, 77777â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"_â€"â€" a - WATERUD cunomcua - Wednesday. Much s. 20il 279 Weber St N , Sun: 20 ‘ Waterloo, Ontario NZJ 3H8 51940162830 F1“ Sim-8869383 Pelcr WINKIJ‘IR T: PUBLISHER . 1 EDITORIAL A SELF APPOINTED PAY _ . " Bub \‘RBANAC ’ lNCREASE" THAT’S 000 cdltunalta walerlul‘hronlclexll a u L \ponxta waterltxicliruntclcxti I I DONT RECALL ANY OF i :9†Charlotte PRONG PARKHILL » â€if '54 REPORTER cu, :03 , . ï¬t u ~ , - rprungm‘“Merlot-chronicle Lil THESE PROMlsl . r . , a: 1 TH TIN THE FALL ELECTIO , A ' it , ~ * REPORTER cu :ls - f f. 3"“ 3 ‘l '7. 'l i gtlmtxtlunaldtu‘uglierltnrhnvnlclc cut I“ r . » f ‘ ‘ 7 r3 _ "f ‘ ' A i 'l ‘5. , ’ l .. 1P} ' ’ i l .\l)\ hRTISlNU - I 5. ' ‘. ‘3 :5" ., .fl ' ~ ; l w ‘ m ‘ -2~‘~ ’ i ‘ (3cm MATTlCEeu “no ‘7?»- “ 9‘ a L, .4' 3 ’ \. " ‘ Ri- l1\ll. sues MANAtil-R ‘ d ' “w. l salon“ walerlouchrunlcle t.i i, ‘ I l». i ' ’ . " ' n. i SALLS REPRESENTATIVES . ‘ g f I . ‘5, â€â€ i lit-.illicr BOYD ext 212 4 , A“ I V 3‘ 9'4 .\-..,,’f x r ' ‘ hbtviiita walerloochronlclc ta ~ f , ‘ \j ‘ 4, 5;!“ ‘l t; l Norma (‘YL‘A cu 12‘ ‘ t . ‘ ‘ , v ‘u' ' a†‘ ' ‘ llC}kUQ’“diffltlx‘hfllnlclcxd . " V. . V . . t ‘ i Lu ’ “ a mint- RIEHL c‘ti 22:4 . . _,'» ‘ ' r a * l i urn-him“alcrlmx‘hmnitle (ti ““ .- J- ,‘ l ' \ . /§l,l ’ 7}. l l “- . 5 l - g g ‘ 7’ ‘ r‘ . i ‘ ' "L L. '5 - i ‘ (‘LASSIHED g. M , i k . . v. / _ .i 7 a. A ; l “98955230 ., . . 'i - i m- l l (‘lRCULATlON 5 I‘LXShQKRO ext. 2 l 3 pa â€We, ,1_ __ _,.___A, a 2 Canadian Publications Mail Sales \ , w . . . . ‘ H d d th d Publication Agreement Number L (ll [RONI(11 E t l)! I () 1‘ l t" l i ‘ ow 0 you soun out at war . fmwx 15 d d S W "T“ ‘ “â€"‘iv'm‘.’ “" “_"" " 'm a big fan of phonics. ceeded to show us just ntcrnatluna [an SIT CHE . um- . - where we could find that .. The cost of Silence Isomeormymorevocat it mm \ I , . . his Audited circulation ii 19* . . “WWW out the“? WW“ i . . , part by â€mung at . A The City ofWatedoo has deeded to build a costly blockade argue i still spell phonetically '\ \. ( ll . i l l you-know-what. It was long â€I ‘l e. f between information andthetaiqaayingcitiaens. afloftheu'jng into the night until the gig- Once again, the City of Waterloo has lost their case But it's a system that _ gles stopped. . / before the privacy commissioner â€" they‘ve been ordered served me well learning the ‘ They started “P 333'“ W '0..- to release the legal costs to pursue lawsuits regarding the language from parents who ‘ 1 . when 1 got home the next .33.... RIM mï¬nancing scandal. were learning it at the same " 7 xi . night and found out my xhwairéï¬gy'gk 333$: It’s possible that money spent in an effort to recoup time. 2,111; 1‘ middle son Dylan’s phonic Media Group Lid 5 y some of the costs of that disastrous deal will be money 1 can still remember my 153%. lessons were firmly taking well spent. ’ dad's rant about English " hold. ONTARIO PRESS COUNCIL But spending money to keep citizens and taxpayers in being the stupidest language He happened to hear the magmfhhrï¬:%igwa|mï¬rg the dark is not. in the world. How else do BOB African Lion's Safari ad come :msidm camping“ (isms; mm The City of Waterloo has already forked out at least you get there, their. they're VRBANAC on and decided ‘0 5P9“ ll her newspapers Any complaint $16,000 of your money. trying to weasel Its way out of a at [he same time. You have out phonetically. ‘ . 4r about news. OPII’POHS advertismg or perfectly reasonable Freedom of Information Act request to excuse the poor guy from dreds of people _ it doesn't “A: Frlcan loans Safari,†“mm mo“? ‘7“ h“ We“ ‘0 "F from the Waterloo Region Record. whether he was comin or matter. he said in his Sing-song way. newspaper Lnrcsolved complaints . . 