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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 Feb 2011, p. 3

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"77 7' 7 ' “fl WAtemoocnmNIGEomdnesday,l=ebnmy9.ZO|t-s The politics of art ’ ‘ City faces confirsion around role of new arts and culture enabling body ‘ Brannon-e PROM] Pumtu is: to council isn't the best way to do . Chronicle Sta/7 ” .. _ ‘ this, because they were subject, at ‘ ’ . essentially. to the whims of coun- ‘ f the way ans and culture are fundâ€" “if" cil.” he said. “it was just a system l led in this region was depicted on a r ff.“ 117 that. could have had more integrity ‘ painting it might look like a lack- _~ ' ‘ . built in. but we missed that piece.” } son Pollocktznvm ' But Scian isn't sure that's how it’s ‘ 'If we had to build a structure . ~ <- going to work. She thinks the comâ€" l from scratch. we wouldn’t design it . munity cash grants process â€" l the way we have it here now," said 7 which disburses about $260,000 a l l Martin de Groote, chair of the year to various festivals and neigh- 1 Region of Waterloo Arts Fund. bourhood associations â€" will con- 1 That's because arts organiza- tinue as usual, with an additional } tions, big and small. rely on dollar per capita going to Creative ‘ patrons, fundraisers and an Enterprise. ' l increasingly complex web of cash With the agency unlikely to be . grants from private funds and vari- ready to receive the city's cash durâ€" l ous levels of government. ing this month’s budget process. ‘ lust how the new Creative iinter- ’ ‘ council will have to hand out that l prise Enabling Organization is money themselves. as they did last l going to fit into that system remains year. Scian said. ; unknown. But in the years to come, she's , l Some councillors at the (Iity of uncertain what the new agency's Waterloo are reluctant to hand over ‘ role will be as far as disbursing l funds â€"â€" about $120,000 annually, " . . funds to other organizations 1 plus startâ€"up costs ~ to the agency ~~" “Whether they’re going to grant. 1 until they know how it will operate, or not grant â€" then we’ll decide ‘ and how transparent its finances 1 what we're going to do as a city," will be to the public. f ~. , s - Scian said. l But they likely won‘t know more 3 «Bl 1. g . "i do think we expect a level of . until the agency, an offshoot of the g iye transparency and an understanding ‘ Prosperity Council. spends some _ " ” - 4 w “A” _ , that the investment we're making l money to hire an executive director. 1, _ 0:74 ' fl . . as a city will be leveraged effective- They‘re in the middle of that g f" j Iyintheartscommunity." process now, said the agency's , g? “an,” â€"’ ~ Whaley said the first payment board chair, Roger Farwell. 7 E " ' fig.- - to the Creative Enterprise organi- He would not disclose the salary that the currently carries very little recent infor- f =? 3; . f~ ‘ ”as; “a if moon will have to be made with a director will be paid. mation. A 20-member board of directors t: » “cg,“ ., .' 135": 3" certain level of trust. But right now “We're still in conversations around the was appointed in March, 2010, and the 3.2.7, fl "5 ”if . is»: _ f‘ _ it? he’s not convinced. hire." he said. “it's a personnel issue, so l'm site has not been updated since then. ' it; :' ' é , .,â€".' if “For the citizens of Waterloo to not at liberty to talk about that right now." Farwell said several committees have . ;{f‘% , " . earmark another 51201110 without Coun. Karen Scian, chair of the city's been struck. and the group of volunteers $5, hf a clear going forward path from l finance committee, said that salary and has been working hard over the past year. ff»; iii-z the Prosperity Council â€" i wonder 1 other operating costs for the new agency will “It's much more complex and deep .3; .. where we stand on that," he said. . be pan of the consideration before council and rich than relegating it simply to a fie! , -' ', De Groote, who said the new agency ’ l agrees to hand over any cash. conversation around arts and culture," he """,'i1~~j' may replace the Region of Waterloo Arts ] “Those are questions that we‘re asking said. . _, Council. is cautious about placing too much_ ‘ too. internally,” she said. “We've heard just Arts and culture can be an important - "“ '.-‘_ responsibility on one single group. . crazy numbers." economic driver, he said. f t 0 ”Creative Enterprise is a brand new i Farwell said he expects the not-for-profit “It's about Waterloo Region being a place ‘ some agency. A lot of hope and expectation has agency, which will also eventually be given a of choice and quality of life. So it fuels all of confusion at been placed on it. The whole thing about less cumbersome name. will have guidelines that creative endeavor in the interests of Waterloo city council. who pays for what is very difficult.” de , in place regardingtransparency. making sure that when we invite the world Coun. Mark Whaley expects the agency Groote said. “Our governance people and communi~ to look in on the journey that we're on, that will disburse some of the city's funds directly “1 would hate to saddle this brand new I cations people are working on that." he said. there's something to look at," to local ans organizations. agency with this very difficult â€" and ulti- Puhlicly. the Creative Enterprise website Exactly how that will be achieved has led "Having organizations come hat in hand mately political ~â€"question." 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