mmcunmm-wwmy.mtdt2.2on-n 7 w M( i I ( : mJnmglccom : o _ 1 Local Issues WWW“ * Guaranteed Investment Certiï¬cate 1 should be come : . 39m": HEEEEEEEE : deCIded locally Reta“ Ban“ “3'96 â€Elam : j Whom WWMKWâ€"wflmwwc | Continued from page 16 279 Weber St. N., Waterloo 0 519-747-8123 3 Torigian spoke to Chamber members about the needs :3. . ~ . .. _ .3 3 .. _ , 3 j and demands for policing services in our community. if: A 3;? ‘ : ‘ . ' Hf." _~ . ' .3 3 » . ' . ' " u ' 3. j 33 [h 1 His speech was entitled the “Business ofPolicing,‘ 1" :93; .. «“3; . .. 7“}; I “ . -. 3' _ . ' . 4:377" '- .. ‘5‘; . Like any other area of public service. policing and 3 iii-3* . ., Egg .. -; .. 3 3 3. :_.«“"L. 3. 3- ' _ 5 '~ " . . ' '3‘ ’ ' . 3,3322} g1}, W 3? :1 3 i5 1 law enforcement has been {OWN to critically examine ‘38""23‘: ‘ its: ' *‘ : Etfl‘“ l: ' l ’ . '. ' 131333â€; 3.19?“ "ï¬gs :3 1 1 all operations. establish priorities and allocate ?’1~;€.§;§f€,~;§» ’ 3%“. if“ ‘ :3 3 :5 magwgffï¬g [if i g 1 resources accordingly. â€Â£35; “ . a; 3“ 3_ .3 3.55 ‘*.3;,~33¢33§g&§£§yu §§ ï¬g}: t i The plan that the police service released recently is 3333?? fig. --’ 3.3%"; xvi-3‘“; ‘ .3 *Vï¬sti ‘ {E E l {i i“ f 3“ f‘g'vgf’: ‘3' a; g .‘-' i_ I . the culmination of doing this work ‘ "*1 at? - $33 â€seï¬ii "1%“ 1 . Torigian is now proposing the largest restructuring " ': ~ :..:3:’i-‘e“ ,1 - . 3 " u'ti‘. "' " rajiiir'fii 3,3413 i335; ; since the service was formed nearly fortyyearsago. 3 . 3' 3 $331.. . .: 3544‘ ‘ $33? ~ é l . I? § ‘ 3 M37. "' ‘ Egg 1 The changes are reflective ofcommunity priorities : . . '-- ~’.' _ a, â€' t“. :1"? '3 c fgg‘rhgagflr? " ~ . I3 - I? ‘z‘égj‘i. if ' g 1 . in 2011 but also incorporate future demands beca'use ' m . ‘ . 2.3.3.“..- Z'“ 3 fr" "" ' - ‘3 5 . (3-3 {it E; I y we are a growing community in terms of investment. ‘ . , f ’ 3 " V a» v'. if _ 3 ST“. ~ ' .1' . ‘ ; . R 3 ‘égé g j V business expansion and population. 3 . ': ’ _ " . fl ' 3 . . Egypt: 1 ‘ Police services are similar to transportation, hous- Q â€" ‘ .1 '3 . 3 3 - 3;; his a t t ing and other physical and social infrastructure “IIIâ€"0" ' A ‘ §§§3§fl 3 1 ; requirements. E iii; i They must be effectively managed now to avoid a 3 . 3““ ii crisis in the future. Torigian has presented regional ~ nonâ€"av ' we $533333; .3 council and the police “ . _ ‘ â€an m an m iii-3&3 §§ services board with a [30110ng and law ' will?“ 3; 5‘ Q '5 plan that looks forward “V‘â€. :2 a m“ m c g g and a mama f enforcement has WWW p g 5 . . . p or r . -1’ 35 . polrcmgmto the future. been forced to “(la-Ir . . . 1â€" . T . fin": ' {a Inammn‘megm'“ critical] examine 3 *1, E A “3 ‘ RA lOURWG Fig i“ . a] council on Feb. 9. it y . ’ 3,. “d ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' g: g 3 kg was noted that the all operations, “a“: 33W ,_ out-mu iigfghggi police service is recom~ - . - - 3 mending a staffing (?Stathh pnon- _ â€" ‘_ m 'I' o* "u m m {gig 3‘3â€}; expansion to address tles, and allocate nun-nâ€" :1: mm a.“ snow g i gill: 1 changing regulations. 