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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 19 Jan 2011, p. 8

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‘ I! - WATERIQO CHRONICIE 0W3dnesday. January l9.201| I l WATERLOO i CHRONICLE I :79 we”: SI N .SuII: :0 ‘l Waterloo. Ontario N1] 3H8 ' 519M862!” Fax 510-85091“ IR“ waterloochnimclci‘a â€"â€"â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"wâ€"â€"_â€"â€" i .. Peter WINKLi-R , - :7- , . ;‘ I PUBLISHER . yet-‘5 “if, '9' ~ 1 . if. ‘ ' i '9'?“ '4; / ‘ i ”I" i ' .. . - i .1: i fj - . -’ _ ‘ l I-I)IToItIAI. \ It" ‘ ,y .1 i. I, 1 .13 -, - l . . I - , :A- » , '. , ' . A! ‘ n, .‘ ~ ‘ S a. I 3 Bob VRBANAC ,' .31,” ' x5; “’3"; "J 1 I} l:l)lTl)R cu :29 - a , y. , , 1; 11‘ : x . I rdiinrialtfl “atcrlmwhmnit‘lc ca 1 9,359 » . 1‘ K“ - ‘ . 1, 1 i Stand“ udtcrloochmnicle ca ’2 ' ‘ 1 1‘ I!) .I" 3 ~ ' i ' \‘ i .1 g d, y ,.,I i (‘mrluuc PRONG PARKIIILL 1’ . 1 ‘ - . . ‘ 1 I REPORTER ext. :0} y I‘ ,3 x: , ' ‘ : cpmngm Willellthl’OnKiCL‘J - . r1 ‘ “ l i ‘ --, ~ ‘ I i (ircg MACDONALD . 1‘ . . 1 ' _ ‘ _ REPORTER 2.5 cNV‘ld 139009 _ ‘ I ‘ . NMOO 30l$dn -. 1 ‘ gdmacdonald@waterltxichmnicle.ca , i i: 3 ‘ " ”' W " '.- I xi ‘ 9A 113 3H1 :10 NIHJ. . .. . ~. (mom AW . I' , 5 ‘ I f I Gerry MATTICE ext 230 |" “CA 00 l H ‘ \ ‘ \ eNanl l] ‘ I RETAIL SALES MANAGER ;~;. ‘ ‘1 .' i . \uICSFWIiICIIODCthmCitiIa :1 _ “‘ [gr I , “I" . “' 4 , - - at”. . .. . t [£2,513 . "1r ‘, 1. , ‘ I, , _ ,_ easy: I I 33:15:. Berri... 23w“ ‘ ' 9:: twat» ' . , tea}; .1 Q“ . ” .--. «at? sea“: 3 i ”if 3 i himde‘waierloochronielcca - I {517' ‘ - 3'” Titli‘éfii ‘ 4 ‘ x335 , NI" D‘s; I: 4 ‘ ~:§,2Â¥.~:¥»’" ”Wan Mfgfi;~*£“§.if .af-‘ii‘g‘lvfiggi’ I i‘ if U , i i NormaCYCA ext. 223 . ~ I , V): I. ~ ._ was :2 ~ Amigaag "-afirgnmrflvg-IEgaffe;a“3331: 1i. -: - . ‘ ncycakllwaierltxichmmcleca ' ~ [J . . ‘ ‘ v ~ : 2"“ is; ; (I: 5‘ '1‘ : ~ 15%.} if . . V _ a: I ‘ Wayne RlEHchI. 228 'i ' . ‘, ”1'" ’ » - 7 ' "t ’ ‘. i l f wnehleiwaterloochmniclecai 0 Q x .1 "a? .- . § CLASSIFIED , . ; “9395-5230 i CIRCULATION I 5 l9-886â€"2830 ext. 2 | 3 F’W_L ,Wfii; ,,v 7,7,7,777” ,1 b ‘ ‘ Canadian Publications Mail Salex I \ w ‘ ~ . . I D , b ‘ a-fr d b l d d d Publication Agreement Number } (Al II{()N I (Ilrl‘. [‘I[)i I () [{1I\I. J on t e a]. to e on an pro“ «1050373 _,__,, â€"»~â€"~~-~-â€" -â€" »~-~~ W» â€" ~ »~ ‘ . Iniemaiionzil Standard Serial Num- Final] some closure en you think of ‘ was the V0109 Of an older hcrASSN 08323-110 y, yourself ‘do you i I{ ll \ E “1:13 I was “93;“? H0": ‘ ~ » v . - co someone Sln ou Audited Circulation 31.292 fter almost a century of debate Waterloo counctl think of yourself as , i i l \ i ‘ 8 A“- . . m m i l l I \ l \ so loud and proud, With the has final] listened to the Will of the l d e one person at 15 strong ’ . peop e an , m W y and not afraid to be WW“? chance that someone might losed the door on future merger talks , ‘ . . . Chancesarethatsnotyou make a nasty comment t»-*'~./ While