lG-WATERKDOIIDNm-Wbdnesdameu 26.20“ ~\ . . r . 4. . .‘\ . . t ,a' a as AMI-ageâ€; an ’ O on a. a p» a; 3 e w is, e; Busmess Proï¬le â€" r ~. _ ' l i 7‘ W i ‘\/ 5 K * v « '/ All natural at the Waters ' (*1 ’6 (w , V ,. W ’ y . " The Waters in uptown Waterloo is an "We use modern techniques as well as . .4! urban spa retreat. committed to enriching ancient and traditional methods," said k the lives of guests by providing an ele- spa owner Carly Kuntz. “lt‘s tried and W W ‘ , gant, nurturing atmosphere where guests' true." i“. I "'§;'~?k- if natural beauty and well-being can be The Waters uses or anic and all-natu- ‘ I? a . # J‘ eel: . g . - “ “L “to ï¬x) ‘6: enhanced. ral products, in both retail and spa treat- » o L - r . ' "‘“w v I ,. f3 The spa oï¬a’s manicures, pedicures, merits. { f m L . ; skin treatments andLall. Th6 spa’s 5131715 “We believe in reducing or eliminat- - _ L†.' ‘ 5 committed to bringing you the best pos- ing synthetic fragrances and ingredients . _ _ . sible servrce and products. in cosmetics and skin care" Kuntz said. Gift Certificates _' Parlofthatcommitmentistheuse of At the same time. the spa doesn’t ; 7‘ _ . A r . s _ A , L, e L "L natural products. At the Waters. guests skimp on effectiveness. ' " ' ' L; " ' ‘ L ‘ j 1 can receive all “If: relaxation and pam- “We have done research and testing to :3 V‘ :1 L, '3 LL 1: i f; ' -. penng ofa 5P3 WM" 0'83““? and natural determine the most effective natural -- ., r E, ‘1 i; 3: L1,; 1 3 V L , /" / , products. ' products available on the market," Kuntz .:r:::':: :" .321: As» ::‘ 7"»;- S"‘:;r~: .1“"v£l"‘i£\.‘ ' 3w" Suzi- ’1‘:‘ //1'(' ((1273. j The waters is a machine‘free thanâ€, said' I 5.; 588 SPAS (7727) , WWW TneWciersSpO CO,“ f â€" instead of facial steamers, the spa uchs The Waters sources products from all 7 . ., 3, ‘ “WWWW .f.§ L 5 W {L a European hot towel method along With over the world. The treatments at the spa _ V 7 ; LL ' , ‘“ "3;" “ f ‘ “ ' "~ ‘1 high~end products for extracting facial reflect where the products come from, . j - "T“;g " gr: ; _‘ a . .3 27 , . ' impurities and cleansing poms. _ including locales such as Hawaii. Brazil. 1 V - j Vi"7€}.~-" 53.! “f f “a; f 3. ‘ That’s just one of the many commit- Africa and the Middle EGSL 7‘ . , '33: - " *3; LL, 7 3-1: 'L L; 3:; ~ .w ments the Waters has to being natural. TakeOla body products, for example. L ‘ it ; 14‘ 1‘ f. [If E New; ‘ . was, . » ~ : =1.» ,_ . - ' . «any. »'.>:‘;“- 4A»,4' 53%;? .zgtf-k‘g‘eg’ :\ L, -1 {if} *N , . ~, ' ‘ H E A L T H A N o N U T R I T l o N i: * . . 2‘ a; L_ :5, i . L , â€.3 . L . ‘£“'<_‘L*l L W1: , . L".- V ï¬ I , . "A: L: L; ., « _ , - in"; ‘Y{;'JL;.:4 Li. L LL Olpeallyownetl&opetatetl r f 3, L1 j a , it aelectedlvynutdï¬onhts , W N» _ :5 w t, if“? . ? L A , if“ ‘ . ‘- _ ~ . " , , ‘. ‘1 A 3 =;,w7‘fa‘;;2:"â€"S« 3Kâ€? '2 r v. _ w “ “- _ , q r , ‘ * >- ‘ 23.52;. ,Mmgwmfls ‘ ' y ' ' ' o Emmwm Wm! we 2 it .. _ '0 Pour convenient locatiom to a ; 5“" -’ 1 L iv“ serveyoubetter .2 ‘ Sgt. ' u° ‘ aunt-nut. «we, ll-WM.’ .;;_-:» amt; . {'13 1;; ‘ ï¬ll-7.9403 Elm-1'32 " 61m?! 519'7ï¬m1 - _‘, m.W.m , ' " 3 L} t ,, ,, if†it “313;?" ~ 1’3"" Y ' \ . ‘ ' ' " . 3:. : . L r ‘ ._‘, . 47, l LL24: LL , ‘v - , i ‘ ‘ u , a 5 TOYO TIRES ‘i- , ‘ .» - f “1 (L , i‘ WW w a 1 in :‘ ‘ pg 4 -~ ' 5 3", Engineered t w 1 - . i. P ’ W}. . are A mix-y W :3 , a a . _\: - ‘yr . ‘. W forthe real world g “ v M “ ‘~ " . ' -. _ ... ,, L ' a,†"I? ,'.‘i‘1HvrI‘.r:‘ir ; V L L V ' V' g ‘3'» 3‘ in." ‘ «N ‘-"â€â€œ 1' L "H,“ "H w ’ ' i - LL "@8sz ‘ â€lawn i" “i- .‘ m ~ '33-! : i. , .. my“ - i: n“ w» i M ‘i‘Ww‘l‘r‘J'ui’ it we; it ili“iiv|_“"‘71‘iii"i] ;:L i L s A w ' In ‘7 . é “f iï¬ifwt‘wi (‘tt‘h ; V “"""““‘†. t"'H19,“r“ ~ itcruiixrt-I» Dm‘ur‘ R,“ . i _ ‘ "‘ f L r. , , + i , . , [W . . . i ‘ t t i _ r L 400 n3 Grim: Ave 519-742-4033 “ ‘ ‘ (12:. tn“ L w‘ 1 W" L 4 wavwmyulm†Mt L ‘ , . TIRE TEAM CENTRES a t