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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 16 Feb 2011, p. 8

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.mâ€"~â€"â€"’_â€"ifi ’ I I t v I -WAl‘ERLU() CHRONIC” 0Wednesday, February Ni. 20“ i I WATERLOO l E CHRONICLE l 279 Weber St. N ,Sttiie 20 . - Waterloo. Ontario N11 3H8 I “98352330 Fax 519-8869}!!! . l i I Peter WIN KLER l Pl'BLlSHER l EDITORIAL ‘: Bub VRBANAC i EDITOR ext 229 : editorialwwatcrltuthniclc ca l sponsfitwalerltxxhronicle ca l Charlotte PRONG PARKHILL HAS A COUNCIL THAT I REPOKI'ER ext, 203 ... i cpmng @ waterloochrunicle .ca I . > ISM T OUT OF TOUCH [ill I H . { Greg MACDONALD . I . i REPORTER ext. 215 TI 5 j 6 I I - I gdmacdonald®wamloochmmclcca fl ‘ 5 I i , ,, . ADVERTISING ' V I, v Gerry MA'lTlCE ext 230 ‘ RETAIL SALES MANAGER y I .. :3 salcsti‘watcrltxxhruniclc ca ' y «w. .. SALES REPRESENTATIVES , -:. w} ; «-;~ -. ' _ m. ,~ . ,. .»\.~ -. “Callie! BOYD ext 22: ' ” h I » gram? V £97.?" 'i,’ ‘ hbtiydfljwaierkiochronit‘lcca ' ' -" V .9“ ' Iijdfiflr": ‘5 ’ Norma CYCA ext. :23 __ ch' 339$: 1 ‘42" “it? I ,, . ncy‘catfi‘uaterltxrhronicle ca P” I . g .. 7 ' _ i.5mf’ i 2‘ . . . Wayne RlEHL ein 318 , ‘ . ‘ if." ‘5 '11:; 4" as"; . 111;} ‘ “a" > r A .. ,: _‘ $31343? % "‘1: _' itnehl@waterltxx‘hronicleca ir- . Ma. it“. “ ‘ ,5lgfz'l~££lietty .' 7‘ F‘Whfivfi;ufiiiiu '3‘“? I.‘ l i I 1 '- ii; ‘i '0‘ '1‘ .2 J" I “ ‘:=>‘ “:â€" - ‘ ‘i' . - . '5 ‘9 l-in ,I‘, I" “WW?-,I‘..AI¢I..,‘.I..7;I r.~»-_.- 3â€", i ‘ 2:335:25; 5" IL . A... its” . F‘s ewes . ~ ' ~‘~-~ ‘ -'A A ~' -1. I - -- “ "‘ ’ ”’"‘ ‘" ’ l CIRCULATION i 21918633385“. 213M | Sal [â€" >fi7W777AAâ€" ~-â€"- wriiii 777m 7 W A kin f th littl luck 3‘“ Ian Nations 31 ' CS N \ s ‘ Publication Agreement Number LIIRONILLE E011 ORIAAL I S g or more an a e $210172“ Smdfld SenaI Nam _ _' . "W . “ ma ast week I was at the ' lShe's alrelal'tdyl'1 secuéed (a: 3' ‘ MP1 police services board ‘ -. I ‘ V0 un eer W 0 as 0 ere ‘ x “IleVl W II (II\:lHlii\ .. l K‘JdfifihéfiigfiIfJOH 19'» e eeting when the , ‘ “I ‘ \ to maintain the computers I A City council has decided to review its reliance on the _2011 htldSEt was'presented. - { l ‘ “v » ‘ a: teach the “d5 the ‘ m W Municipal Price Index to set theyearlytax rate. Including a Significant ask 3 ‘- l'csth' t h ” And it makes sense after it became a major campaign f0t a total 0f 78 new officers n1 '5 EC -savvy com- I ":/ issue during the latest municipal campaign. and staff. and new Spenthng I ,. i F‘udeb‘l” ere fig!” arg I £0Ct|a 9,. in theory MP1 makes sense. lt'sbasedon the success- 0f more than 33 million ! ' t incre 1 y wea “his: ‘ The WWII“) Chronimbhsmj ful Consumer Price Index model that keeps track of over the next four years. g If, .32? . , “ml?" gore age co (I’d; I}, I can, Wednesday by Mam,“ inflation based onagroup ofcommon consumables. Before that budget was _ ‘ we '0 ' “"30 ‘8" 5°? 5,3 Media Group le‘ . But where that index is a measure of the economy on presented, a woman named st A yhoung as eigh or nine 21nd . . a countrywide scale. the MP] is fixed to each individual LaFeme Clarke SPOKE about - , l e" own ET“: nhones t I (11:32.33 0: RESD Snfifil‘lfifkmm municipality. And as councillors have discovered, those her role In a new organiza- ' aptopcsi. 3:19 slreques” ofThc 0mm pm“ (7mm which cost and projects vary widely between municipalities, tion, the Coalition for the CHARM . 593"“? it?" his Y sma consrders complaints against memv even the ones right next door to us in Kitchener and SUCEESS Y Dim African- PRONG tarastntglthznzyénryimheklrhgrli‘é ber newspapers Any complaint Cambridge Cari can on . . . ‘ émgcmu‘fi'm‘kwmsggd‘: Opponents of the way that Waterloo's MPl has been The purpose Of this non- PM neesd shes fafced “mi! I :Kwspap“ “may“, compmms calculated in the past argue that because of its small profit agency 15 to support _ . ’ ’ di’nmfhi: hyou Y, ? are 1 can be brought to Ontario Prm sample size it isn't representative. They say it is prone to YOUth ustng the" own cul- Women 5 Alliance, the rea E a? a :P 0P 1“ (‘ounCIlI 2 Carlton StreetI SuiIc statistical aberrations because only larger mple sins tural models, she explained. Caribbean Canadian ASSOCI- Youf home 0 ICC t 3‘ you 170°- Tm‘W‘I 0” - M53 ”3 ar tee accurate and reliable data. That means as a commu- ation. and the Congress of dont use anymore. 01’ you gu an ~ - ' ‘ k 1 could s are $20 toward COPYRIGHT And when you’re calculating the tax rate it better be nity worker, she functions Blac Women Water 00 h t willp l b w- The contents of thh newspaper are as accurateaspossible. ‘ . ’ somewhat as an aunt “0 Reglqn- ThIOUgh ‘he K-W :1 allst 05:11? Ensisaastnthe protected by copynghl and may he There were also concerns about the potential bias m these kids â€"â€" someone they Multicultural Centre, ,8 . . p ‘f‘cd ”my '0' ”“0"“ ”m'c‘gmm" a system where most of those calculations come from can talk to and confide in. they ve been able to procure Coalition for the Success Of "3" ”mm“ A” "m“ ”g “ a" ‘ "d ' hall co M rkWhaje has made the . who is familiar With their abit of'lhllium funding. Afncan-CanbbeanYouth. reserved and commcrual use is pro» "‘5' e “W - un- a y . argu . . . . f h If on can he] in some hlhiied To makc any we at um merit that those calculations should be more obpective traditions and families. . Because many 0 t 958 y th (Isiah , material you must firsi obtain the and in that way more open and understandable by the [h And they definitely need hdiil: not In ts);hool. they way. contain gm tion at permission of the miner of the copy taxpaying public. at support. can 58! VBd Programs {2539:} fig ‘ ‘ , $?'B:g"vlrg:: '22::3‘lg926‘1‘12; Even supporters of the measure like Coun. Karen The Coalition has been such 35 Pathways ‘0 Educa- 1' Maybe yd?" 52:1?" he}? (7,“,th 379 “:93" st N ‘ Sum Scian acknowledge that it could be tweaked, and that it up and running for Just 10 tion. Until now. they were filmlnatfed ll ne ' 01' it} - I In. Waterloo. 0mm N2} 3m should be periodically reassessed to see if it is meeting weeks. and during that "the falling through the cracks, to“? 0 ° ars 1“ P0 ice me city and the citizen's needs. some of the kids have faced leading to an extremely high servtce spending In the yim‘RSdsn‘ilfY u mm H the n"; multi-year budget process is a good way of giving serious mental health and secondary school dropout was :9 wane. d h . T “:32: a," n:";f)",::,m:e_ “hm. citizens some certainty of what their taxes will look like sexual health issuestas well rate and crime StattSthS In Gallo I“ 9:; c :1]; I“: and telephone numhtl Addresses and over the next three years. That's why it's important to get as the criminal JUStICC SYS' the African-Caribbean . (gray .531 . e w: moo telephone numbers are used only for the MP] right. or ask why it's being used at all‘ tem. ‘ youth population. . “"0 e Sltllaflon, “t em icnficamm purposes and “fl" not he s j i I“ r»:- a"! In”. is" 3%?“ wru- ‘ v:_e:t.,3:.~,‘fi lav-331,7â€" "Many of these kldS are Clarke came Wlth one are strict [“168 about What fifl‘fiififlyg'flfifinfi Y‘fiisla .5: " I " ’ “31;: i , "1 "‘ leading double lives; one at request: she needs three the police can do With dense or It)“. any cintnhulitin rm fiiig‘iy $319k; '33,: ‘ i '; _ y . r ~ '9’ home and one out in the used laptops to loan toafew seize: property at: their New!) or legal WWI 1mm may 5”} ff» J. ‘2. I '1 world " Clarke said. of her kids. so they can start own eoommrss on comr be summed by fax tn sic-amour} 1,?" f ' “I “These are really high- learning onllneI puters. “But good luck with m by email to edtlori» " Hi" “It, ‘7”- ' . .. 0 .. u], - .1 - ‘ alflwaicrloochmmcle cl or by mail $33.}. ‘. R t; ., y, . nSk youth- . . . . I . I despem‘ely “Rd three YO ‘wpf'ij . '1er d - u or delivered in Wllerloo Chronicle. 3;? 3‘: £331?“ The Coalition is a 10ml nght away. My dream would ere gorng to nee it, 279 Wchcv SI N , Sun: 20. W-irrlm. fife?“ " " i ' project of the African be to have five.” she said. Clarke answered. 0mm N21 1H8 ”3‘” a»... ‘ » ~

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