a -WATERLOO cmNICLE-Wednesday. February Is, 2011 . Public asked to provide comment on new tower project Continued from We 1 exposure guidelines established by Health Health Canada guidelines. Canada The City of Waterloo is considered the ‘ - Opponents to the plan are also citing a It states that the site will be thousands of local planning authority for the proposal. ’ ‘ j? ‘ move by Liberal MP Maria Minna to get the times below the allowable limits. and with but Danielle lngram from development 3; federal government to ban all new antennas. no existing structures in the area they need services said there is not much the municiâ€" base stations and transmitters within 500 the tower to adequately provide coverage to pality can do. The legislation is clear that 1 metres of homes, schools, community cen- its current and future customer base on the Industry Canada is the chief authority on tres or hospitals If that were the case. Stu west side ofWaterloo. this application. l I Nicholas Catholic elementary school might Dahms and others challenged the claim, “The most the city can do Is answer ques- 7 ‘ - -' "†_ fall into that restriction. arguing that electromagnetic exposure stan- tions about the application and the process. , . Wind Mobile's representative Joel Swa- dards might change in the near future and and encourage residents to become ' s german couldn't be reached for comment. that studies of long-term effects of exposure involved in the process," said Ingram. “It but in a brochure distributed to residents in to cell phone towers still needs to be done. never goes to an open council meeting.†the 90-metre perimeter the company The Chronicle contacted Industry Cana- Conn. Karen Scian, who represents the l i assures that health and safety are para- da about the process and was referred to its ward, said this is just one of five towers pro- I a; mount to the proposal. The company website that answers frequently asked ques- posed forWaterloo but this is the one that is .4 , ensures that all facilities operate well below tions about antenna towers being built in catching the most attention. She said people ‘ y the allowable limit of the electromagnetic communities, chief being adherence to are already expressing frustration with what ‘ i ' they see as a “token†response instead of full , : consultation with public meetings for resi- I I ' dents affected. ' i j 1 ‘ flue ' fol. be i ere.“ b ours E L] The other proposed towers are at 169 I y 5 be e' be In cont d ff ' e y a" B BRO Lexington Crt., 299 Northfield Dr. 13., 540 l . Conestogo Rd. and 611 Conrad Place. But it . is the one at 516 Erbsville that has drawn the ' most concern so far. . Ll bro be ongs to I I Ie_ “There‘s not a lot of trust in the process." said Scian. who attended the neighbour- -â€"--i- -. "" - , . hood association meeting with Regional . ‘ Michelle went to univerSity 24 years £3 Coun. lane Mitchell. “People are used to a 1 after finishing high school. She has the 2.3-2": 1?: of public process and there isn't any in f . . fl 15» confidence to say she worries about money Since industry Canada doesn't have to ‘ 4 ‘ receive formal approval from council, the A proposed cell phone tower in Laurelwood j . even though she and her husband ENJOY % public's questions about the project can is causing concerns with neighbours. FILE more i cud 'obs. As an HR rofessional in KW, be addressed directly ‘0 them at ‘ . g ) p M 7 spectrum.london@ic.g.ca, or by calling location by close of busmess day on Feb. 28. . she understands that culture is everything ‘1†5194574826. Residents can e-mail their comments to i , . . if? c FONTUR International is also seeking oktl422.windmobile.info@fonturintematio â€1 busrness. She '5 cared for by people ’ ~, public comments for its 516 Erbsville Rd. nal.com orbyfax at 355-234-7373 ‘ who make every interaction remarkable. . That's Libro’s culture. She banks with A . as â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" her Libro Coach in person, online and . ® Region of Waterbo by emailâ€"whenever she needs . ' PU B LI c NOTICE answers. .\ Beginner Wanton m 5° much â€We “mes PUBLIC MEETING ON 2011 REGIONAL BUDGET â€" Michelle's family is / Public meetings are scheduled to gamier public input on the 2011 Regional Budget Several critical looked after By a financial \ public policy issues are being addressed during this budget process. The ï¬nal public input meeting will ‘ be held on: institution. Compare that .. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23' 2011 . to how you bank. Then 6:00 pm. REGlONAL COUNCIL CHAMBER imagine what it would be 150 FREDERICK STREET. 2ND FLOOR, KITCHENER like for you to be Libro too. '7 you 3'9 interested in “WWI SOWK‘GS you may wish ‘0 339011 ï¬nal budget approval tor user rates (water and mstewater) is scheduled tor Wednesday. February 23. 2011 at 7:00 pm. and final budget approval for all other Regional services is scheduled for Wednesday. ‘ March 23. 2011 at 7:00 pm. _ Personal banking. Notice of these meetings is being given in accordance with the Municipal Act as amended and the t For everyone. Region's notice policy. .‘ _ _ , , Please visit our website (wwregionwaterloomca) for more information on the Reo'onal Budget or ‘l Thats why Michelle is Libra. pick up a budget package at the Council a. Administrative Services Office, 150 Frederick Street 2nd i Floor. Kitchener. To speak to a Finance Department staff person on the budget. pleas call Peter Honing at 5196754705. 1 YouareWmatteMuiyotmeschedubdbudgetmcbngsormeCmmilMigs.Foracopyol l ~,_.,,., W __ A n-,.,_,__,_, WV“ thebudgctschedule pleasevisitourwebstto. Vbuwillonlybealiowedmragisterasadelegadonatthe i public input meeting on February 23. 2011. Please call the Council a Administrative Services cities by I r‘ z i . . RRSPs . :investments . ' ‘ ‘ 12NoononThursdayFobrmry17mm519-5754420toregistsrtospeak. llyoureouie accessible r ‘ .._ . _, . Vi5itlibro.ca and enterto wm 55%| Mummmmnbesemeï¬ngsmbasocmmmumrmmmwmwmmay, 1 February 171112011. 6 Kris Fletcher . 1170 Fluher Hellman Rd. Regional Clerk ' h - b l9~ 7 -995 :2; £92:er :rllnams org. 5 5 0 5 All m an“ ' m. I. | . , | 0 and is lug this WaterlowBeechwood-519‘725_6060 I BIKO proioctaroboingcolectedtumtthoflogbnoimmnoommkingadoclsion. WWW mmmmmumhasmm.m,mpmmm.mmboabaim"nybe 7 afmrh'fl‘egg-wm m1 FINANCING?†immammmmummmcmmmmmmv a‘°'°°' °' ‘ ' ' lnlonnatlonsmuldberefurodhlmmmllaAdthtradveSorvicesoflico. w .