F__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"__â€"_â€"_â€"77 7 WWW-manual“; Siskins will return in the fall ' z t, Continued frompqel “Once we got to that preserving the Siskins' sea- g point i think they started son. and also thanked the ._ re [he last group standing thinking with more of an league and other franchises â€mi between the Siskins and an open mind about what we like the Stratford Cullitons ’ ' ‘ uncertain future was the Cl needed to keep the team and Elmira Sugar Kings who 4; 155: Group Its goal was to turn going." worked with the new man- 1) the Siskins into a communi- City council voted unaniâ€" agement team to put the ' ' . _ ' _ tyebased club and offer their mously to approve the pieces in place. w ï¬nancial and technical supe Siskins reliefplan. The Siskins need the y‘ - †port in putting the team on a Coun. Karen Scian com- community to come forward a ' . “A i solid footing going forward, pared the Siskins' bailout to to support the club, Leite fie f; . ‘ i said Nelson Leite. the one the Clay and Glass said. It needs additional M‘ ' , spokesman for the Cl Group. Gallery received last year. community investment or , _ 1 “We're not owners, we're "it's not about handouts . sponsorship in the club. and simply a group of communi- _.it's about working together it will need volunteers to Happyfam tgfliidfsszfé’t‘zusff‘fst; '" lessees 221mm 45553355? Me. We were and new we we e fee w, e one of new of e want' the Siskins to be a tioned the wisdom of the basedclub, he said particnpants ofthe Mary All“ Neighbourhood Fun Fa" last end. WWW“ community~based team and grant, but eventually voted Leite said the Cl Group _ we need the community to in favour of it. has an aggressive plan to get ' come out and support it." “I don't know why the the hockey operations up to But the group headed by team couldn't take the year speed and has a lot of inter- the local businessman had reorganize. ï¬nd the funding rial expertise on board. ‘ to meet a league imposed and come back.†she said, "(hey hope to announce a is"? it?†deadline oflune 28, at noon, “l’ll support this, but relucâ€" new head coach by the end a“? to keep the Siskins‘ spot on tantly." of the week, and will start V, , I! the upcoming Midwestern Coun. [eff Henry shared selling season tickets this 1; , League schedule. And to do Vieth's concerns and won- weekaswell. i, _ that the Cl Group needed dered if the community “We're looking for spone v - some concessions on ice would care if the Siskins sorShips and will be looking . L | F E ' < ' A *"’i ,. 5 time from the city as well as went belly up. to sell tickets immediately, «vi-em. » _ _ g , e if“ a plan to clear up almost "The part that troubles and it's critical that we get ' “' $86,000 in accrued debts the me most is that we really some volunteers." said beite. 70‘" ‘Ffl‘m‘ ‘ 7°“' “WV club owed the city for ice haven't got a whole lot of eâ€" “Everything will be mov- ' time rentals, mails on this," Henry said. ing forward rapidly" ‘ "Iliiswasnotahandout." “When Waterloo Minor Anyone interested in DESIGN YOUR OWN SOFA, said Leite. “We needed the Hockey had issues, we were helping the team can e-mail , city to discount the ice. and all flooded. i haven’t been siskins@leite.ca or visit LOVESEAT on SECT'ONAL even if they did it wouldn't flooded on the Siskins" www.waterloosiskinsca. be even close to what Water- The CI Group thanked ‘ , loo minor hockey gets. the city for their efforts in Filesfrom GmgMacDonaId . ' {1 l ‘ F ‘> “ t E 55 P- ! -â€". , i . fl ' , .._ . we ~ 5" ‘ “* $7" 3! \ . 1 ' i: \ , in?“ x. _ J; v,†3 A "0: g at» .A w. + ‘“ r f‘ {I a . L . \ a, â€I .’ ' , ._~;‘.~Z_.;;.' : w “isâ€? _ 9-1?" fee 6 "i: «5 Q" ." ' -, L v “451 . 3; " .: in . ~ ' ‘ ‘ u H neg. ‘Q'K 1 M, ' r ,. ï¬- ' r‘! "A . a: â€2 “Mfg.“ ‘ ‘ m .. y “e? 3 , v ' VS: ,: j . , w , 10 new a e l . ¢ . i ' . ' â€my“! g Grossology Style! - § a p m "W" 1 july IS - OVERNIGHT! 3 it ‘ . - . . . . . . ‘ - - _ ‘h‘ h- . - Hang out In Ammal Grossology, taste some dmne cuisine - v ‘ ton-nun 1m.- Lona-mun ‘ bythe BugCheflseeastzr show.mtchamovieand enioya kmwmhu'm | a";- snack around the 'campï¬re'.When it‘s time for bed. choose a ' .-',\ a 1 ' spot to sleep among the exhibits and wake up to breakfast! .|’ , .’ 3:36 ». X 4g {1th j ‘ ‘wmw.hrmmmadmorwrw. K9 Q5 V}? "if" 1 -. Mem3l9749’107m11l ' 1 l ‘ ‘ A 1542.1" ~ "Q; ~ A a ‘ ‘ ' I u x ’%\ " w '\ ‘5‘2? 7‘ ‘ ï¬e 7. ‘T v' \ ' ' ' . ' . â€" a? 29 x : 2,1“ . if, gag-5g “ ' , .* A é? ' g ‘5' x3 57,5“ , M 1 â€its: wing F sex/g ,. . _ 1, w ' g,“ . f? “like > _ 17,4]. J: x r if, - we . ~ 2... an? 5 \ ‘ 4 ; unto- , U 5-1 fibres“ A '. ’ ï¬e . . 5_ .°- it. ., . f“; ’ '_,.4 , .,~-.i ""‘) “9- ,,_â€"â€"~“-___