J :u oWATEllulo canomcus -Wednesdly. lune l5, zoll ; STRAllBERRl SOUAL t Ql llLl SHO\\ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"“â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ' l l a Saturday, June 25, 2011 . . i ,1 'I'h m t ' Waterloo Heights Retirement Apartments es a J /" 170 Erb Street. W, Waterloo i ‘47â€" W: Pianist Derek Byrne Every sports fan of a certain My favourite player 051a“ was i H s ‘ ‘ age can think back to a spon- ‘ < l . l the one and only Eddie ack. in J l)n u in an afternoon of Mustt and Refreshments Many hardmade quults to see! ing mm or M0 that marks a J J 1 J J J J J l J equal an and“! grinder and J Minimum is me Donalmns mil be attepted to: Anseima House signiï¬ch time period in their life. ()l I \ H I I R Off-ice showman, Eddie ‘the Enter i (All US AT 519-885.3410 The first Ali-Frazier fight. for A 1 tainer' was even the subject of a r example. takes me back to Grade 7 / hit song. Doug Rankine's one-hit E because I remember discussing it ‘ i wonder was among my collection l with my buddies and our home- ' _ «$3» of #5 rpm. records (remember J V . ‘ room teacher the morning after. I y: . , , those?), the lyrics forever etched in I V, .\ ‘ I recall Ali's refusal to serve in ' V my memory. - I I 1} I I I I I L 0â€,)" the Vietnam and the reasons behind . ' 7 ~_/ L / - ‘ " 30‘? from his decision also being pan of the . ,, Clearthe track. herewmes Shack v, ‘- ’ our Faun/y conversation. ‘ He knocks 'em down and he gives t to Yours" In the fall of 1972, the Cold War BRIAN them a whack I; - meant as much to me as integrity He soomgoals. he‘s comingbac J Kg SSECM1L: means to Arnold Schwarzenegger m - Mia-'Edd“ Shack . ’ "M ' “I" but ill never forget that the pre- by collecting corn syrup labels. _ . l Ready For The 330 Fresh ferred name for the Soviet hockey Trading cards. coated in sugary Things never seemed quite the J PORK team back then was the “big, bad powder from the stale bubblegum same after that year. By 1963 the ‘. TENDEHLOI 33 99 Russians.†wrapped inside, were in every oor- league expanded to 12 teams and ; N 3330 â€it - "I When l tell my history students not store. i even had a Maple Leaf the Leafs' t3" from grace was 3 o' 9 Made Cut Dad's Way Store Made Ball Park or Great Canadian that we were dismissed at colouring book. underway. It was 3130 the year I 1 sum NEW YORK lunchtime from school to go home The Leafs had the oldest roster become much more aware of the . COTTAGE STRIPLOlli GRILUNG 3 to watch a hockey game. they have in the league that year and were world around me. Violent PE‘Otï¬tS: 1 ROLLS 5m SAUSAGE s7 03 m 3.19 lb trouble believing it. not favoured to win. They were, 50°13] upheavaL-assassinations. It I â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- looking back on it now. frankly. however, filled with many a leg- wasaturbulent time. l 35 59kt: $19.82 kg Store Made 33 19 so do 1. endary name: Frank Mahovlich [h the early 708. Terry Sawchuk J 32 m b S8 m 5 01 Roadhouse ‘7 03 W - in However, this time of year it’s (before he became a member of died after a scuffle with'a team- ’ ' ' b BURGERS (Boxol12) $13 99 at our nation's centennial year of the Senate). Bob Pulford (before he mate. Tim Horton lOSt hls hte 0“ All our Processed Products In _____â€"___'â€", 1967 and the last Stanley Cup title became a coach). Johnny Bower the QEW and in a show 0f adoles- MS-G-. Glulm a: Most free! Pick up something from us for the of the Toronto Maple Leafs that (before he became an icon) and cent. independence, I switched We also only use reverse mum's BBQ d ‘ lie I): d‘ f springs to mind. Dave Kean (before he became dis- 311981311“? t0 the Canadiens wmr in trail-Mutton. ~ all P“ am on s “e Unfortunately, memories of gruntled). The only constant in life is 3031 Lobsmqer Line, Heidelberg Sig-6994590 that season now hang like an alba- Leonard “Red" Kelly was the Chagsge. someone one: said her ' . W â€A T U M H .1 7 {.1 ., tross around the collective neck of most complete player on the W0 wereneverspo en. t I“ ‘l w Q U L h ’ ’ F a ‘ 5' l 'L' ‘ www.5temmlermeats.ca this once storied franchise but for squad. ' 3‘" it’s nice 50"“?th to think - a then seven- A perennial all-star defenseman back to the night my brother and t - l year»old boy. it during his years as a Redng. he donned 0|" pre-game hOChCY J was like a was switched to centre by coach pyJamas. ï¬red “P a bOWl 0f 1‘th . dream come Punch lmlach in part to combat p0P POPCth and stayed “P late 0h 0m 1w“) . true, Montreal’s top dog. lean Beliveau. a §Ch00| night to watch our team . g 1 was a true He excelled in his new role and is Wt“ th? Stanley CUP. ln many blue fan and credited bymany for helping make ways. It‘s.also the last time I a Q had the col- “the Big M†(Mahovlich) into a big- remember lust beinsa bd- ‘ .. *s p _ lectibles to time sniper. Bobby Baun solidiï¬ed . 3» 1‘3: ï¬ï¬mï¬y ~ A; C} «‘3 its; (‘Wfl‘ . g, ¢r prove it. Hockey his legendary status in hocke'ydom Brian To?†“‘1 macheranda 3?“ dig/i ‘ ‘ ‘1‘ "'. ‘ â€\f .."- J ‘ x .‘ .e:'\ [(19, " K \ ‘ ' [l coins that came in a previous Cup final. in 1963, coachatStrlohnAMaodonald i " " KGB ‘ .LLL " i , 1 U1 {that}: :“g‘l- from pudding Baun broke his leg during regula- WWWW‘WW “00’“ V V -‘ ' \ I ‘ boxes, glossy tion time only to return to the ice Wat bnan_totzke@ photos earned and score the overtime winner. "With-0%“ r‘â€"- “---_â€"AVâ€"’\'. ,- ‘0' M, .. v W “new 5‘ . . I Jom the hundreds of Waterloo reSldents who have chosen to F th D B h contribute to the Waterloo Chronicle. 6 er S ay [u n C By contributing $26 for delivery of the Waterloo Chronicle you In A Spedawlaf (Gunny Setting are showing support for your community newspaper. g ‘ J - - MING"? Bear ‘ ‘ 2 Contribute to the Waterloo Chromcle! 3 ,_______â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-__‘_â€"â€"-______â€"â€"-___â€"â€"â€"_‘ , I . 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