some people still want to play With the num- Al , ' towards them? This man was W a bers. 65 per cent of the voters who participated in the last 1 most everyone 5‘0“?" . . . his h an t. has ~ - - ~ ~ estimating the cruelty In the l“St Singing e 0“ m municipal election In Waterloo voted against further . That’s when i started The Waterloo Chronicle Is published meme, talks. world. One little mean com- I it ‘ ' ”“an this ”"0“ h this if: Emmi?" by Me‘mland Enough is enough. they seem to be saying as one plan ment_could change your PE" rt ftfii ha n: all the ' a H mm ‘ ' aft ranother was floated out to convince them that amal- specuve on everyone around . s9 0. "g. ppe . F . . . e . . . - n . . you. an time in our cruel enVIron- oNTARIo PRESS cot Nt IL gamatlon was a good Idea while forgetting to ask them If But our world isn't that . 1 m em." 1.3134811” (Shrink-(IF “ if in??? they were interested m the first place. 'ble We’ all ' d People get intimidated or Snnodcrpfriivlaiiiix :guiiiiils‘i Ll; And it was a resounding “No." This wasn't some simple tern l gang; 331“ 8‘ JONATHAN scared all the time and b a ck I her newspapers, Any complaint maiOTiW. like say the 1995 QUEbec mferendum mm was ":1th? and Lu 8.] 65;“: SIREN down. We seen it. We done it i . :ihoul new \. Opinions amt-mung or decided by a percentage point. Waterloo voters turned c ““15, anf omeess e ’ ’ ' and so have you “mu“ “mid 5"" hf 9“" ll" "‘9 out in record numbers and emphatically said no to even “35' “sire eeditifi the mus: out today, probably because Our world isn't that judg- '79}??? Rama ‘8‘ 50m)???“ opening the discussion with the hope that the issue is 8“! an clothing e poor. n was (Ishtbehmcl me. I t I d t b] if DU 2‘" ‘ “W5 ' ‘0 “"‘“" 9“ - - - If out world is really not all so started listening particularly men a an erri 9‘ . y ( uuncrl. 2 Carlton Street, Surle finally dead- unhke the Quebec sepamilon Issue. b d Wh re we afraid to i ‘ (if . . step up and “and 0E! "’5 nor lint». Tommi). 0N . 3153 ll.l This wasn't some close-minded ch0ice but a reaffirma- S i Y a l d C 058 _ 0 is]: voile: In every very likely that someone will . , tion about why people choose to live here, work here and s ow our true co ours an song it was 0“ . ‘1‘ strong. d . d (on RIGHT ‘ . . . . . d t fr nt f these showed b an also stand out an iu ge you. 1 Stan ou In 0 o it power. utwass The mum“ Of (his ”wimp“ an raise their families here: Some say It was. an emotiona not-so-'u ental people? and a nice Also if that does happen, ’ protected by copy‘nght and may he deciston. So what? Doesnt asense of place Inform usall?