IN 1 I’olcntiailligli School football (l.uiic ? (lithium - lllrirtitipm (Games at l'Illlpm, 4:00pm & 7'00me : I \m w ' (minimal ('IS in l‘ I'lsii‘oll'loothrill (and (0 (“mm - lHitipm (Games at l 00pm and 4 itipmi . t 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 .7777 7777777__77_7_’_ E \‘m DJ l'otcntial High School lootball ( iiIlIIL‘ ‘ lti (Mum - ll (itipm (Games at Hilipm, 4:00pm & 7,(i(ipm) v? i i \o\ 3‘ . |'.itciiti.il High School loothall (ionic 7 ‘ Ili "Hunt‘- l I. (lupin 77.531733: l (Nipni (Jihad; imime ' i I \m :n 4‘ tumult†lligh sawtooth.“ (lame ' iii 003E711 Mimi "(â€"(mlï¬Ã©xï¬ i-iitipm.4.0(ipn182 7'00me ‘7‘ ' I ‘\ll menu \\ ill iii\ol\c the public address \) slum ' i Anyone wishing to comment on this matter should contact the By-law Enforcement Department in writing at 100 Regina Street South, Waterloo. Ontario N2] 4A8, no later than 4:30 p.m.. Wednesday, August 3. 2011 or via eâ€"mail " -' 7 ’ i at bylawOwaterloora, Questions regarding this event should be direded to Ryan Lannan at 519-884-0710, ext. W 3732. www.waterloo.ca i l ' ’ .7 l I , _7_‘_.___._.__‘--. A