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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 Feb 2011, p. 9

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wmmom-wmmmnun.) , .. ., . . ) ' , . . . , , t . o o 0 [1:1 mm m llll; (“Romain B y DeeW ams l L W .,_______-__._ lntheworldtoda th 77 7 ‘ 7 O 0 t y erearefar 150feetpenmeter. COlumn renews too many people, young and old. Most rentals were snuck in only aVOI S emg ho for the outh who are so wrapped up in them~ to be “grandfathered” in when dis~ ~ pe y selves and their world. which con- covered or challenged. ’ _ 1 Of the world sists of electronic games. cell The city seems to cater more to ecast ust a new to congratulate the phones, computers. etc., that they both tuiiversities. uptown bars and ' . . . don’t take time to notice or appreci- landlords competing for student - . . . . . humidifiers?” "i ate. it... around them. in... than to em com. A “salesmanshizirmszi at“: - When i read this column and got winge'about them and apply “ to of which could fill many more . undrel: “You'll like him," Han Solo facetiously tells ed t n... Jonathan-s parents are to menace mm m be we... mammwmimmm thougnrtyf’utand hearts/armin I iust be ”mama“ as we“ f” me" "eisl‘bm’fi °' Pa" “the "eighm" endary Billie Dee Williams when he headlines the 20“ Toron- assumed it was written b 'a finch part in his life. “is young man has hood concerns. They aren't my to Comic Con at Exhibition Place March 18-20 A long~time much older rson than lonathan a great future ahead of him, and l neighbours; their choice Of tenants fan of his acting work â€" from his romantic role in the 1972 Stem. who isp‘lzz. “Sh him a" the “Ck in the world. “a?" neighlbours.‘ nded countless classic Lady Sings the Blues to the 1981 police thriller He certainly restored my faith in l I ”If“ meefihmevrg'; e n a lot of Nighthawks â€" We always been impressed with Williams' mes- ;(izoltri‘g midis“? he Shmlld be so Waterloo residents are absent. They’ve fiven in But even more. l’mnl‘hescinated by his lesser-known work as i hope many people read the col- 25:21 wfififiyfidgfrm an accomplished visual artist. His luminous compositions gfsnonhfiitflfgyriglti (its; 3012; and l Cify is too busy time. money and frustration to pro 3100: 9:23}, 3; mdmgacgnsaflg? $312“ng $312 5 atoll}; writer. lonathan. catering to the needs “it! what other neighborhoods me (in that trademark smooth voice) over the phone from his ' th It wakes me very happy to know Of landlords emailyitatever bylaws are drafied, one homttlzlin messembsllzztme. it means that, as real as things 2“ t em a"? young “mp c m" idea might be to eliminate any lodg- are: ”PM f” a . ' ' isfnilzsi'girzsizziiii“f“ m.l‘;1'iit;‘:i.?.°i§“““°"“"“ inshousenowonfommsasmev “their; â€"â€".5 . - _ .l . 1 ' . . comeupforsale. ~ - ». - \\l “fill ltl i express how they feel about it. . l to am a lifetime restdent in the important when you re dealing Willi , . Not only was the column making Dorset Spring Street area. nuance and subtleties.” he adds. oom- \ l C l \. a good point (and it was a really in 30 years l've been surrounded mentingort the dreamlike ambience good point) but it was well thought by many rentals. including seven Gold Ball of his paintings. “l throw imagery) in out and well written. lodging houses within the 75 metre- Waterloo that allows spectators to interpret the ‘ piece based on err own experiences, and i think that's what makes it inter- ’ g Sal'th ldri “my ”' uting e unsung SHOW]! OW ver 1 was interested to heat that - t Williams has pieces hanging in the 1 make no secret of the fact i despise winter. 1 refuse approved plan of Small lots and smaller driveways. Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery 3 to embrace the cold and the snow mostly because That P311 is iUSt a bonus - and the Schomberg Museum in New 4 1 i believe by doing that you're just encouraging it to lust a tip to those councilors who wish to save York, along with the Kansas City lain hang around. taxpayer money. Since the parking bylaw enforce- Museum. He studied classical princi- MARSHALL Usuallvl make a pledge to stop shoveling on Feb. mem truck can apparently set through anything. ples of painting at the National WARD 1. but the'dump of snow we received in the past perhaps we should lll it With a plow blade Md take Gallery Of Fine Arts and Design in week made that almost impossible. . . . . care of several problems at the same New York, where at the age of 19. he was awarded the presti- So, potential hean attack in tow, l ‘ . time. gious Hallgarten Scholarship and nominated for a Guuen- ventured out way too many times in an ‘ l ll l ‘,( . l ‘ l l l Actually, i feel bad for the people heirn Fellowship Williams paintings. which have been exhibit- efion to pile snow onto the impossibly ‘ B( ) l l l { K l . who drive the plows. They get the ed throughout the United States, sell for as much as $35,000. small property | own in this city. ‘ brunt of public backlash about snow- “Painting is something We enjoyed all my life,” he said. “1 Thankfully, I can now get up to check . s, clearing when it’s not their fault. l cer- got into acting more or less so I could make money to pay for . 1 on the roof without the use of a ladder. $5; . ’ ~ tainly wouldn't want theirjobs. paints and canvases" Among his many artistic influences are j | thought about buying a snowblower i a: Vehicles on the street are a constant Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera. Edward Hopper. Tamara de lempic- 1 this year, but stolgped just Shemvtxliev. l: by l figwmplowcgrfgzrgrzglfimglgief filzwfi. Escher, along with old masters like Diego I in a am it wou ust convmce atev4 ' s . . crews deities are irli charge to send even -. ' at; . the top off any vehicle parked on the Williams explained that he paints his subjects primarily ‘ more snow. is.” ;. road in the winter. (This is not official from life. while some are inspired by personal experiences. 1 And besides, shoveling is a good ”33 , ' if“ city policy, but it should be.) ‘l've got this character who i’ve been working on for a long . workout. lam hopeful of being able to ‘ a? a in fact, a policy allowing drivers to time. He's kind of an elegant guy who strolls through life 1 raise my arms by the end of the week. “737“. _ ' “ shear the heads off the people who observing both the real and the absurd. l'm in the middle of 1 One good thing about living in the parked their vehicles on the Street isn’t paintinga piece about him right now." 1 suburbs of Waterloo â€"- you never really BRIAN a bad idea either. After a long pause, Williams continued: “My sister just have to worry about seeing a snowplow BOURKE 1 also cut them some slack even passed away. so he's kind of a lone figure sitting by the ocean. . early in any winter storm. when they fill up my driveway. The looking out towards the water. Off to the far left side of the [t normally takes a day or two for the snow has to go somewhere and lifting painting is a little white bird that represents my sister. it's a l plow to show up out in Settlefor Estates (we couldn't a blade for every driveway would just be madness. lovely painting actually. and l'm quite happy with it.” . afford anything else so we had to settle for this It's the price Of living in a country With winter. Williams 00hClUded by saying how happy he is (0 meet his house). Hopefully the plow drivers won't be out anymore fans at conventions like the upcoming 2011 Toronto Comic By then. most of the snow has been packed down thiSBYetél? Fem? gar}? dowrl‘ie “mislmend Con: ”They usually know that besides being an actor, that l'm a or aniall melted. In some cases, it's melted U l “0 0 nice en m . an painter. engugh thin there's no need for a plow at all. keep your fingers in your pockets. ”As for undo, I think there’s always been some misunder- l have noticed during this winter the first city standing about his character. he added with a chuckle. When vehicle to hit our street is the Parking Bylaw my daughter was in elementary school, I would pick her up Enforcement truck. long before the plow. . ' ‘ ’ “id 8“ In“) arguments Wllh little children who accused me Of I'm sure that has to do with a complete desire to BM" Bourke. a mmberofthe105.3 KOQL FM betraying Han Solo. keep everyone safe and has nothing to do with the morning WW» can be fulfilled bye-mid! '. . . . potential revenue stream provtded by a city- bbourkeOkoolfmcom. Marshall Wag-till“ “maxflmohounwm Email is we mars _ com. â€"

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