- B t idiqgldnl'tl , think of‘all Mm had edge why should one person's Nd only for pcrwnal nonwmmcr» And there was something quite rational about a decrâ€" F . I‘m . ‘0 e song, . . . cruel o ini on affect on? i i mi pur‘poses An other rights are sion that suggests Waterloo wasn't ready to be swallowed ofthis ovemight. l hadalmle And i admit this vorce know l'ge been 'ud a); and reserved and commercial use is pm- up by a city twice its size in population to have half the Inspiration. Last week i wasn’t the most amazmg. but th b n frlaidg to be ’“h'm‘ T” ”a“ “‘3 “5' “f 0'" - ' - fw .1 attended church With my it showed no fear and no en ee a mammal you mu“ rim om." the representation they now have. The Citizens 0 ate oo . ‘ _ . . . . . 4 . . . d _ family. Inconveniently, it note of embarrassment. At 1W again. mum of the (Miter of the copy- have a lengthy history of civrc engagement. as seen ur , . _ . . . Pm“ ‘ ed l t d l 1 t ed t a, We Will all be judged In i nzhl For further Information smi- ' he most recent rental housin licensin debate. seem .we came m a e an every $0118 15 en 0 '5 . . l « - B vm , ~ w- I mg I - - g g - had to sit at the back of the voice and couldn‘t he] our “va b‘“ when 't happens I ‘3" "l; 17235:“; N‘gj: Would that right to fight City hall be drowned out in a h rch Th . 1 f h k P it shouldn't affect us. You ‘ xiii-13:;- enmio'w'mé much ‘W’W‘dmtf'e? . . . ileum wire? “a“ .50 3323'"ii 3;? 555ml? don't want to miss Owen... The evidence that bigger Isnt always better Is also b . bl ' . h' nities in life because you're LETI‘ERS POLICY 1 quite apparent in jurisdictions like Toronto. 50 the cost ‘ 8:9“ "0‘ eing a elto enjoyable to lisntseend '10 t ls afraidofbeingludged ‘ letters I? We editor must contain [he savings argument didn't make much sense. see w ggwaéegginugmon, at mica; :1: in”) never That's why you mu 5‘ I :Jilizéflli‘m ""hflnzgzm‘ "‘5 This was about community identity, and thank goat Eire fitartgd to apayeelose minim threefiiial hymn shrug these MSW comments ‘ telephone numben are used only for nessWaterioohasahUlly ‘19“!!on sense ofself ' . . . . . 8 Off because we aren't that . v - h 7 _ q t ‘ attention to little details â€" curiosity got the better of me. . “mum" WW“ and m" m" $3632} l I. i i ‘ J a: i i i I "1‘ i; I: ‘7 "" h h‘ th I ld 't be knowin fragile and one minor com- . published Names in" not be With- _. £339: 35> 1 " ' ' ,1 t e are Itecture. e peop ‘3 i COU n ' {If “0‘ 8 sh 1 b I held We reserve the right to edit. con- §.' ,_ v x, 1 ‘ . . around me' the song lyncs who W38 um so loud Mm ment on“!!! WW“. I $313333 an) gliflgnnf: «i=5: ,7 ' ‘ 1‘ .1; and the voices singing the no fear. How could someone h We_oan inf: the; P95?!" ‘ h, “Mum h; ,1: .0 5.94am,” g I , ‘ a ‘ v ‘ :1 songs. All the songs were without a'great singingvoice ‘ 3‘ “a? 0 h an “a" 5 or by email to cdilon- " i " sung beautifully bl." one not be mandated in othef’s out pm and “PW ‘ I alfluaterlmxhromcle ta or by mail i . , . ' . A voice stood out. opinions? at. . iodwmcq m WWW mime" :1 {a I . ‘ . ' . “ i guess I alwaYs noticed â€"i turned around saw the ”WWW 12'5“ i I chtrSI N,Suitt mum. . . . . - - localede Braden! ()ntano N2] ms is - New » ; . .. ' , this voice but It really stood source of this ravishing voice

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