7 i 7' ’7 7'77’77'ï¬â€"'â€"__“ I . WWW. -v --i .MNdIZJOll'fl . Keep your name front and centre D'd V°" ~"' '°-ԠY°†have , .. cancer-fighting powers? ne of the first deci- ‘ giglgl;lgicelg:;:u 0‘ VOL“ Well. you do. I ' Sl0nS a new usmess ~ . ‘ “ . owner will make is l; ‘ l i. . i Manynew businessowm You(yes.yout)an ftgtitamabybecommgavolunteerwiththe what to name the business. lil l \l \ l \\ ers start out this way until t am“ can†Sooety. ‘ There is a little known ruling they know that their busi- All you need to do is spend three hours selling daffodils or amassing . in Ontario that allows you to ness will continue. There are . door to door, and you'll be helping us fund research to help we conduct your business with- also certain businesses oon- Canadians SUM“! cancer. And “W's I powerful ming- out registering the name dUCIEd 0"!â€an scalewith 1hreehouisftxymaltfetimetoaanoersurvlvor. i with the Ontario govern- . - only a small number of To volunteer, visit mecca/Volunteerpweror contact yourloal It mem- sew Chen“. Qnadian Cancer Soday office. ’ I It all comes down to how If the business owner has _ you want to present yourself no intentions of ever grow- """'""" “"""" i to the public and how you ‘ = “ ing the business, then oon- oâ€"n- can want your customers to deal ducting their business in a 22, z: manta-mm ; with you. W. ROY their own name in this case If you decide on a busi- WEBER will work well, and save the 1 ness name other than your owner money. } legal name then you are tomer,theymustmakeitout Whether you register A; ' 1 required to register this to the business, and it must your business name or con- . l? ‘ name to receive what is be cleared through your duct it in your own name, ‘ i .1; in“; : known as a Master Business business bank account. the way you handle the ‘ * Licence. A business bank account reporting of income for the ‘ - ~ . - This licence is valid for will cost you considerably businesswillbethe same. ï¬ve years. and allows you to more in banking fees than Remember to claim any carry on your business any- what you pay fora personal business-related expenses to > ‘ ‘6‘ M. where in the province. The bank account. so consider reduce your net income. '37 ’ - J I‘WW' fee for this licence is 560. this carefully when setting Whether you register your \ 1, " and you must renew it every up your business business name or conduct © F A . ‘ ï¬ve years. To avoid the licensing the business in your own _ g g , One thing you must know fees and business banking name, you are entitled to _ - - is that once you register a fees, you do haveanaltema- claim'all business expenses 3 ‘ . ‘ A». . _ .. ~ . - name and use it to represent tive. lf you conduct your 31;:- a 1.1:: ; i if} .. ‘ . _, g ‘ g; {if your business. you must set bushes in your own name - .- ~w .. a 2 :. :2 .. -:::-- a. . .. up a business bank account then you do not need to reg- RoyWeberi'san advisor with 71%;? ï¬gfgg'p‘gfegig â€in; ‘3 3-3.; 51““ â€a: gig-es†;% s3? fF ,3- to Process all your transac- ister for a Master Business theWaterIooSmaUBusirm 1' ‘ ~‘ on -2?“ s - 2i" if if; 3:? - N " {m}? wt???" f tions. For example if you Licence. and you an simply Centre. Evmar'lhimat ‘ 7 . - ‘ ‘ t .w‘w fez-$1.5? 2 , . 3.? ~53: _ accept a cheque from a cus- set up a personal bank royweberé’wuwrloaca ‘ » ' at†7. m _ .. . .. ‘ 7:53.12 . Y- w , A}; a ,, . ELE TR NI K - l n; if an , . Tech Talk by Steve Melcalj; Gibson Sound & Vision 3 ‘ . a; I“: O, : gm 0 9 As technology becomes more available to us, Some racks will generate in excess of 10000 btu‘s L it ' if? 4K’A;€‘K '1'; the tendency to integrate these various types of ofhent. At this level it is necessary to install I fan. *3 . ’3‘. technologies into our home entertain~ Nobody likes it when something ‘5---_._ ', :j 1‘ ‘ ' » merit systems has increased dramati- breaks down, In home entennin‘ "5‘11. ‘,. ' §1 "f: .. cally- One of the problems presented merit system. muffimes, wint seems ’ ’ ' ’ I l ' I,“ W M by this. where can we put all of these when malï¬mctioncln beamibuted to - dances? Often little attention IS given a cable problem A properly designed ' to the proper care of electronics once equipment PICK “Vi" include supports we. ’1“ installed They are stacked on top of for all ofthe cabling that runs to your / "w 7‘ one another and Just C(pccltd to work. equipment and into the walls. This will / 3‘ / \ Many \Hll use the term â€rack“ to prevent the weight of the cable from I .3. describe any stand which holds elec- damaging itself. or worse â€" your VIII!- . u an ‘ y I . ‘7 M . tronics- You should know that there are able equipment! 5 some real benefits in owning a proper Aside from proper,care,md main- Jill.†\\ I . M rack mofyomequipmcntJnck can .‘m - / m.“ The first benefit I\ flexibility A provide an incredible customized look stand is designed to assemble only one for your media room. 11): from side or . a†% way. leax mg you to figure out how to "face†of the rack can be equipped squeeze everything into it A rack is with attractive covers for all of your . « ' 1mm dcstgncd to he built around your equipmentThe rack can bebuilt into: .7 “a ' , ii- } - equipment When finished. a rack fits your equip- custom cabinet or a wall with easy access via slid- *’ K (v... \ .1 _ .- , V. . - .. - merit perfectly ersora dooriri the back. The ï¬nished look is both I or 1} g a; q...’ "4.; a; (1": g" .- t; â€2'71: . . . ff;{} Aside from a perfect fit. there are a few other beautiful and finictional. . .. .‘i , â€k N 5 I: .1 : -“ - ‘ > .5; j. . ‘ 7* ‘ ‘ reasons why this level of flexibility is desired. A specialized rack is the best way to protect “1.; . __. of ï¬gh“ _ 2. fl . ‘4; ,.__‘ 3.33;: ‘7 a... .- . yglï¬i ’ 1:52“ All electronics give off heat Something like a your investment in quality electronics. 7441.“ gifts-in" T'?-.'&Ec-S%€3i ’ . a“ fig?" " ‘L‘; 15%.; .- computer. or an audio ampliï¬er can glVC on" a sub» At Gibson Sound and Vision. we have beautiful. ‘ ' 3' f {if .I “ T ‘31::*_“»'.‘»‘ . - i- ‘ .V‘ ‘ . '2‘ â€5"" - staniial amount of heat When chIgning a rack, functional rocks as well as a Custom Design divi- ' r J ‘ . l equipment can be placed in a way that keeps it all sion that can configure and install this type of ‘ 1 cool When cqmpment runs too hot. it adversely equrpment as part of: new system or as I retrofit. 1 effects performance and can reduce the life Contedownandvisit us to see howyoucanensure . ‘ ' ~ » a t ' ‘ expectancy of these produtts by as much as AW». your investment Will last for years - ® “A Q _ - I ‘ z7flmnm.ï¬ï¬‚‘nï¬w mï¬'fl’flttfl. *â€" . , 842 VICTORIA ST. N. KITCHENER M . F ' 1120‘: 6mm CI. ;. 2 Reva-sun.» ‘ (gym , i 519-576-3888 . . one: 1“ atom ‘ - » . ‘ .iJ WA: