no - WATERUX) CHRONICLE - Wednesdly. lInuIry 26. 2m I . , . . . i _ i . . .___.._______..._... . . . . . , e. -_ v . L1 1 ._.,._._.-._.__.___.___ . i...i._.â€..,. . , . e .. . , M m ‘ 233?. St.. Kitchener. Tickets are $15! $17 at the door. Waterloo. Tickets are $30, $25 seniors, $20 Stu. L-.. I Iâ€- 11124 “ "‘ "‘ " For more information call 519-578-6298. dent. Call 519-886-1673. SUSTADMBLE HAMLIN) more comm POLICE MALE CHORUS ‘ W Sustainable Waterloo is holding a photo oon- PODS/CLUBS WATEBLOO . Ch h t ‘ test featuring pictures taken inWaterioo Rude mm, 15 King 5;. N., presents T'tm Waterloo North Presbyterian “"5 presen 5 I ON THE EDGE R 'on ins irin environmental awareness. ' . the Waterloo Regional Police Male Chorus. Ian. I Theatre on the Edge presents me "up!“ W88! r I'Il begselected by online' ublic vote Louis. Thesdays, 8.30 pm. Call SISâ€"8863600. 30, 7 p.m.. at 400 Northï¬eld Dr., Waterloo. ‘ comedy every Thursday night at 8 pm, frngI‘Shiivrillist of entries Voti “I; un til Jan Maxwell‘s Music Home, 220 King St. N.. Water- Admission is a freewill offering For more I at the Waterloo Community Arts Centre. 24 28 SustainableWate “00.5118 8' ite ' loo presents Hardrock Night featuring insignia, information call 519.333.7370. i Regina St. 8., Waterloo. Admission is $5. VlSil on . bl ‘ l F0 inf r- Frail Fragment. Bravura. Friday: Dl Cool music . ' .. a†'7 â€" 1__ii- ‘ www.mteca. wwwsustama er 00.0rg I more 0 appreciation night. Saturday. I I I I GaIIQ‘rIeS I matron call 519-573-7689. ,, , , .. .,,___ â€#4 ; THE mm; WEEKEND TIME FOR M0 TOTS â€w POPS TheDukeofWellington. 33 Erb St.W..Water- , I The Black Forest inn Showplace Dinner The- A OUT ll lTir'f'O ' f Mo .1. ts d 100» presents Chalkline every Tuesday: M1“ m 5 ' ~ ; atre presents Norm Foster’s The LongWeeltend Popmm until e ‘Ill Sohom'g'séoi) an T°dd everyWednesday‘, Johnny B and Compa- CLAY AND GLASS GILLEKY ‘ I running Jan. 27 to Feb. 25, at 1872 Sawmill Rd. 115)?) 3:)th M Apia. Financial'Sooger “y every T‘hursday. The Clay and Glass Gallery presents Brash ' I ConeSIOga. Tickets are $53.95 for a weekend and 830,25 Centre aetiglcl-chiel Park. 185 Brid e f7YWIAS‘If "Iaâ€"égicwsï¬ï¬ï¬ Sophistication. featuring the work of lim Hake I dinner theatre package. Make your “559mm" St. Waterloo. The program provides mlemcgï¬on m .. .,.__n_,_c ..._ and Amanda Dumas-Hemandez. who each 1 a‘ “96644221 with children from newborn to six years 1*» . . r y . j fXP'W? the conurtthdrums‘ of conï¬npomilï¬e 1 EMMY ‘ ‘ through creative play, action games and song. SAN AUGUST"! DUO {I two joyful. yet ough -provo _ g e ' The unrestricted floor s cc allows children to . . trons. until March 27. at 25 Caroline St. N. Call . commit mutant â€to comments M I m , ti“ km W a $4 The K-W Chamber Music SOCiety presents the 5194461882. . The River Run Centre presents a dance per- (id‘s)? foiiang’mrtnï¬gtsi “in“: 3:] I s 53" Augustin Duo. lan. 26, 3 p.m.. at 57 Young CITY W WATERLW MUSEUM I forrnance by Coleman Lemieux and Compag- per L inf ’ pcall SEQ 886â€" l 177 I St W. Waterloo. Tickets are 520' $15 seniors, $10 The City ofWaterloo Museum presents A . nie. lane 28. 8 pm. 35 Woolwich 5!- Guelph 0' mom mmauon ‘ ' “dem- Va" 5‘9'836'1573- Union of Glass and Spirit until Feb. 25 at 00n- I Tickets are $26 to $28. For more information mum ROCKS, “MFR†â€9†MORE WJIEST MUSIC SERIES estoga Mall. Call 519-885-8828. \ call 519.753.3000_ The Universny of Waterloos Earth Smences d G - - II I Museum is open daily from 830 a m to 4'30 Coma rebel Umverstty CO ege presents ‘ . . . - ~ - . Chum imagined and New. Ian. 23. 730. at it's I (. \S I I.\ ( l a géTégdmmon is free. Call 519-888-4567. ext. chapel at the University ofWaterioo. Admission Be pan Of my . \I l [S [( onfeynporary IS free. Calli5‘l9-885~(’)220 ext. 24226. on the scene ‘ HAY FEVER [mw.r -_ ‘_ “I "’ ' Please let us know ofany upcoming an: and ‘l-llora Community Theatre is holding auditions m ‘ SHE“ AMI TRIO entertainment merits. Include proper spelling. for its production of Hay Fever, lan. 27. 7:30 v. ‘ The K.w Chamber Music Society presents the dates. times and ticket prices. For warms-8w p.m.. at St. lames Anglican Church, in Queen DRAWN . Sher mm km. 30, a pm. at 57 Young St. w 9383. oremailadirorial®uuterloachmnkleta St. ii. Fergus No preparation necessary. For The Starlight presents Dragonette With lba. Ian. more information call 519-496-6481. 23. 9 pm" at 47 King SI. N.. In uptown Water- â€"l loo.T'Icketsare$23.Cal1519â€"885-4970. ( “osmium 7 \RisEvem‘s . , . . F.__â€"‘ m , nus Am .an IIII aIIiI IIIII WV ‘ KEVINCOATESAND 4_mmmbm& 7 â€mm “New†m... IIII IIII IIIII The 201 l Wilfrid laurier University Fringe Fes- Km" Coates “fine ““9"â€?an People pres- 1M exiting route I tival goes Ian. 27 to 29 at the Maureen Forrester 9f" H098 for Ham: Strengthening the Commw “Actor w v' 3 Recital Hall featuring performances, short "le lan. 2957330 p:m., at 22 EIOI‘EPU'W Rd.. “0' Kim mommy W 1 ï¬lms and other creative expression. It also radale. @1590" '5 a ijl†offerIng (0 the 15. SW awed blade and 22 23 ‘ features a peï¬omance from Hawkappela. Mennonite Central Committee. For more infor- 16. London m W Await! “‘ ' ‘ 3 Tickets for the festival are $10. For more mation call 5197453453 ‘7- W m." .. ‘; ‘ .. ; information check out the Fringe Festival's MARK NAMES AND mu LEW 1M“- W mm “I. EIIHIH 5 Facebook page Just Search Frfnse Fesrival The Registry Theatre presents Mark Haines and g â€â€™9'â€; a†..» v. a v 1 2011- Tom leighton. Ian. 28, 8 pm, at 12 Frederick 23.33.: I Hiuill ill-II i 24. W images 25. Ft. 0' flit-W “of! 29. The any of â€If: 7. 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