1 .3. g * regional growth pres- resources " 3-1:. mammrsmmmmmsmmm runs 33%;; is g? sures and increasing accordingly. 3'2? ï¬g"? demands for service 3';â€" ,. ‘ 3i improvements. â€In," g 335%??? Regulatory changes have been a persistent con- 3 t * t ,1 i J, g ï¬g} cern for police and other agencies who deliver services 1†"m 0% m m §92§,5§§:§ at the local level. The provincial government man- "an. a...“ MM mm "‘ 1 33%; 9;? dates certain responsibilities; however the funding is â€ti-“*- ""‘“" â€mm“ "mm é siggï¬gi n rarely dcliVBl’ed. r ‘ MARS“ mmnrsmnxlï¬tsmm lmlï¬" W‘iiss §iz§ If the current proposed bud ct is approved. 60 I .1 ï¬g - gâ€; more ofï¬cers and 18 civilians will be added over the Mt." 5' ' T U C S O N 3 Egg? 3 next two years at a cost of $7.8 million. , . - "’_ ' . .. '=' l i $7" $31ng Thcsc'costs will be spread out over the next four ’ . ‘ ““3“" V {i 4.5:?†years. Earlier this year, a new deployment model was ' s169' mu 0* no m §§ Bid g; proposed which is formulated to reduce workloads ' . ‘ ' gigggafggi and casethc pressure on front lines. -â€" m a“ mm nun-mm g {in g __ The plan required the transition of 50 ofï¬cers out - . w“_ ' mimmnnmxumuasmm nusm "mm :5: . fgggsaï¬h of specialized services and back onto patrol. ‘ 3. .3 _. .. 2,, " ‘ 33 $3331 Torigian has presented a plan to the police services (3 ul- . * :"""°“ ‘ g 33 ixta board and regional council that is based on statistical an." . â€" .33.. .3 . > 4 , .. . . EWMW .~ 3% ‘11 83‘ ‘ data and will be measurable. lt looks at the needs and _ 3‘ .. ' 33‘, ‘ . {‘7‘}. ' “’ . ' â€I“ . l I": 3:: g g {g demands on the police service now and into the -3 ' . . "‘ ~' 333,3; ' . . 3 . i 11‘. .‘ " in ‘ E S ‘ future. 3:3 .--. . _.â€" ’ . . 3 3: ' ‘ ' fl ‘ :wgitggiï¬ggg ‘ The police services board and regional council 3;; _ ‘ ' '- '4 Q" M .1 g; 1 1 must now decide how to balance these needs with the nix: at â€J » f a! $2 35" many other needs across the region to reflect the so. ' ‘ "MM†3 i; ‘gii‘ capacity of businesses and residents to pay the costs -- a .3 3. 3 ‘ â€"_______ iï¬ 3 g The Chamber encourages everyone to take the is?!) 4‘ . I. d . . ’ .~ :3 i ’33:; 3 time to read the background report and understand 3- ‘ g _3 3 $ ' t,†H £195.; E if: '_ . the proposed plan. ‘ l V ' ‘ Sigiilgï¬ It will affect our local future and should be decided fir E a: by local elected officials. 333 38 The problems that exist in provincial arbitration i2; 3 _. l rules need to be ï¬xed, and our Chamber will work for 5 YEAR 3 ï¬g: ' i g A an improved system. 3 . ' . - a! But our community cannot wait for these changes m H Y U n D F“ 31‘? -5; before deciding on how to respond to the chief's ' lggiï¬ 3’5. report because we have to address the needs in our 13: i i be“ ("mum "W mm mm m 35 a; 3 J 1“" MN!!!" is [1%an alike Gm!" « up“. M. as Downpon Rd. 1902 Ecol. St. N. i? 13 hi Kitchener Waterloo Chamber aflbmmeme KW. swnz-uoo wnmoo. Sis-mans Cambrldco. noose-soon it! P 33 www.nlplmhwndoi.u machlumrhvundolco www.c-mbfldgohyundolc. 9333‘}- ‘3