8 can he brought in 0mm Pm“ The City has argued that releasmg the legal costs going or if he was asking You'll see if they’re going Pretty soon the whole car Council. 2 Carlton Street. Suite would damage its position in the lawsuits. That‘s the about theweather. commando, a nice way of was just. say A-Frican this not). Toronto. ON _ M58 In argument that has â€" “NICE â€" put the City on the losing r 1 80' hooked on phonics saying they're naked under it and A-Fncan that. COPYRIGHT end before the privacycommissioner. . this week because this all. or if they've got their Honestly, they never got The comm“ of a,“ "carpal," m Nonetheless. Mayor Brenda Halloran continues to method of reading has won favourite Spider-Man that from me. When I drop mtcclcd bl co n h! and may he su nthat losin ent. favour in the school tern n. the F-bomb I go for it all the P ) Dy i1 . P90 . 83'8“!" . sys underwearo { Nd only for personal mufmnmcr- CounCil now needs to deClde whether to appeal the again after the whole lan- So the other day they're way. _ . 1 :1 9:31:33: 0;:‘c‘lï¬nghli‘ 3’: decision to release the legal costs by March 22. At this guage debate of a few years watching one of their Most of the me I keep it i Mimi,“ To ma“ any “at of fr?†point in the battle, it seems unlikely the citywill prevail in ago. favourite TV shows. Ameri- out of earshot of the little l material you must ï¬rst obtain the any Oflllelr Cï¬om ‘0 keep ““58 legal COSISdSCCI'EI: Sounding ll 01†and ca's Funniest Videos, and devtls, muse I know they“ i pcnmssmn ofthcowner of the copy But if, b some miracle. they do revail. it Wlll be a s ellin it out has worked th numb. or, a irl lustbedropping in on me. ‘ . _ Y P p g ey e up g ' i 3?}?va ngfl'jawzecr‘i’; pyrrhic Victory. _ . . _ . for my sonwho started read- being taught the planets by Md I dont want themto (“muck 279 web" S" N ‘ Sum When the legal wrangling is over. it mll be‘difficult to mg in senior kindergarten. her mother. be ln'the school yard or pnn. i ll). Walcrloo, Ontario Nu JHR quantify whether denying access to lnfonnation â€" and and his ï¬ve-year old brother Tell me if you've heard “Pal 5 office and 8m 35h?“ t yin thousands of dollars to doso â€" mvrded any real has followed suit. ~ before but where they learned it. . Pa. 8_ . . 'P . the punchline , _ . l LETTERS POLICY ï¬nanCial advantage in the city's legal suns. The fun part of phonics when the Mom gets to They V9 never missed an l Ling,“"f’ulrnflm‘g;:u‘r‘c““'“ "'3 But it will be easy to assess whether this city council for them is when they sound “Uranus" her precious little opportunity to rat me out to l m, “(mm MW Awkw‘ and has proved to be transparent. accountable and trustwor~ something out and it has girl corrects her and says their mother so lm guessing i telephone numbers are used only for thy. ï¬nally an unintended con. “My Anus.“ they wouldbe the same Wllh . “:92"? 3““ 1‘1"" ‘2“ch '2‘ sequence. Well. my boys enjoy scat- any authonty ï¬gure. l ï¬lth: with}: Jami.“ mm, For starters. let's just say ological humour with the 3‘33â€â€œ, â€my '9 "0‘ 50 l g . ton . i . . . [as k . (lt‘n\(‘ or [Cll'\l tiny umtrlbutmn it»: - my boys are lileralists. 50 best of them so you can Innocent twee “my’son with Hr legal purposes [cum may mmmmmmmm when you ask them ifthey're imagine they only had to came home saying As? all "I" “mam'f‘lcga'fl‘ “'2'" “3:5? Wamdammnyflflbrwï¬g wearing underwear they'll hear it once and they were 0"" the place. Where d‘d he .ilia uttlfrlllthl‘flltlf H! or by mail I mulgdm ‘ r ' pull dOWn their pants and TePea‘lnS it â€18 "35‘ 0f the Se‘,,d1,at?ne? _ n ' in drllu'rcd In win-titty ('lm'miclr ~ ' ‘ m check. ln church. on the night. lts right from the bible. 1m “Hz-1,19%? . stim- 2n Waterloo, WWII?†street corner in front of hun- In fact one of them pro- he {Old my â€â€œ1 Omani! .. K . A x _ ‘7, _l ,4__‘____4-______‘-_~__m,a A ,M _,, »_, ,--_..