._,. ! ,1. a, ‘ Wu. WArEnLooummcu-Wedmdayhnuuyzs,zoii-2| eroes , 0 Hero to Hero program puts a face on Canadum troops for Waterloo Wolves ' BY Boa VRBANAC ‘ (.‘hron it'le Smfl w ‘ < . ' o , a . hey are some (it the most I welcomed slices of life that ' I: - .- V ._ . ‘ Canadian troops receive it? - ‘ “ while they‘re serving overseas in g ‘ Afghanistan _ hockey pucks and . ‘ . ‘ jerseys. K “a: f F l And it proves just how much . . . $5‘lï¬' i hockey infuses our Canadian idena a X , 19"", ‘ tit): it doesnt matter that iersey ‘ \ _, i isn't from an Nlll team signed by ' . a 3 Mil. players ~ a )t’rst’)‘ from the _ ï¬;_.w.-j.t.,sé aâ€: ' . Waterloo \tol\ es mayor midget “‘ 9,, . : > ,_ ‘ i ; 'lriple \ hockey team signed by the C . . ' l j whole squad is one of the most " _ Cherished possessions of Master ‘ ‘ (‘pl Perry lhoinas. ‘ lhomas sports the jersey in a .†“ a photo he recentl_\ sent to the team, I] 1 along with a the signed by mem- _ , " a“ x \ { hers of the ( anaditin Helicopter " t H" ‘ ' _. g l‘tll’t‘t’ that was flown during a mis- . ' . 1 sum h) 21(Ihinook l-light during ‘ a. i Opt-ration Athena on Nov 26. 2010. 1 . l i it “as thanks for the Wohes sup‘ ‘ f‘ I 1 port of the Hero to Hero program, :: I which connects local emergency . 3 ’ service personnel and sports is ‘ teams with ( anatlian troops servâ€" ll! i ing overseas. and hangs proudly '3 t in the team‘s dressing room at L...‘;‘ a ‘ l RIM Park. ‘ The Wolves plan to honour the I troops again this Sunday in their {. Ram? against (.hatham at the Master Cpl. Perry Thomas, wearing the Waterloo Wolves jersey, stands with members of Canada's Helicopter force in November. He connected with the t P1119†If? Hans at RIM starting 3‘ local Waterloo Wolves midget triple A hockey team through the Hero to Hero program. and presented them with a flag signed by the soldiers on duty in . . noon The team will once again be Afghanistan, mom ‘ donating 20 Wolves shirts. signed ‘ a by individual players. and a jersey are making for Canada. The troops “Seeing someone wearing the year thanking them for their sup- and it's nice to hear that the men ‘ i . signgd by the whole team, in addi» aren't much older than the players jersey that is not much older than port and it really touched them. and women over there have been tion to tennis balls that are a hot themselves, and their commit- myself gave me a strong sense of “We just kept getting back really following the Wolves online. They commodity for the hockey games ment to service is inspiring to the admiration for their bravery. good feedback.†she said. go to the website all the time, and the troops play in the desert. local teens. "As well it put in perspective That's why there was unani- when the boys won the Gold Puck ‘ i Sandi llcnning. who is organjz. "The Hero to Hero event means how lucky l am to have the life I mous support to do a Hero to Hero ‘tournament this year they received ‘ ing the effort for the \Volvgsy said a lot to me because it allows us have and thankful for others that eventagain thisyear. and continue acongratulatory e-mail. 1 1‘ the program started last year when boys as a team to respond to those are willing to put theirs at risk to build the strong bonds the team “They loved that and said 1 she heard about the effort. “We overseas and show some recogni- every day for our safety back hascreated. 'Wow,’ because people were fol- ‘ thought it was something our team tion for their heroic actions,†said home. Master Cpl. Thomas even visitâ€" lowing them from so far away to 1 could do and we talked to some of Canzi. "Hockey is a sport that is born ed the team on one of his rotations see what we're doing.†the players and they thought it was “I believe that although the in Canadian blood and always will home and spoke to them about Sunday's ceremony will feature i H a gm?" idea.†she said. connection isn't directly personal it be. it allows people to come what it meant to have that sup- an honour guard and the public l Players like Wolves' captain still proves to be special because it togetherasCanadians.†port. will also have a chance to sign a 1 ll [gvan Canzi. the Alliance league's is not only from Canadian to Cana- Henning said she and some of “it's a nice connection for the banner that will be sent overseas ; 3 leading scorch who thinks it's sec. dian. but now from a friend to a the boys on the team received e- players.†said Henning “It let them with a message of support for the ,y 1 (mam to the sacriï¬ces the troops friend. mails back from the troops last put a face to our Canadian Forces. troops } l “0.. Get your true custom . , C l K W . .. ' . , _ 1* made orthottcs at K-W ‘ - , . t“ . ., , ’ VIC-â€"19; , , , i ; ,_ . . .1 77:†Foot & Orthottcs Clinic . ; & ORTHOTICS CLINIC 4;; ; --. . l 279 WEBER ST. N., UNIT 17 * b P DCh Chm i ' O or I 1' m i WATERLOO, ON I â€I Full.“ { V 5999 husi 33° PM E www.kwfootandorthotlcsclimc.com 519-884-4200 l .